Rest assured, I did not stutter and the title of this article reads exactly as intended. The rationale… Read more REVELATION, REVOLUTION, OR “REVELATION”

Rest assured, I did not stutter and the title of this article reads exactly as intended. The rationale… Read more REVELATION, REVOLUTION, OR “REVELATION”
As the faux President of the United States stumbles and mumbles across the finish line, we have been primed to… Read more PARDON YOU? PARDON ME, BUT THAT’S NOT HOW THIS WORKS
Based on the Democrat’s vaunted reputation for détente and decorum, Kamala Harris assured us – even before Arizona… Read more INDICTED FASCIST WRESTS POWER FROM MIDDLE CLASS BLACK WOMAN
It had not yet been a full year since we changed our global status to “in a relationship… Read more “SHUT UP!” THEY EXPLAINED
Orchestrated or not, disparate voices have been increasingly insinuating the spectre of a potential civil war into chat rooms, around… Read more SAME KOOL-AID, DIFFERENT GLASS
In my previous post, I addressed the cosmic absurdity of naturalistic evolution. Despite the non-existence of evidentiary support for this… Read more BY THEIR FRUIT
Once upon a time, in a pre-galaxy billions of years ago, there was a perfectly timed explosion ushered in by… Read more NATURALISM: A FAIRY TALE
Recent events have prompted me to reevaluate my entire take on what I perceived to be machinations by… Read more OUT OF THE RABBIT HOLE; THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS
In what may not be my most provocative blog titles, but just might be my most incendiary, I… Read more MASS COINCIDENCE OR MASS DEMOCIDE