In what may not be my most provocative blog titles, but just might be my most incendiary, I wrote about a theory known as mass formation in an article titled, “Are You a Member of the Branch Covidian Cult?” The concept of mass formation is not new, but gained much traction during the Covid hysteria by a psychologist named Mattias Desmet. I won’t relitigate my case here, but suffice to say, it undergirds the premise that inspired my current series of posts.
For our purposes here, this theory offers a compelling case for how the majority of nations and populations within those nations were lulled into delusional thinking. The principles are spelled out in the attached post and I recommend you check it out for more context. I contend that it is astonishingly irrational to simply go along and allow virtually all vestiges of personal choice and freedom to be offered up to an amorphous state and their hand-picked expert class.
I’m reminded of the Aesop’s fable about the scorpion who convinces the frog to carry him across a stream with the avowal he would not sting him as this would kill them both. At the midpoint, the scorpion stings the incredulous frog who, just as he is about to croak, sputters out, “Why?” As he is about to sink below the water, the scorpion simply shrugs and says: “I’m a scorpion and stinging is just my nature.” Similarly, tyrants are going to tyrannize – and, you may be surprised to learn that those willing to commit extinction level atrocities are also notorious fibbers.
To my mind, the abandonment of God would alone explain the abandonment of reason, however I recognise that this explanation is deeply insulting to professing believers who went along with the dystopian charade. Regardless, I have written a glut of articles that explain how those who both proclaim and abjure God’s existence fell for this banana republic in a tailpipe. I will offer key highlights from those earlier missives as we journey into the past. Links to many of those former posts are provided.
- A lack of discernment about the nature and reality of evil. While we have former examples such as Nazi Germany, China’s “Great Leap Forward,” the gulags and atrocities of the Soviet Union, Cambodia under Pol Pot, Cuba, Venezuela, et al, I believe there is a western pride that we are too erudite to fall for such malevolence; after all, leftists believe they embody the apex of enlightenment thinking. For Christians, the existence and scope of pure evil is memorialized, prophesied and detailed in the scriptures along with end times revelations of a demonic one-world government. For those too blind to see, the infrastructure is in place and the pieces are moving on the board.
- A lack of discernment that a dark agenda being imposed by those seeking monopoly power would entice people into surrendering their rights through populist language and social pressure. Malefactors love to wrap their deeds in noble sounding platitudes like compassion and public safety – especially against a common enemy (a virus or human carrier). If Satan wants to exploit a deadly sin to twist evil into good, pride is the natural go to. After all, it prompted Lucifer’s fall and succeeded in the garden.
- Normies were crippled by fear over a propaganda campaign over a virus. This was leveraged to create mass compliance and while scapegoating those with the temerity to point out that the emperor had no clothes – painting us as selfish and dispassionate. As the masses huddled in terror under the spike protein of Damocles, liberties were whimsically stripped away. Slogans like “anti-science” and “pandemic of the unvaccinated” fed the hysteria, emboldened the expert class, and provided a scapegoat.
- Trust that compliance was the path back to normalcy. The circular logic from statists was that they were just as frustrated as the gen-pop by the draconian mandates and similarly hamstrung by the recalcitrant rubes who put themselves first. It didn’t matter that the goalposts kept moving. One of the truest memes ever created that circulated among the resistance was: “You can’t comply your way out of tyranny.” People actually bought into the premise that those willing to face job loss, criminal prosecution and ostracism were simply afraid of getting a needle. Never did the acquiescent consider that we were living out the Christian virtue of sacrificing not out of selfishness, but out of obedience and love for our neighbours.
- Blind trust in legacy and social media sources that were parroting talking points from the ruling authorities. The suppression and curating of talking points from our ruling class was treated as authoritative. Once they forced credible sources to the fringe, they convinced the normies that their banishment from the mainstream was the proof these sources were untrustworthy. It didn’t matter if “alternative media” was exposing data from state-approved that revealed alarming information our elitists wanted to keep hidden; whistleblowers could not be trusted to tell the truth because Caesar said so. This ensured an echo chamber where credibility was determined by the profile of a story circulated by Google, Facebook, the New York Times, the CBC, and all other corporate media sources.
- Finally, Christians simply forgot about sphere sovereignty and ceded the premise that rights come from man rather than God.
Misinformation alert: What you are about to read will cause “vaccine hesitancy.” It is both “misinformation” and true – what a rational society would have previously regarded as patently absurd. Extensive research revealed that when people learn they could die or be severely injured from a cure they never needed, “vaccine” intake rates drop precipitously. I plan to burst through the firewall of a carefully orchestrated campaign to inoculate you against the truth to promote a glut of “noble lies.” While sometimes the truth can hurt, occasionally, lies can kill.
