A classic “Far Side” cartoon shows a group of scientists behind a one-way mirror where a group of people are milling about. The caption from the lead scientist to his team reads, “Yes, they are all fools, gentlemen…But the question remains, what kind of fools are they?”

I have promised to cut through the nonsense and not waste time disputing self-evident realities. No one, whatever their political views, can seriously dispute that we are being living under a ruling political class that have assumed hegemonic authority over the citizenry. Consequently, I will waste no time on preposterous pretenses that we have the freedom to live our lives liberated from authoritarian control characteristic of a banana republic.

Even if some held to optimistic illusions that some form of a democracy existed pre-Covid, this notion has clearly evaporated as of 2020. We are therefore not debating whether or not our earthly rulers are dictators, but the question remains, what kind of dictators are they? They are the technocrats behind the glass determining what kind of fools we are.

For any who did not recognise that “1984” was a cautionary tale against oppressive government instead of a “how to” manual; war is not peace, ignorance is not strength, and slavery is not freedom. If the erosion of basic freedoms somehow eluded you since 2020 BC (before Covid), this trip down memory hole lane should convince even the most hardened sceptic.

In a country – or solar system – not already captured, we would not need to assess whether bondage to the state might be for our own good. I would be nonplussed by how a people so determined to “throw off the shackles” of rule by God in favour of subjugation to a group of global elitists seeking to monitor and restrict their every move, but I’ve read the scriptures and looked beyond the vapid talking points of godless leftists and into what they actually do. In fact, I thoroughly debunked these fallacies in my posts found here and here.

Since so many have succumbed to the siren song of freedom under enslavement to the state (including vast numbers of those who profess allegiance to God alone), I have come to bury our would-be Caesars, not to praise them. I therefore do not seek to find a way to find some nuanced virtue behind the darkness that has enveloped us, but to shine a light on the cockroaches.

As I endeavour to take a balanced look at the competing sides based not on emotion and rhetoric, but truth and facts, I want remind those holding a favourable view of the authoritarian approach of one key point: This isn’t about you. You may be sanguine about cloistering yourself off from your grandparents, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbours, children, etc. You may be first in line to receive the latest fast-tracked injection and don the full hazmat apparel to retrieve your Amazon order. You may socially distance yourself to your heart’s content and I won’t stop you. When you approve of the subjugation of those who demur from obedience to the diktats of global leaders is to deny their very humanity. It means you negate the premise that life is precious and therefore even worthy of protection. Treating people as a collective without the right of dissent without persecution, ostracism, and being barred from mainstream society is a denial of our what it means to have inherent worth.

For those unfamiliar with the term, an oligarchy is defined as: “a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes.” This means that I intend to not only make the case – based on evidence – that the mandates were not necessary, but that this was a power grab to benefit a group of wealthy elitists with a god complex.

You are, of course, free to not hear out my case, but I am similarly at liberty to charge you with being apathetic to the welfare of your fellow man. This would naturally destroy any pretence that the efforts to enjoin everyone to comply was out of selfishness and or fear and exhibited blatant indifference to your (in many cases, former) friends and neighbours. As I have often said, my problem with those who have implicitly or explicitly endorsed the mandates is not that you simply place so little value on your own freedoms, but that you are contemptuous of the freedoms of others.

  1. Covid origins


Covid originated from a bat or pangolin in a wet market in Wuhan and was definitely not engineered by man. In fact, pointing out that it came from Wuhan, China is racist.

Evidence in favour of this theory:

  • Evidence involved the de facto suppression and derision of anyone claiming it leaked or was released from the Wuhan Institute for Virology as “misinformation”


The suppression of debate over origins was the first signs that those behind the messaging and Covid response were untrustworthy. If the man granted the full authority to orchestrate the response to a viral outbreak was himself responsible for funding the creation of the virus he vowed to eradicate through global enslavement, people might have had questions and would have been outraged by the subterfuge. Those who handed him the reins and helped to hoist him up as a hero while burying any evidence in support of the lab leak theory are either useful idiots, or willing partners who are complicit in corruption.

Evidence in favour of this theory:

  • Investigation and email exchanges acquired through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests proved that the funding of the gain of function (genetic engineering of a virus to intentionally infect humans) was indeed funded by Anthony Fauci and that he colluded to keep this from coming out and even lied under oath
  • It is now a risible fringe position to still posit the preposterous wet market theory, yet there is no admission of wrongdoing or investigation of Fauci for the blanket censoring of those who were accurately reporting on the lab leak evidence by the media, politicians, etc.
  • A simulation of a coronavirus outbreak was game-planned out 4 months prior to the announced Covid outbreak in an exercise known as Event 201 (funded by Bill Gates) where various world leaders coordinated a scenario involving lockdowns, this points to a campaign of fear-mongering to entice the public into unquestioned compliance with mandates


There were patents from Moderna and the CDC on the specific spike proteins found in the coronavirus dating back decades before Covid was announced, showing that not only was the virus man-made, but that the “cure” was created long before the announcement of an outbreak

2. A “temporary” state-imposed lockdown was instituted for 2 weeks to “flatten the curve.”


This was a necessary intervention to prevent a massive outbreak that threatened to overwhelm the hospital system as we were trying to come to grips with this new unknown pandemic that caught us completely unawares. We needed breathing room to collect data and assess the best means to contain this Wuhan virus.

