Author’s note: I have decided to post a letter to the editor of my local paper in response to an editorial titled: “No-brainer: require health-care worker vaccinations.” The position taken is self-evident and based on the premise that Canada ought to follow the lead of Greece and France where they have imposed such a mandate. The writer absurdly insists that the Provincial leaders in Ontario – the most restricted of all provinces – has been taking a “hands-off approach.” Such a requirement, the writer insists, makes health-care professionals duty-bound to put their safety on the line to address the slowing of those taking the jab. I don’t know about anyone else, but an authoritarian government seeking to force our doctors and nurses to have an untested gene therapy injected into their bodies does not compel me to become more sanguine about following suit.


Trudeau is obviously not the only one who admires China’s basic dictatorship. An editor calling for government to mandate that all healthcare workers must have an untested gene therapy injected into their bodies sounds a smidgen irresponsible and tyrannical to me.

I have a few questions for this writer and all who agreed with his dictate.

  • What is the efficacy of these injections?
  • What risks based on age and preconditions are posed by contracting COVID compared with getting the jab to warrant the suspension of choice and bodily autonomy?
  • If “unvaccinated” doctors are willing to risk losing patients by refusing the needle, what business is it of anyone’s?
  • When people choose not to get the injection, why should the “vaccinated” inject (see what I did there) themselves into the choices of others?
  • If individuals are convinced the needles save lives, why insist everyone else must receive it? If they worry about catching COVID from the “unvaccinated,” why insist they be forcefully imposed?
  • Were you aware that unlike genuine vaccines, many of the spike proteins in these experimental gene therapies travel throughout the body to the heart, brain, liver, ovaries, etc. and we know nothing of the long-term effects?
  • Since healthcare providers are at most risk, most knowledgeable and have ready access, shouldn’t you ask why they aren’t getting the jab instead of trying to force them to?
  • Why are doctor’s being censored or fired for trying to make cogent arguments against getting the injection?

All of this is happening while the “vaccinated” are increasingly catching COVID. It appears that in Canada we are more committed to adopting a herd mentality instead of promoting herd immunity through living life and risking exposure to a virus that is, but for a few, on a par with the flu.



  1. Tom Bartlett says:

    I hear you. So far the newspaper has not printed it. If it doesn’t show up this week, I’ll know they once again want to make sure they can continue with their messaging unabated.

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