- These were vaccines
These were just like the widely trusted vaccines we have taken for an array of illnesses that have consequently been largely eradicated. Reluctance reveals that you have been captured by debunked “anti-vaxxers” like Robert Kennedy Jr. and his ilk. Their efforts have undermined trust in health and science that and puts everyone at risk. Vaccines are the greatest safeguard against existential public health threats.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- Vaccines have garnered a reputation for safety and efficacy, so we are to trust that these shots are no different
None of the injections meet the common understanding of a vaccine – an attenuated version of a virus to create antibodies. The two main products (from Pfizer and Moderna) were based on mRNA technology that has never had wide distribution in humans. AstraZeneca and J&J shots differed in that they injected the toxic spike proteins into the body while the mRNA shots served as blueprints, turning the body into a spike protein factory. The determination to sell these mRNA shots as standard vaccines was a cynical attempt to garner trust through association.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- The language intentionally obscured the unique nature of the mRNA technology, even resulting in the CDC changing the definition of vaccine (to lower expectations) and the WHO redefining herd immunity (to eliminate the benefits of naturally acquired immunity
- Where the distinction was acknowledged, this was pushed as an improved technology despite the absence of human testing, however this article “CDC Real-World Study Confirms Protective Benefits of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines” has curiously been scrubbed
- In contravention of the Nuremburg Code, people were not offered informed consent about the risks, ingredients or technology, thus prioritizing mass “vaccination” over alerting the public of safety considerations
- One (or two) shots and you’re done
The injections were 95% effective at preventing one from catching or transmitting Covid. Depending on the selected pharmaceutical, either one or two shots offered full protection.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- None, since even those who created and marketed the product are since on a continuum of recommending ongoing “boosters,” most of which were merely reinjecting the same product for strains that no longer exist
Bold claims of this level of protection were always known to be false. When the data from the manufacturers had to release their data, their claims were proven fraudulent. The statistical claims were intentionally manipulated by conflating relative risk reduction (RRR) with absolute risk reduction (ARR). This meant that the promise of roughly 95% in real terms came out to 1% or less. The explanations of these different strategies are covered here. Not only that, there was no way to determine the long-term effectiveness and it was quickly learned that whatever benefit that was measured dropped off a cliff after a few months or even weeks.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- The fudging of numbers and actual data proved they were lying as no one would have taken an experimental inoculation with a 1% rate of efficacy that eventually dropped to negative efficacy where the injected were more likely to catch Covid
- After pushing for everyone to be “fully vaccinated” which, based on my last count, added up to 5 additional shots; a total of 7 jabs for those counting at home
- Justin Trudeau either knew they didn’t work or wanted to throw taxpayers money down a black hole since he ordered 400 million “vaccines” – enough for every Canadian to receive 10 shots
- Trudeau also advised Canadians to take whatever shot became available (including mixing and matching for products requiring 2 shots) despite 2 products being subsequently removed as unsafe due to causing blood clots
- The spike protein stays at the injection site
The Pfizer and Moderna injections were like any other vaccines which remains in the arm where the attenuated virus interacts with cells that attack the intruder and create an immune response. Anyone asserting that the spike protein in the mRNA jabs travels throughout the body is dispensing misinformation and must be silenced.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- They said so, and any expert who challenged their claim was viciously maligned and had their reputations rightfully attacked
The mRNA shots utilize nanoparticles that are specifically designed to travel throughout the body and cross barriers (blood/brain, placental) and to travel into the various organs. Canadian virologist and vaccine researcher from the University of Guelph, Byram Bridle, was the first or most prominent early voice to state that the spike does not stay in the arm. Worse yet, it is not known how long the spike protein continues to reproduce in the body. Testing has shown it lasting at least 18 months, the longest post-injection period that has been investigated thus far.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- The spike proteins have been found in all major organs and seem to especially congregate in the ovaries and testes, thus having major implications for reproduction
- Spike proteins are present in the breast milk of “vaccinated” mothers
- It’s not merely that the spike proteins travel through the body, but that the spike proteins themselves are toxins, thus damaging the organs that they enter as they travel throughout the blood
- We can and must “vaccinate” our way out of the pandemic
“The science” was stymied about what to do to stop this silent killer. The notion that any early treatments or prophylaxis could be found was a pipe dream. The only way to curtail the deadly rona was through injectables. Once introduced with much fanfare to a waiting world, we were reliably assured these shots could eliminate Covid altogether.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- The earnestness of the messengers and the consistency in the messaging – void of evidentiary proof
Both the exaggeration of this lab-created flu and the draconian mandates implemented were all part of keeping people physically and mentally enslaved. People would be groomed into accepting the premise that rights come from Caesar and this free-floating anxiety paired with social sanctions and ostracism were powerful tools of compliance. The restrictions could be extended for a year through the carrot of granting basic rights provided you show your “vax” pass. Coercion through intimidation, social pressure, ostracism, and making basic freedoms contingent on relinquishing bodily autonomy and medical privacy would diminish the ranks of the resisters.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- Since there could be no compulsion through an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to force an experimental injection on the public if there was a safe and effective option suggests they were incentivized to not find a safe and effective alternative
- The lockdowns and other suspensions of freedoms could not have been justified if there were available treatments