Evidence in favour of this theory:

  • Messaging from government, media, and health sources affirmed that this was the noble rationale behind this measure


Governments were testing the waters of public compliance by stoking fear and claiming unprecedented authority over their autonomy. This was a foot in the door for a demand for greater concessions that paved the way for more draconian measures that have since been released and/or are in the works. It also served to keep people isolated, divided, and immobilized by fear.

Evidence in favour of this theory:

  • The lockdown continued unabated as it transitioned into 2 more weeks to “stop the spread” before being established as the new normal through perpetually moving goalposts
  • It was already being made clear from early on that seniors and those with comorbidities were solely facing any genuine danger, yet the lockdowns were imposed on everyone
  • There were numerous TikTok videos of nurses engaged in choreographed dances while the hospitals were reportedly overwhelmed with Covid cases and I have attached a brief compilation of our front line warriors who endured the greatest health crisis in living memory
  • Makeshift hospitals, built to handle the “overflow” of cases, went unused while it appears that the Covid patients were transported to select hospitals to create the impression that the pandemic was unmanageable while actual hospital admissions were way down
  • There were no updates based on data collection during this moratorium that we were told was intended to assess the threat level and take appropriate actions
  • For the first time in history, healthy people were being isolated based on the presumption of being ill
  • In time, when case numbers did not rise to the dire computer modelled projections, the media transitioned to speaking only about cases
  • Nothing was said early on about the prospect of naturally acquired immunity even though that has been the key to getting through every other viral spread and is precisely what any vaccine is supposed to simulate
  • While facing a “global pandemic,” our governments coordinated in tandem with legacy and social media to stoke rather than assuage anxiety – even while the data revealed that the fear being propagated was not commensurate with the threat

3. The Covid test


     Covid tests would be effective at preventing spread from those who were still asymptomatic and therefore keep the public safe.

Evidence in favour of this theory:

For the first time in history, people were tested to find out if they were sick and the tests verified that we were dealing with a silent killer


The tests were never designed to verify if one was currently infected with Covid and, even if they could be trusted, there had been no proof that asymptomatic spread was actually possible.  This was used to inflate the Covid numbers to justify the extension of the mandates and efforts to limit, control, and track our movements while keeping the flames of fear burning.

Evidence in favour of this theory:

  • The inventor of the “test,” (Kary Mullis) made clear that the test was not designed to find an active virus and could be manipulated to find anything and he was also a major critic of Fauci for inciting baseless fear during the AIDS crisis
  • The test could not distinguish between Covid and the flu and, curiously, the complete drop off in flu cases in 2020 perfectly tracked with the commensurate spike in “flu-like symptoms” with the introduction of novel coronavirus cases

The cycle threshold (number of times magnified) guaranteed that there would be huge numbers of false positives, so the “tests” were manipulated to exaggerate case numbers


  • The testing fed the paranoia that everyone could spread the virus and no one was safe
  • Hospitals were financially incentivized to test everyone for Covid no matter what their complaint and further incentives ensured Covid was listed on hospital admissions and death certificates to again pad the numbers and, BTW, the CDC eventually admitted that deaths directly resulting from Covid were 1.7% of the official numbers of Covid deaths
  • After the injections were rolled out, the standard at most businesses was to only test those who did not get the “vaccine,” thus feeding the narrative that this was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”
  1. Lock down the schools and “non-essential” services.


Lockdowns of smaller businesses, gyms, churches, etc. were potential super spreader scenarios. While children were recognised as not being at risk from the virus, they posed a profound risk to their parents, teachers, and grandparents even without symptoms. These steps were essential to contain the outbreak and keep the at-risk population safe from those who would unwittingly or intentionally put public safety in danger.

Evidence in favour of this theory:

  • There really wasn’t evidence, merely a premise that was taken at face value with no supporting data offered


Lockdown measures did not comport with any previous response and was an unjustified over-reaction based on the actual numbers and restrictions placed on populations known to be at statistically zero risk of catching Covid. The whimsical enforcement of standards managed a massive wealth transfer, impacted food and supply chains, and caused economic devastation among the middle and lower classes while playing on people’s fears. The withholding of health services for anyone who did not have Covid (or where people neglected their pressing health needs by not risking exposure) and ignoring of mental health impacts demonstrates, at best, reckless indifference to the physical, emotional, social, academic, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing of the community. It favoured the privileged and made the common forms of interaction into a danger – including the usurpation of government over the sphere sovereignty of the Christian community.

  • The lockdowns were limited to small businesses while keeping large box stores open which merely transferred wealth to the entitled class and decimated the general population
  • Not only did the policy reduce options for shopping and thus force people into select box stores where there would be more crowding, they even roped off sections of the store by dictating what merchandise might be deemed essential or non-essential – getting people to lower their expectations and facilitate an apartheid system
  • Gyms, parks, beaches, and other recreational areas were closed off and arrests were made for engaging in activities that would actually promote public health – especially as the outdoors were never found to be places where the virus could spread
  • While places of worship were forbidden (while abortion clinics, liquor and cannabis stores were allowed to be open – with this extended to casinos and strip clubs in the US), Christian churches alone got undue attention by the imposition of massive fines and arresting of pastors (which incidentally was also applied to open air services and while sitting in cars in the church parking lot)
  • Protests for George Floyd and pro-Ukraine rallies – with the distinguishing feature being their disruption, looting, rioting, and vandalism – were permitted, while simple family gatherings and the eminently peaceful Freedom Convoy rally (intended to return our pre-Covid freedoms) was met with brutal police state tactics and the freezing of bank accounts
  • The mass gatherings that did happen never resulted in the outbreaks they warned would happen and the focus was thus directed only on the non-compliance and not the false premise of containing the spread of the virus used to justify restricting our freedoms
  • It caused devastation on the social, academic, developmental, and emotional wellbeing of children and young people; making them more vulnerable to messages of fear and hopelessness
  • Many videos were leaked of our political leaders partying without the constraints they set on the rest of us, demonstrating they knew they were lying and carried the smug assurance that that they would not face the consequences for what they imposed on the rest of us (see: anarcho-tyranny).
  • The spike in deaths after the injections were introduced was blamed on lockdowns causing delays in early diagnosis and treatment, so the governmental and public health authorities admitted killing people through lockdowns to conceal the carnage from their “vaccines”
  • A document titled, “The Great Barrington Declaration,” created and signed by esteemed doctors was released in November of 2020 suggesting that society should open up with protections focused solely on the elderly and high risk patients, but they were actively stifled and denigrated by those setting and benefitting from the mandates
  1. Social distancing, hand sanitizing, plexiglass barriers, contact tracing, and directional arrows


By keeping us perpetually 6 feet apart, we could all be at a highly reduced risk of being unwitting victims of someone with an active case of Covid sneezing or otherwise projecting the virus onto us. Directional arrows helped to ensure people didn’t pass by each other and risk infecting others who might otherwise inadvertently intrude on the designated health standard.

Evidence in favour of this theory:

  • No evidence was ever offered for this policy and it was revealed by Dr. Scott Gottlieb that the 6-foot standard was arrived at arbitrarily by selecting from the opinions of various “experts” who deemed that requiring 10 feet was untenable; but there never was any scientific study to merit or test the efficacy of this standard


The spacing rules were intended to keep people from gathering together and exposing that the threat from the virus was minor – especially compared to the threat from governmental tyrants. The other measures were intended to generate fear and anxiety as well as offering a measurable compliance test. The paucity of those willing to defy mandates, even the ones they knew to be foolish, and harsh and exclusionary attitude shown to any dissenters helped to stoke division and facilitated friends and neighbours to be enforcers in the furtherance of the statist agenda.

Evidence in favour of this theory:

  • The measure was used to limit people’s ability to get together and therefore effectively aided with keeping people from discussing the absurdity of the measures or organize protests – especially with the censorship and monitoring of social media
  • It helped to generate fear of one another by creating the impression that friends, family and relatives as potential spreaders despite having no symptoms along with messages that they were not “in this together” with those who were doing “the right thing”
  • It allowed the justification for shuttering small businesses and severely restricting other more interpersonal venues that aided in destroying businesses, increased dependence on government, disruption to interpersonal relations and support systems, enriching the wealthy classes, and promoting despair and isolation
  • The hand sanitizing also fed the panic and actually served to decrease one’s natural immunity to keep case numbers inflated since this – as well as lockdowns – impede our body’s natural immune system from doing its job
  1. Mask wearing


Masks would protect individuals from viral spread and would give one a greater sense of security that they would be safe from infection. In time, the message was altered and mask wearing was a a courtesy for the wearer who was protecting those around them while those who refused to mask were endangering the responsible citizens by spreading their germs.

