Rest assured, I did not stutter and the title of this article reads exactly as intended. The rationale will become clear in due time. For some much-needed context, I believe it is essential for me to summarize my personal journey regarding my attitudes toward Donald Trump from when he first announced his candidacy for his first run and leading to present day.

Knowing that Donald Trump had been a lifelong liberal Democrat who rubbed shoulders with the most troubling figures in politics, entertainment, and similar well-heeled insiders, I opposed his presidency. I feared he might be a simply indulging his inner narcissist to garner attention. Had I the opportunity to vote, I am quite certain I would have stayed home on election day. Ted Cruz had my allegiance not only due to his conservative bona fides, but his ability to articulate them and debate his ideological opponents.

Trump did express some policies I clearly supported – such as building a border wall – but politicians have long made empty promises and I didn’t trust his commitment or capacity to deliver on his signature issue. That said, I found myself strangely invested in the announcement that Trump had won, not for the good he would do, but because of the devastation I was certain would redound under a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Once in office, I found myself both impressed by how Trump fulfilled several of his promises, while simultaneously frustrated by his compromises and tepid to outright contemptable cabinet appointments. His bold talk of “draining the swamp” did not accord with his flaccid compromises with the Democrats and RINOs. These facts did nothing to tamp down my outage at the lawfare carried out against him. I am convinced that Trump would have barely left a mark were it not for how he exposed the ruling class and media as well as the pleasure he took when he bucked convention to spite his enemies.

I very much wanted him to win in 2020 because the stakes had risen drastically after Covid was released. While Trump irresponsibly handed his Presidency over to Fauci-Birx causing much devastation; I was certain that he did so out of ignorance. On the other hand, I was sure the deep staters represented by the Democrats were acting malevolently to maximize damage, control, and wealth confiscation. You can wake up a sleeper, but demons need to be exorcised. My concerns were borne out on the ground.

I was absolutely certain the 2020 election was stolen based on the infrastructure created to guarantee widespread voter fraud and the censoring and persecution of anyone questioning the results. I knew the brashness of the steal was borne of desperation and the only question was how much of this determination was to cement their power and how much was to prevent exposure.

That said, when 2024 rolled around, I eschewed the cultists on the #nevertrump and the Ever Trump sides. They were two sides of the idolatry coin. His detractors ironically were more likely to defend the abuses during Covid, but failed to acknowledge his foreign policy and job growth (at least prior to Covid). Conversely, his acolytes couldn’t explain why they vilified Ron DeSantis (Presidential candidate and Florida governor) who was solid on all the social issues they supported and was the first to end mandates at the same time that Trump maintained that the shots saved millions of lives. I was aggrieved to see the options being proffered by both sides.

Then, Trump was grazed by an assassin’s bullet.

I heard the man that insisted he had never done anything for which he needed forgiveness (something never mentioned in the pro-Trump Christian echo chamber) that he felt – as I did – that God intervened that day to save his life. After this, the Trump who had been equivocating and walking back his pro-life and other laudable positions became more sober, serious and focused. When I heard his cabinet picks, I became enthusiastic and hopeful; finding myself breathlessly waiting to find out if his supporters would show up in numbers to ensure the election was too big to rig.

Since January 20th, no person regardless of their politics would claim Trump has been doing the Biden shuffle into office. He has flooded the zone, tackling so many issues that finally the legacy media and Democrats party apparatchiks (but I repeat myself) have finally been caught flat-footed. They cannot hope to gain traction on any issue as the Trump train is moving too fast. Those not in full retreat are on the defensive as even their smears are not landing as they’d come to expect.

This is what I am referencing by the promise of revelation. The dominoes are already falling. It is obvious that Biden’s pre-emptive pardons of his family members, Anthony “I am the science” Fauci, and the J6 committee means they know that retribution is imminent. Furthermore, the momentum is so significant against the RINOs that they are being forced to vote against their own self-interest by granting Trump his cabinet picks. The public pressure is so intense that Senators and Congress are being forced to listen to their constituents; knowing that failing to do so will result in them being primaried. Furthermore, they will not be shielded from the fallout and can only hope to feign integrity in hopes the gators eat them last.

Wokeism is on the chopping block as is the “climate change” fraud, money laundering (via the Ukraine war), waste, fraud and abuse (through agencies like USAID, the Pentagon, the Department of Education, etc.), the pedophiles (through border security and the Jeffrey Epstein client list), and the globalists (the UN, and banksters). Finally, the actions of supposed public health agencies (the FDA, CDC, NIH, NAIAD) will be forced to show their work and face scrutiny for their lies and failures. I believe that Big Pharma has rocky times coming on the present trajectory; especially once Robert Kennedy Jr. hits his stride.

Based on the signs so far, this is not Trump 2.0, but Trump Mach 10. This is a circumstance that never would have happened if the 2020 election was above board and Trump was not nearly shot dead on live television. The state of affairs, had the assassination attempt succeeded, is far too dark and destabilizing to consider.

