Based on the Democrat’s vaunted reputation for détente and decorum, Kamala Harris assured us – even before Arizona managed to curate its votes – that there will be a peaceful transfer of power to literally Hitler in January.

Before vote counting season comes to a close, I believe it is essential to do a deep state dive into what took place on November 7th and the implications moving forward. This will include lessons learned and projections regarding what we can expect based on my self-identification as an expert on American politics.

  • Democrats remain virulent misogynists. While the successful election of Barry Soetoro in 2008 and 2012 suggests that the pattern of racism at the birth of this nation which characterized the Democrats since slavery, through poll taxes, Jim Crow laws, separate but equal legislation, and similar initiatives may have subsided at least somewhat, their war on women continues unabated. Oh, and apologies to Democrats for whom my reference to “Birth of a Nation” might still sting.

     Lest we forget, Trump’s two recognised election victories were bookended by the first female candidates ever to win the right to run for the highest office.

Oops, I forgot that Kamala was selected because of her super-strong showing in the 2019 primaries. Again, my error. She was handpicked as VP despite winning no primaries and dropping out early. Thankfully, the Democrat decision makers were both more enlightened and qualified to tell the public who their candidate would be. It’s regrettable that the public failed to recognise the qualities of this cackling diamond in the rough.

Any Republican apologist who might also try to paint this as Democrat’s propensity to vote strictly for the filthy rich, don’t forget that they elected “Lunch Bucket Joe.” This established Biden’s bona fides as a fellow traveler whose shared credentials as a trucker made him a champion of the downtrodden blue-collar workers. Of course, some of his origin story is disputed would seem to be stolen blue collar valour. Perhaps it was also a tip off that he chose a bucket rather than a bag to transport his lunch.

Sadly, Harris was forced to sleep her way to the top, garnering patronage positions from Willie Brown in order to pad her political credentials. Sadly, the Democrats don’t yet have the stomach for a woman who is both poor and of ambiguous ethnicity.

Perhaps the unkindest cut of all – literally – was that the most treasured of women’s rights (to kill her child in the womb) didn’t even pass as amendments in blue states. There is no recourse for any free-spirited woman who finds herself punished with a child. If that isn’t an indictment of the leftist’s contempt for woman/people-kind, I don’t know what is.

Okay, it’s time to get serious and deal with realities rather than politically charged talking points. The true implications of what is at stake are far too serious for such trolling. I just wanted to make a point based on the reliance on narrative that has shaped far too many minds and poisoned genuine debate.

As usual, I believe context is needed here. When I deal with the divide between Democrats and Republicans (or “liberals” and “conservatives”), I am lumping the “progressives” that constitute the vast majority of the political class together as Democrats. This should surprise no one since the main premise behind my blog was that most of us are not radical leftists, however we have allowed them to exert unrestrained political clout to highjack and consequently shape and divide the citizens. The unibrow party in the US and Canada has captured our institutions, set us against each other, and been used as a rachet for social control. Those who play along (like an apparent majority of those who claim to be Christians) are useful idiots in the erosion of all that is good and godly.

Now, let’s try this again:

  • This is almost certainly the most consequential election of our lifetimes. Let me clarify that I am speaking as a Canadian and with a western perspective. My focus is on the global implications at play; knowing that for many nations, past and present, their elections may well have more direct existential impacts. Given the vast influence of individuals emanating from or leading back to the US, when the US catches a cold, everyone on earth ends up in containment camps based on a nasal swab.

The political class has been dedicated to taking over our institutions and, with it, the entire culture. This includes rigidly enforced ideological requirements that vigorously punishes dissenting opinions or even debate. Through mass censorship, compelled speech, state and ultimately global control over our basic rights and freedoms, the implementation of lawfare (unequal application of the law to punish political opponents), wealth confiscation, surveillance, and restricting or mandating every subcomponent of our lives (including bodily autonomy and the right to hold and/or express our personal and faith-based convictions), they have been corralling us into a prison planet. They seek to have us all subjected to the authority of an “expert class” who cannot be questioned and who have the power to activate our police and military to violate these constitutional freedoms. Our lunge toward dystopian mind-control, reeducation efforts, and criminalization of thought crimes and pre-crimes, including, in Canada, “enticing others to go to church,” has popularized the meme, “Make 1984 Fiction Again.”