Evidence in favour of this theory:

The messaging on masking was ever-changing and the studies used to validate the wearing of masks was late in coming out and was challenged for the shoddy methodology and bias of the researchers


  • Mask wearing was the most visible sign of compliance and virtue signalling – serving as a means of inciting conflict between the masked and unmasked
  • Studies had proven for years prior to Covid that masks were ineffective at preventing the spread of an aerosolized coronavirus because the holes were too large to trap the virus
  • The narrative from Anthony Fauci changed from admitting that it might block droplets, but was really unnecessary and changed weeks later to a requirement revealing this to be no more than orchestrated messaging
  • The CDC boldly announced, then meekly recanted, that people should wear masks to stop the spread of Monkey pox once they were mocked for this recommendations since Monkey pox is spread by touch and is not aerosolized
  • The arbitrary shifting from any mask starting with cloth masks, bandanas, face shields, then disposable procedural masks, then layered masking, then N95 surgical masks with each update nullifying the previous facial covering du jour, thus proving this was never driven by science
  • The Cochrane Review conducted a meta-analysis of 78 mask studies and over 1 million people established that no masks furnished any measurable benefit and, while it was completed in November of 2020, it was not released until February 2023 and was under-reported when it did come out
  • Masking worked to elevate anxiety – especially in children – and also severely hampered their social, developmental, and emotional development while also restricting the oxygen to the brain which more significantly harmed children
  • Masks trap bacteria, thus increasing the likelihood of becoming ill – especially when the mask is regularly touched, adjusted, becomes wet, and is worn for hours on end
  • Masks clearly served as risible talisman, especially when patrons entered a restaurant masked and removed it when seated – with absolutely no critical thinking or rationality behind this ritual


  1. Early treatments and prophylaxis


The health experts were completely caught off guard by this mysterious virus. They needed to be certain before making recommendations of any kind of treatment that might be ineffective or exacerbate the condition of the individual who caught Covid. Attention was primarily focused on an injectable “vaccine” that would get us quickly to herd immunity and obliterate Covid altogether.

Evidence in favour of this theory:

  • The previous standard of care since time immemorial was thrown out the window as people were told to go home until they were ill enough to be hospitalized and this state of affairs was unchanged until the newly developed (at warp speed) inoculations were rolled out because – science


Early treatments would have treated symptoms early and nullified the efforts to generate panic porn that fueled a pliant citizenry. Waiting for more severe symptoms ensured that people would need to rely on health care professionals that were directed to implement the one-size-fits-all protocols that were intentionally life-threatening. Medical neglect and malfeasance served to boost the Covid numbers, thus priming people for greater authoritarian control and grooming them to accept an experimental injection.

  • Poorer countries used repurposed drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to great success in terms of lowering the number and severity of Covid cases
  • Despite the above, these drugs were mocked and not only did not get recommended, but were actually blocked from distribution and could not be prescribed or pharmacies refused to fill these prescriptions
  • The accusation was never that these drugs didn’t work, but there was insufficient proof that they worked
  • With this in mind, the health agencies, governments, etc. did no testing for the efficacy of these drugs, only ensured they could not be given out to treat Covid – even while there were trials done showing great success and these were ignored
  • Doctors were fired for giving out these drugs despite seeing major recoveries and families fought in court to be permitted to have family members receive these drugs – consistent with medical choice as well as allowing the chance to test for efficacy on willing patients
  • The protocols used at hospitals that withheld the safe and effective options involved the costly drug, Remdesivir (a drug that was pulled from use on Ebola patients because it caused massive rates of renal failure) and intubation (which guarantees a death rate of 80-90%)
  • The FDA and media falsely called ivermectin “horse paste” because, like most drugs, this drug created for humans and given out to over 1 billion people – as well as being on the safe and essential drug list from the FDA – was also adapted to be used on horses
  • The “vaccines” that were rushed out without proper testing under Emergency Use Authorization could not be forced on the public if there was no safe and effective early treatment – thus suggesting the drug industry and others who financially benefitted had good reason to not have an alternative
  • The rushed “vaccines” were known to carry a much higher risk than safe, repurposed drugs that had a year to be properly tested, so public health administrators at the FDA made claims of safety and efficacy (including long term) that they could never back up
  • An increase in Covid deaths would help to fuel panic (if that was the goal) and withholding early treatments; keeping people locked up and masked, and incentivizing a deadly hospital protocol (since hospitals were paid handsomely not for successfully treating Covid patients, but following the protocols to the letter)
  • This and much more was covered thoroughly in this article I wrote which provides the receipts as well as more dark facts

This is only part one as I still have reams of evidence to further debunk the presumption that this was ever about public health and safety. While this alone should be more than enough, there is a treasure trove of evil demagoguery yet to be exposed. I welcome anyone willing to challenge anything I have addressed so far.

Until then, Ephesians 5:1.

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