In referencing a revolution, this could come from either side and/or culminate in a civil war. Clearly, what Trump is enacting thus far is undeniably revolutionary. What surprises me is that, knowing the desperation of the globalists and the acolytes who have been going peddle to the metal for total control have been surprisingly muted in their response. I expected them to release the kraken and turn the country into a wasteland of devastating contrived violence. This unexpected circumspection causes me to speculate on a few possibilities of what is going on.

  1. Secrecy and coercion have been major sources of their power. I am absolutely certain that these reprobates have carried out their corruption through bribery, blackmail, threats, intimidation, and lawfare. They rely on intimidating and isolating in order to impose their will. They were blindsided and believed in their own press – that they were omnipotent and would never be exposed. Now, they are not so sure and know that their actions could turn the surveillance lens back on them.
  2. Self-preservation. As they say, there is no honour among thieves. The globalists relied heavily on propaganda, chaos, coercive pressure, and subterfuge to wield power, but when the ship starts to sink, these godless reprobates will jockey for their spot on the lifeboat if they see exposure and retribution may be imminent. As the saying goes, when you are being chased by a bear, you don’t have to be faster than the bear; you just need to be faster than the other guy.
  3. They can’t keep up. There is no way for them to protect all their flanks and, in fact, many of them will have different priorities in the desire to protect their hides. Furthermore, they doubtless know that their protestations and attempts to thwart the threats to their power may lead to unwelcome attention that may move them up the list for scrutiny.
  4. They are relying on the institutions they have captured. The so-called justice system has already become their favourite means of pushing back. Soros-selected judges are claiming that their judicial authority can supersede the powers constitutionally granted to the Executive branch. Of course, this may go well beyond ideology and may be because they are compromised (see point 1). This alone could trigger a full-blown revolution.
  5. They are planning something catastrophic that may well lead to mutually assured destruction. Their desperation and determination to avoid any accountability might make them unhinged enough to go scorched earth and take everything down.

Given all the roadblocks being thrown up, it is clear to me that, more than anything, the RINOs, Democrats, their ideological sycophants, and the institutions they have captured are in a war against transparency.

     It is because of the final point that I add the second “revelation;” referring to the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation. It has not escaped many in the remnant church who have been observing the trends that much of the foundation for the fulfillment of Revelation has been laid. The global conditions that exist makes this eventuality increasingly more likely as well as the instability that threatens us.

I want to be very clear that I don’t pretend to be prophetic or clairvoyant on these matters. This is well outside the purview of any human and, and Christ informed us that not even he knew the hour. Conversely, we are told to keep watch and to be prepared whatever may happen. There should be a boldness among believers the more we progress toward a looming precipice. We must not be shaking in our boots, but stirred into wakefulness and courage to proclaim the gospel to a perishing world.

Before closing, I want to spend some time addressing assertions made herein that some might seek to leverage to characterize me as a Trump cultist regardless of my protestations. Here would be my response.

First, I believe that what is or is not exposed is solely in God’s hands, as is evidenced by my troika of possible outcomes. If I didn’t believe that, I would have simply titled this the Revelation of Trump. God uses deeply flawed vessels and his ways are well beyond human comprehension. The fact that there may be a threat of exposure is not the same as crowing that the cockroaches will not succeed. Furthermore, Trump or those in his administration that I have deemed trustworthy may be compromised and not live up to the aspirational status I currently afford them. My assessment is based on what I observe and within the context of what I is knowable and/or based on my discernment of the circumstances.

Secondly, I believe there are genuine reasons to be cautious, especially when it comes to the role of Elon Musk and the DOGE team. Some justly express concerns about the access that they will have to the private information to people in the US and abroad. I believe this apprehension is justified.

That said, there are several considerations that demonstrate why many presenting this warning are disingenuous in their pearl clutching.

  1. Government has long been engaging in mass surveillance and exploiting these powers to censor, punish, and otherwise impose hegemonic power over the citizenry. Such abuses are what have brought us here and anyone invoking this argument while ignoring this fact smacks of desperation and sanctimony, not integrity. The rationale for circumspection regarding DOGE is far more applicable to those in power.
  2. We are in this place because the state has reversed the relationship with the public; treating us as employees to be managed while placing themselves beyond public scrutiny. The DOGE team is bringing to light what deep state actors have been doing in the shadows to serve their own agendas while crushing the citizens. DOGE promises to do a great reset on the balance of power that has been off kilter for a very long time.
  3. Concerns over potential abuses by DOGE can be corrected through establishing parameters and strict accountability over any attempt to overstep their authorized role. If anyone can offer a better solution that will root out the malfeasance and not rely on the mechanism of DOGE, it should be presented. Merely pinpointing the potential for abuse is not grounds to shut it down. Sunlight is essential.

Finally, we need to look at what the Trump administration is already enacting as well as the response from his detractors and the fourth estate. The proof of Trump’s motivations and claims to transparency are best understood not based on projections, but what he is actually doing. Let’s look at the Jeffrey Epstein files and the investigation into J6 as examples.

While the “release” of the Epstein files was underwhelming, the rationale should cause us great concern. Pam Bondi turned over what was given to her and it was information that was already released to the public. As I write this, Bondi has sent a letter to the new Director of the FBI, Kash Patel, demanding the release of all the content that has been withheld (files, communications, video, etc.)

This tells us a couple of things.

First, we know that the brass at the FBI deliberately engaged in a cover-up on the Epstein investigation. It has long been established that there was recording equipment throughout the Epstein compound and the FBI collected all that was on the island. Presumably, what was found was so damning that both Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell were charged for child sex trafficking. Based on the failure to follow through with further charges, we are left to believe that, curiously, the children were not trafficked to anyone. The dearth of content provided to Pam Bondi is insufficient to lay any charges, let alone drive Jeffrey Epstein to #killhimself in prison. This brings us to what are clearly the three most plausible explanations:

  1. Top bureaucrats in the FBI are on the tapes and they are naturally doing everything possible to keep their heinous deeds from being exposed.
  2. The FBI leadership has used the content as leverage against the rich and powerful for their own purposes and, given what they are covering up, their agenda is too dark to imagine.
  3. Globalist powers used Epstein Island as an operation to ensnare their opponents in order to blackmail and control them in order to force society to adopt their priorities, enrich, and empower them.

In any case, the FBI is clearly corrupt and are more than happy to ignore the plight of the most innocent and vulnerable; thus, not only are they not trustworthy, but they should be behind bars if not Epsteined.

For anyone prepared to claim that the Epstein investigation ensnares Trump, there are a few problems with your thinking.

We would have to believe that Trump voluntarily opened this Pandora’s box only to out himself for sex crimes against children. If the argument is that he wants to expunge his actions, then why put such a spotlight on the release of the files? This would also mean Kash Patel, Pam Bondi, and the newly assigned Deputy Director, Dan Bongino would collude to cover Trump’s sexual abuse of children. If these considerations are insufficient to establish Trump’s innocence, consider what explanation remains.

Apparently, the same FBI that Kash Patel has stated he wants to purge, if not raze the agency, calling for many to go to prison, decided it would be impolitic to release details of Trump’s sexual crimes. Instead, they participated in conflated impeachment attempts over comparatively absurd and disproven charges. They hid the evidence that would indict Trump and Trump is trusting that the evidence was destroyed during the Biden administration and not hidden.

As for the J6 investigation, we have not yet heard much on this. What we do know is that Trump controversially released all J6 prisoners and continues to assert that the election of 2020 was stolen. Furthermore, he put Kash Patel (the man who wrote and narrated the documentary, “Government Gangsters” which so exposes the FBI that it has been labelled a Fedsurrection in a position to review the evidence and lay charges. In a completely unrelated detail, the former head of the FBI (Christopher Wray) resigned after Trump’s win despite his position being 7 years into a 10-year term where he could not be ousted. A cynic might think he had something to hide.

We all know the censorship and persecution of those who even questioned the results of the 2020 election. With this in mind, I would ask anyone convinced that the election was above board and anyone disputing this is denying reality, I have a few questions for you:

  • Why would Trump and Patel keep this myth alive while they are now in office and relitigate an election that was above board and not only serves no benefit, but would only reveal how wrong they were?
  • Why release the J6 prisoners if their punishment was deserved, given that this only emboldens those who claim that Trump is being authoritarian? Isn’t allowing the release of those justly imprisoned for an insurrection needless baggage to take on?
  • Why did the J6 committee seek and accept a pre-emptive pardon for their role if they were perfectly following the evidence and have nothing to hide? They have not even been charged, but clearly feel threatened. Why?

Time will tell what comes out of any investigation into the 2020 election and facts about the role of the FBI and potential lawfare against J6 prisoners. That said, there is nothing to be gained by relitigating or keeping the spectre of a stolen election alive if there is no fire behind the smoke. On the other hand, exposing such monumental fraud from the Democrats, RINO Republicans, judges, media, and those who trusted the “safest and most secure election in history” will forever undermine their credibility and demand election integrity laws be put into place. After all, if the narrative is true, then every prior election was even more corrupt.

Whatever the eventual outcome of the what is exposed under the Trump administration, I believe that whether this is a time of revealing, a revolution, or fulfillment of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, this is a “come to Jesus” moment for all. Whether you are among the politicians, “journalists,” celebrities, administrators, doctors, etc. who may be in the crosshairs of this administration, or are more of a “run of the mill” sinner, now is a good time to come clean before God as he is the only true hope you have.


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