- We were not in suspended animation until an injectable was created, but not only were doctors disincentivized to find early treatments, but they were threatened and punished for their efforts
- The argument of reaching herd immunity to return to “normal” ignored those who already had Covid and otherwise had antibodies against the virus
- In addition, they insisted on jabs for those who already had Covid which is contrary to best practices since naturally acquired immunity is the gold standard that true vaccines try to emulate – found 27 times more effective
- They promised long-term safety and efficacy with no way of establishing either under “Operation Warp Speed”
- Recipients of the Covid jabs were getting the formula for the alpha and delta variants long after they had disappeared, thus clearly useless against new variants even if the shots worked to begin with
- Forced injections were justified to save lives and end the pandemic
Under the presumption that this was a pandemic and “vaccines” were our only way out, then anyone standing athwart this worthy endgame was compromising the health and safety of the public. Just like the other mandates, coercion and threats were an unfortunate, but necessary tool in the worthy goal of saving lives.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- The claims rely 100% on the validity of the premises presented to us, however proof was not forthcoming, thus providing no prima facie case
If true, there would have been standards and measures for means testing that would be presented transparently to the government including statistical evidence of the benefits and necessity of mass vaccination. They would study countries without mass injection to compare cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. None of this happened. When evidence showed poorer outcomes for the most “vaccinated” countries and better outcomes in countries like Africa with low injection rates, we were told confidently that this had nothing to do with the shots – but no explanation for the disparity was offered.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- The Hobson’s choice of jab or job meant that medical staff were laid off at a time when we not only had the purported crisis of a pandemic, but when other health emergencies were being neglected based on the singular focus on reacting to Covid
- The withholding of early treatments guaranteed elevated numbers of Covid patients
- Those patients who refused the injections were also neglected or denied care due to their status
- Many took the injections against their convictions to participate in life and were injured by the jab, thus erecting a potentially permanent roadblock to enjoying the freedoms they sacrificed their principles to experience
- Mandated shots caused relational divisions and financial conflict in marriages and parental relationships based on the impact of exclusion from normal activities
- Of necessity, this resulted in medical apartheid and a two-tiered health care system that we have always been told was immoral if not evil
- It ensured that there could be no control group to demonstrate the health of the “vaxxed” vs purebloods which despots trying to commit democide would work to prevent at all costs
- The inoculations are effective
The injections are up to 100% effective. Once you have received your vaccine, you will not catch or transmit Covid. In time, we discovered that the vaccines will not work unless virtually the entire population has received their shot since the unvaccinated can still transmit Covid to those who have taken the injection. It is still best to be vaccinated since even if the vaccinated manage to catch Covid, their symptoms will be far less than if they did not have their shot.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- The assurances of public health experts who combed through the data and were able to provide the conclusions that are too complicated for outsiders to interpret for themselves
Despite telling us that this was true, it was finally admitted under oath by a senior executive at Pfizer that they did not have time to determine transmissibility since they were “moving at the speed of science.” I thoroughly broke this down in a blog linked here. They admitted the purported efficacy quickly wanes after months and it is known that during the first 2 weeks after injection, one is more likely to catch Covid. This was admitted by their data collection that started 2 weeks post-injection. Much of this has been covered, including the manipulated stats used to sell their bold claims. This time we are going to look at the implications arising from their lies.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- Every politician, health agency executive, media personality, celebrity, etc. who stated the mantra that the injections guaranteed immunity were either lying or venturing an opinion based on blind faith or parroting talking points
- Those in charge were privy to this fact, so their calls for lockdowns, division, economic devastation, and entire justification for “vaccinating” out of a pandemic was merely a tool of social control
- Vaccine pitchperson and former head of Planned Parenthood, Leana Wen advocated lifting mandates for the jabbed as a carrot to coerce those seeking freedoms without injections – and I’m not kidding
- The silence from these same sources showed they knew it was a farce or didn’t care because they made no apologies or corrections publicly and, if it were not revealed through a public hearing, there is every reason to believe they would have tried to keep this from being shared
- Despite the failure of the jabs, bivalent shots are still being recommended – including for infants and those with no risk from catching Covid
- In June 2022, Canada stopped tracking cases by “vaccination” status as they were exposing that those in hospital were primarily “vaccinated”
- The inoculations are safe
Since we start with the assumption that the vaccines saved millions of lives based on the suppression of symptoms, any Covid related case or hospitalization would have been worse without the shot. Even if death resulted, this only means that the victim would have died anyway and their circumstances were beyond the reach of medical intervention.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- We repeat – the vaccines reduced symptoms and trying to link any injuries or deaths to the shots rather than Covid or some other ailment is to draw an unproven link between correlation and causation
Just like the exaggerated claims that the shots were safe and effective were fabrications, they outright lied about the safety. The injections were not properly tested before being rushed out and the data they had and hid would have nullified mass injections. All who approved the Emergency Use Authorization, promoted them as safe, and/or applied pressure and threats to get compliance were pushing product in contravention of horrifying safety signals. The lack of investigation into injury and death and suppression of stories reporting injuries and deaths demonstrate nefarious motives – making the goal of eliminating “vaccine hesitancy” more important than access to genuine accounts from victims.