Trump’s support came heavily from individuals of diverse backgrounds and ideologies who value the individual and our rights to freedom of speech, bodily autonomy, medical freedom, freedom of religion, the protection of children and our borders, and the complete overhaul (or in some cases, elimination) of the regulatory and administrative state. Some simply want relief from the wealth confiscation through ballooning taxation, growing debt, and frivolous spending that threaten their ability to provide for the basics. Many are sick of the transgender and similar ideological deviancies that predominantly impact our children. A growing number want to restore constitutional freedoms and constrain leaders to not overstep the enumerated rights that the founders granted as outside God’s authority – and they are few indeed. In short, they are anti-tyranny and demand that those in authority confine themselves to the constraint of evil by upholding the good.

Right out of the gate, Trump’s election bodes well for the priorities of both sides. His promise to dismantle the deep state, slash spending, and declassify the corrupt actions government has taken against its citizens heartens those seeking truth, justice and freedom. Conversely, merely by being elected, the hard left has stumbled upon a win-win for those who either support or oppose the slaughter of the innocent in the womb. There is a growing movement among the activist feminist fringe to commit to not having sex while Trump is in office. This solves the “unwanted baby” problem without bloodshed. Confidentially, I don’t mean to boast, but I have been recommending this for a very long time.

  • The Democrats want corrupt elections because their objective is the acquisition and exercise of power, not free and fair elections based on the will of the people. This is not to say that they are not determined to dogmatically shape our will (see above), but they use the levers of power as a weapon of subjugation to entrench themselves even more. To have their machinations exposed would be to potentially set back their efforts to control our minds and our movements by decades. Worse yet, people could come to see how vapid and evil their ideology is and they risk never snatching the crown jewel of winning the culture for Satan.

     I understand that this may sound extreme, but I have made this case in several previous posts; that while there are a multitude of nuances to competing worldviews, they all come down to one of two options. Either we are submitting to God or giving ourselves over to the demonic. There is the subtlety of sowing distrust as Satan did in the garden, whispering “Did God really say?” Once people start to question the truth of God’s perfect wisdom, societies devolve to the point where they no longer recognise truth or even know what a woman is.

To verify my premise that Democrats want an election process that allows them to steal, simply look to what we saw during the stolen election of 2020. For any conspiracy theorists who still somehow doubt the theft, I will walk you through this.

     Countless examples of voting fraud and anomalies were offered at the times with several specifics of how the electoral steal was accomplished. Documentaries such as 2,000 Mules, Absolute Interference, Selection Code, The Deep Rig, and Who’s Stealing America? itemize and show the receipts. By contrast, the Democrats made baseless allegations that Trump stole the 2016 election, offering neither proof nor investigation into vote irregularities. After all, when you are the one cheating, you don’t want the forensics team searching through your house. Alternatively, at no point did the Democrats or political operatives in either party insist that there was any cheating in the 2020 or 2024 election. In fact, we were repeatedly assured that the 2020 election was safe and effective (sorry, wrong script) – the most secure in the history of US elections.

The argument for open borders is a perfect illustration of this principle. Porous and unguarded borders guarantee a complete inability to police just who or how many are gaining access into the country. Rather than making the case that immigration numbers should increase through a robust effort to beef up manpower and efforts to vet candidates at the approved ports of entry; their policies profit coyotes, drug cartels and sex traffickers who exploit the lack of border enforcement.

Let us now look at the Democrat approach to elections:

  1. The use of electronic voting machines allows the vote to go into a black box where the vote can be manipulated. Despite the probative value to politicians as a means to spend taxpayer’s money for expensive and inefficient products, there are more troubling features. For example, they can break down (say, in certain locations and at certain times), be manipulated (through internet access, using source codes, use of algorithms to favour one candidate and handicap another), be used to process the same ballots several times, switch votes, spit out or fail to process certain votes to allow someone else to “adjudicate,” quickly process boxes dropped off with no chain of custody or signature verification, etc.
  2. Refusal to purge voter rolls of those who have died, moved, or are otherwise ineligible to vote. This paired with no voter ID, no signature or address verification – as well as allowing illegals to vote – guarantees legal votes are nullified by those exploiting these intentional loopholes.
  3. Blocking conservative poll watchers from scrutinizing the receiving and processing of ballots by locking them out, covering over the windows with construction paper, sending conservatives home on false pretenses (for example, like a burst pipe) while leftists stay behind and count.
  4. The use of early voting and mail-in ballots which allows ballot box stuffing, midnight drops of ballots, and normalization of the practice of needing to count votes in battleground states until the votes inextricably switch from Republican to Democrat.
  5. Denying access to the machines and/or purging the evidence to deny the prospect of a forensic audit.
  6. Accepting ballots postmarked after the election or with no postmark at all (including mail-in ballots that inexplicably have no creases).
  7. Charging and sentencing those who do their duty of preserving the voting rolls.

This is not speculation, but is captured in the documentaries listed above. Even if we were to concede that they did not intend to cheat, their determination to implement all of the above leads the public to reasonably question the results because they are corruptible by design. In 2020, people were not even permitted to question the results and doing so led to punishments ranging from censorship to imprisonment.

It is not like the 2024 election was pristine, but this time around there were pre-emptive checks and balances in place to restrict much of the fraud. Some additional methods, however, were exposed to replace the former strategies. These include:

  • The ability to purchase and make endless copies of ballots with no watermarks using stock paper
  • Source codes for a majority of voting machines in one state was leaked by a Democrat who did not even report their “error” until several days after it was exposed
  • Some state judges ordered that voter rolls could not be purged and illegals must be permitted to vote
  • A “failure” to get ballots to overseas servicemen (who vote heavily Republican and are most deserving of all Americans to have voting rights)

The radical plan proposed by defenders of election integrity include consists of:

  • Accurate voter rolls
  • Paper ballots, signature verification, and hand counting of ballots – no electronic voting machines
  • Same day, in person voting (with the singular exception of overseas military votes)
  • All voters must show ID and have the legal right to vote
  • Direct scrutiny by poll watchers of various political stripes
  • No destruction of ballots until long after the election has been verified

If you’re still not convinced, riddle me this: Where did the additional 12 to 14 million people who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 go? See the linked chart and note that while Trump’s votes were higher in 2020 as well, they are very consistent with the results of 2024 – and don’t forget that no Democrat claims that Republicans cheated in either election.

  • Trump’s election proves to threaten an entire infrastructure of corruption and infiltration that, if purged, will cobble the political left’s effective campaign to remake society into their demonic image. To the extent that this new administration upholds righteousness and Christian principles, we can expect a tectonic shift in the culture. When one side has taken control of every institution to further an agenda that they could never hope to sell to an enlightened public, the backlash is bound to be spectacular and global in its impact.

     By way of an example, consider the account of Ninevah in the Bible. Jonah is sent by God to inform them that their destruction is imminent due to the depth of depravity that had infiltrated every aspect of their society. They were facing a Sodom and Gomorrah level extinction or regional flood style of judgment and for the same reasons that God enacted his judgment then. Instead, they turn to God in mass contrition and are spared. We know that, until the massacre carried out by Muslims, Ninevah became a repository of Christianity that survived for centuries.

Any approximation of a return to God through repentance and rededication to their puritan roots could impact nations around the world and lead to widespread revival. The US rode for a long time on their reputation as a city on a hill where individual freedom and rights thrived and all could pursue their respective “American Dreams.”  While I don’t wish to exaggerate and can’t possibly claim to distinguish between genuine political promises, dream casting, or mere posturing, I can say that many have awakened to the globalist plan of total control, so the public also has a stake in holding them to account. The number and courage of dissenters willing to boldly stand athwart this darkness and to point back to God are large and growing. Furthermore, Trump’s administrative picks thus far suggest that he is both more aware and sincere in his claims.

  • A full-bore campaign of sabotage will ensue from the deep-staters and their allies; both ideological and anyone brainwashed by their narrative. To imagine that those who have invested so much time, energy, resources, and our tax dollars into bringing the world into subjugation are not going to shrug and say, “Well comrades; at least we tried.

     One of the reasons I am so blunt in my characterization of what is going on is that we need to not waste time cogitating over how sincere the globalists were or console ourselves with the notion that winning an election means we can simply course correct and move on. We need to expose the darkness to sunlight and root it out. The Nazis, Bolsheviks, Chi-coms, and dictators of various stripes needed not only true believers, but the passivity of those who insisted they were only following orders or kept a low profile in hopes the deep state carnivores would eat them last.

It is not simply that we saw a resurgence of heroes, but we were treated to the depths of cowardice that got us here. As Thomas Jefferson sagely remarked: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” We (and by we, I mean Christians – including myself) have not been at our posts and pushing back against evil. We were told that we should leave our faith outside the door as we move into the public sphere. We did, but those serving the whims of the enemy did not. It is impossible to be salt and light – let alone a Christian – and so compartmentalize your faith that you can pick it up and set it down based on circumstances. We were called to suffer and face persecution and anyone living in these times who has not at least faced hardship for defending Christ is not engaged and their inactivity is enabling the march of evil.

Please understand this! We must understand the harsh side of what it means to have the enemy exposed and backed into a corner. We know they have been bankrupting us while enriching themselves and have implemented a plan for our enslavement to ideological conformity with an anti-life, anti-human, and anti-God objective. They have sought to separate us from our neighbours while also seeking to cloister us into 15-minute cities with full surveillance and restricted mobility. They have activated the police to arrest us for exercising our freedom of speech and bodily integrity. They have poisoned our bodies through pharmaceuticals and the deliberate corruption of our food, water and air.

They have intentionally undermined the family and all other institutions by stoking animus, distrust, lust, selfishness, greed and indoctrination. The greatest victims are our children who have been trained to reject God, their parents, objective truth, science, and their own bodies. While censoring the expression of opinions, debate, and any perspective that contradicts their twisted philosophy and “truth” claims, they have not just removed any obstacle to our children being exposed to pornography, they have made it central to their “education.” They have deliberately dumbed them down both through not teaching them the rudiments of the 3 “r’s,” but via miseducation and training them to become activists for their agenda.

They have made children fearful that man is destroying the planet by causing climate change and told them they would kill grandma if they did not stay away and/or get an experimental shot that is all cost and no benefit. They imposed social isolation and pushed our children into electronics to exacerbate the harm and indoctrination.

They knew that every covid mandate was unnecessary and expanded their power while killing and maiming vast numbers of the population. They have used lawfare to punish dissent and cause people to retreat and self-censor. This was all done to build the infrastructure for a depopulation initiative while informing us we will own nothing (and be happy), become slaves, and/or be subjects in their transhumanist experiment.

Bearing this in mind, how likely are the globalists to simply hand off the baton. I haven’t even gotten to the greatest threat beyond exposure. What has been done constitutes capital crimes that more than warrant the death penalty. While I believe some will be terror stricken and may well become whistle-blowers and there will be a great deal of finger pointing, many would rather take their chances than go against the global mafia.

Everyone who is committed to rooting out the corruption will face insurmountable odds – including assassination attempts which we know is not beneath them. Ask Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr.

None of us can afford to be silent and we need to be prepared to sacrifice all if we hope to preserve any future for our children. There is no cause for fear as God is in charge of everything and none will escape his judgment, but the judgment will not just be for the wicked, but the cowards – remembering that cowards top the list of who will be thrown into the lake of fire at the time of judgment (Revelation 21:8).


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