Evidence in favour of this theory:
- The FDA and Pfizer attempted to hide the data from the trials from the public for 75 years and it only saw the light of day because of a hard-fought legal battle
- The severe injuries and deaths are astounding and have been summarized by a team of 3,500 experts who pored through the data and released it
- VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) data showed incredibly high rates of deaths and injuries, far outstripping all previous vaccines combined over decades
- When there was public outrage over the high rates of deaths and injuries specific to the Covid jabs, the FDA insisted the system was unreliable, but this is only because it is estimated to capture less than 1% of the actual cases
- Similarly, the CDC hid their V-Safe until legally forced to release it; revealing staggering numbers of injuries – mild and severe
- William Makis has investigated the massive increase in the number of primarily young and healthy doctors dying, since doctors are required to have all recommended Covid shots
- Makis has also found an inexplicable rise in young children dying after they were being pushed to have the Covid shots
- Former Blackrock Financial Analyst, Edward Dowd, has been tracking the unaccountably astounding rates of young working aged people – the healthiest demographic – not due to Covid but since the introduction of Covid shots
- He has similarly analyzed the staggering spike in disability claims made to insurance companies since the “vaccine” rollout
- During Covid, there has been a suspension on autopsies based on the absurd claim that Covid is so deadly that the risks of catching it from a cadaver is too great, thus making it impossible to prove a link with the injections
- Despite this moratorium, Dr. Peter McCullough and a team of experts carried out several autopsies privately and discovered that in 74% of cases, the injections were directly due to or significantly contributed to their death; tellingly, “The Lancet” removed the peer reviewed study, claiming “the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology”
- Also found in autopsies is the presence of long, fibrous clots that bear no resemblance to anything seen prior to the introduction of these Covid shots
- The clear pattern throughout is that the pro-injection side is selling a narrative – often in contravention of reality and data. Conversely, those warning of risks are doing so based on signals and subsequent efforts to acquire and publish data that legacy media does not report on. You will note if you look up any of these subjects, that you will find vast swaths of “fact checks” negating the data – a subject I will be covering in detail in a coming blog.
Hot off the presses as I was writing this, Canadian researchers have confirmed the presence of a large quantity of plasmid DNA (500 times the approved levels) in the Pfizer gene juice. This has been now verified by Health Canada and was not disclosed by the manufacturers. With this product in the body, the risk of reverse transcriptase means that the DNA can actually change our genetic code – a concern that has similarly been mocked by the same media that doubtless are not reporting this finding.
The most striking matter of concern that persists is both the astonishing rise in all caused mortality and deaths identified as “cause unknown.” It is true that these have not been directly linked to the jabs and the pushers of the serum, but this is because they are deliberately not looking for it. The reason that “correlation does not equal causation” became number 1 with a bullet on the playlist for the jab pushers is because the numbers indict them. Lest anyone forget, they did all they could to link Covid to the “unvaxxed” and exaggerate the dangers. Ultimately, the CDC was forced to admit that only a fraction of the deaths blamed on Covid were actually from rather than with Covid and those who died had 2 or more comorbidities. This also ignores deaths from medical neglect, withholding early treatment, and deadly hospital protocols.
Literally books have been written on the spike in deaths since the rollout of the experimental clot shots. Anyone still sceptical of the role of the injections in the surfeit of unexplained and sudden deaths since 2021 and trusting the intentions of the administrative state – we’re not done yet.
And, let me remind you that absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence.