Leftists in the U.S. became outraged over Governor Ron DeSantis signing into law a bill that would prevent GLBT indoctrination in Florida for children from kindergarten to Grade 3. In what they labelled the “Don’t Say Gay” law; prominent voices caterwauled about the grave threat that DeSantis’s actions would bring about. More than anything, they resented that the governor had labelled those committed to forcing this indoctrination as “groomers” and, much to their chagrin, the label stuck. The activist left isn’t used to being on the defensive, but presume the right to own the message and frame the terms for social issues.

One would think that Disney would have no mouse in this fight since the entire empire was built on a reputation of producing high quality child and family friendly content. Their theme parks have thrived as the Cadillac of innovation and entertainment. Whatever his personal shortcomings, Walt Disney set out to preserve the innocence and sense of wonder in children. This is the very foundation that GLBTQBECONTINUED ideologies seek to undermine. The determination to shoot themselves in the foot with the rainbow gun, however, has even greater unintended consequences.

  • By destroying the innocence of children, they are forcing a trajectory where their content will be for a more select audience. If they offer content that is geared toward family friendly fare, they will probably lose those who have been corrupted by sexualized instruction since the material will be too tame. If they pander to the children immersed in this agenda, they will lose the traditional family. Over the years, we have already witnessed an intentional effort to tack toward sacrificing traditional families at the altar of grooming and wokeness.
  • Homosexuals and those adopting the transgender lifestyle cannot produce children. They are creating their own obsolescence by in a very real way, participating in the sterilization of their target demographic.
  • The quality of storytelling and overall administration of Disney will continue to dwindle because they are not seeking the best qualified candidates, but those who fit the company’s agenda. When hiring is done based on one’s gender, sexual preferences, and commitment to influencing and corrupting children, the quality is bound to suffer and the entertainment value will inevitably plummet. When you are seeking to shoehorn ideological aspects into your stories, they will stop being pleasurable and light-hearted fare where audiences can lose themselves in a captivating story.

It’s not like Disney was backed into a corner and were forced into a binary position of making some kind of impossible Sophie’s Choice decision over what child to sacrifice to the rainbow jihad. They opted to come off the sidelines to enter a culture war where no one would have deemed their participation necessary. This is not about failing to act where children were being endangered, but actively deciding that children were not in sufficient danger and, garsh, they intended to do something about it.

Furthermore, if Disney did want to engage in active grooming on the QT, they could have decided to be subtle about it rather than turn the spotlight onto their masterplan. They pushed in all their chips in the cause of demanding that schools promote the alphabet agenda on children 9 and younger. In fact, they had an out if anyone did press them to get involved by insisting that they are an entertainment company and has nothing to do with k-3 curriculum.

In what has become a public relations disaster, the decision by the top brass at Disney, openly challenging the Governor’s order has already exacted a huge cost. Disney has seen an almost $50 billion drop in stock value along with losing large numbers of subscribers to Disney+. This is after losses to their park and film revenues resulting from the lockdowns and COVID restrictions that, ironically, were far less onerous in Florida thanks to Governor DeSantis’s efforts. This, however, is only the beginning.

The publicity over this sparring match between Disney and DeSantis has gone beyond them merely donning the scarlet letter “G.” A whistleblower released the content of a company wide zoom call from Disney executive, Karen Burke. In the video and audio recording, she states that she is the proud mother of “two queer children. One transgender and one pansexual.” She touted her agenda to make 50% of Disney characters LGBT and visible minorities by year’s end.

Many may not have been aware, but Disneyworld has enjoyed preferential treatment that granted them tax exemptions in Florida because of their role in promoting family-friendly entertainment. With their pronouncements and flexing in favour of wokism, a bill has also been passed to revoke this advantage as their actions have demonstrated that they no longer provide the social benefit that qualify them for this exemption.

This imbroglio has only exposed the erosion that has taken place for a long time. This is especially relevant during this time of monopolistic governmental control under the guise of COVID. It exposes some glaring failures of the church to be bearers of truth and light. Please be patient while I endeavour to circle this square.

We have been told by those insisting on COVID compliance that our duty is to obey government without questioning because of Romans 13. Failure to jump on board was unloving and not honouring God; thus, hurting our witness. They were so sure of their position that the majority severed contact with any who were not sanguine with blind compliance to Caesar. This is what joins these seemingly disparate points.

Governor DeSantis, as a prominent governmental authority, does hold sway over the people – at least those residing in Florida. The reality, however, is that his governing strategy is at odds with virtually every other politician from either the Republican or Democrat parties. Most are either afraid of the backlash from the rainbow connected or agree with their celebration of conduct that our Lord clearly defines as sin. His public position got so much attention because he is going against the prevailing tide.

With regard to COVID mandates, DeSantis, along with a handful of other governors, long ago relaxed many of the mandates in contravention of pressure brought to bear by the federal government and their approved “health experts.” Essentially, some state rulers are bucking the kinds of restrictions being pushed throughout the U.S., Canada, and many other nations. My question is: How do the advocates of compliance reconcile the fact that some states and governments can depart from COVID orthodoxy in ways that favour the rights and freedoms of citizens while others can turn up the mandates to 11. What does it mean to be obedient to government when so much is contingent on an individual’s geographic location?

I’d like to offer a series of questions that have implications in light of the actions of Governor DeSantis and the larger consideration of what it means to obey earthly authorities.

  • If a federal and state (or provincial) government gives divergent guidance, which is the believer expected to follow?
  • How is a Christian expected to meet the Romans 13 standard if their provincial and federal requirements are at odds?
  • Would a Christian be unloving by following the guidance of a provincial leader who concluded from their experts that the mandates were unnecessary or dangerous rather than the federal leaders who insisted that they were essential?
  • Does God care what type of leader is in charge? Is he just as content with a David or Saul? Josiah or Ahab? Stalin or Churchill?
  • Is DeSantis the problem for not conforming his governance with the zeitgeist? After all, if the public is wrong for defying leaders under the presumption that they are protecting the public, is DeSantis putting Floridians at risk? What about the huge numbers of people moving to Florida because of his policies?

Christians too often have a skewed understanding of their role in society and have been duped into abandoning their primary calling out of deference to government appointed “experts”. We seem to forget that Satan’s plan is about removing God from his rightful throne and situating himself as the object of worship instead of the only true God. The enemy exploits the very nature that Christianity is to be a bulwark against – the sins of pride and selfishness. His ploy dates back to the garden when he seduced Eve with, “Did God really say…?”

Our duty has ever been to be salt and light to the culture. Our promise of persecution rests on the assurance that we will clash with the demonic forces operating in the world. We are not called to be winsome, but to win some from the clutches of Satan; a task where success is dependent on being a contrast to the evil in the world. We have ceded all our institutions to the God haters who now tell us that we need to shut up or get in line with their perverted worldview or be marginalized as intolerant. They have turned reality on its head, calling evil good and good evil (sound familiar)? Those who hate anyone espousing Christian virtue label Christ followers as haters: the very people called to hate the sin and love the sinner. They politicize ethics, then tell us we are to withhold our views because Christians should not be engaged in politics. After this self-immolation, many in the pews now remonstrate against any not willing to submit to the spirit of the age that were victorious because of our silence.

DeSantis stands out and is routinely attacked because he is the most prominent political voice in the west standing up for Christian values. The fact that this involves engaging in a culture war over protecting innocent children from being prepped to be molested demonstrates that we are starting deep in our own end zone. Anyone who doesn’t know that this debasement and worse is happening in Canadian public schools only shows how out of touch and apathetic we have become.

Consider the fact that under Trudeau’s leadership:

  • The federal Liberal party was purged of anyone who did not support child murder through abortion.
  • No organization unwilling to denounce pro-life values could receive student grants. They are currently pressuring the CRA to remove tax exempt status from Crisis Pregnancy Centres and pro-life groups.
  • It is now illegal to counsel anyone with gender dysphoria or homosexual urges from “de-transitioning” (aka living consistent with their biological gender). Counsellors who defy this can be charged even if an individual directly requests their help.
  • People can be charged for “misgendering” (calling a male a man and a female a woman) if they have a false view of their identity. Parents can have their children removed from their care if they don’t affirm their child’s gender dysphoria and/or aid them in mutilating their bodies in an effort to put feelings over reality.
  • Our media is not permitted to present facts that contradict the prevailing government narrative. While it is referred to as preventing “disinformation” and “misinformation,” the government applies the standard based on how well a story comports with leftist orthodoxy. This determines what stories can be reported and with what spin.
  • A journalism licensing system is to be created so that government can determine who can and cannot be accredited. This is on the heels of the Trudeau government paying journalists who report favourably on his policies over $600m in addition to the 100’s of millions annually paid to the CBC. They own news dissemination.
  • The Freedom Truckers were labelled “anti-science,” “racist,” and “misogynist.” They were stripped of the right to peacefully protest after the government invoked the Emergencies Act based on lies of them committing violence and bringing weapons to Ottawa. Bank accounts of donors to the convoy were frozen. Trudeau suggested that those who opposed the mandates should not be tolerated and were not true Canadians.
  • Jobs and professional licenses were lost or threatened, social gatherings (including weddings, funerals, graduations, family events and national holiday celebrations) were denied. The right to travel was withheld. Schools, small businesses, gyms, churches, parks, playgrounds, arenas, etc. were closed. The Nuremburg Code and Canadian Charter Rights were violated to force the public to take an experimental gene altering injection that has proven to be dangerous and ineffective.

My point is that many professing Christians are earnestly calling for submission to state authorities while doing nothing to even seek to influence the culture. I’m pretty sure that scripture has something to say about us being salt and light – I just can’t seem to recall who said it. Hmmm.

Given all of what we are now learning, it should be no surprise that 4 Disney employees were among over 100 arrested in a child trafficking sting operation. I guess no one can accuse them of being hypocritical in their promotion of child grooming since they live what they preach.

The fact is that Disney’s drift mirrors the cultural drift. The content being put out has been increasingly less family friendly and, in many cases, is a thumb in the eye of Christian and family values. They clearly felt emboldened to come out in favour of grooming without fear of a backlash from the church. My question is: Why does a politician understand better the role of government according to Romans 13 (to be an obstacle to evil and promotor of good) while regular church attendees fail to distinguish a Justin Trudeau from a Ron DeSantis.

Ultimately, we have all been groomed into accepting the notion that the best way to ensure that we are not forcing our beliefs on others is to let the godless take the lead.

In unrelated news, a leaked verdict from the U.S. Supreme Court revealed that Roe v Wade is expected to be repealed based on a 5-4 decision. The justices that had the temerity to say that states can individually decide whether baby killing should be illegal instead of the state mandating that children be offered up to Moloch have faced threats from frothing mobs wanting to carry out 5 extremely late term abortions. Based on this, a couple of questions come to mind.

First, how is it that we have been so corrupted that these bloodthirsty radicals have been able to create the impression that they are compassionate and mainstream while opposing child killing is deemed indefensible?

Secondly, can someone explain how child sacrifice can muster such forceful opposition to protecting life while Christians have failed to counter the prevailing messaging that made abortion legal in the U.S. since 1973 and in Canada since 1988? We certainly could have been a powerful and respectful force in the defense of innocent lives from this Satanic level of evil? How do we explain this failure on Judgment Day?

Pro-aborts can’t even pretend to be honest. Their claim to defend bodily autonomy was never true as they, like most of the church, were more than fine with demanding that everyone submit their bodies for the experimental clot shots. The fact is that God gave us freedom as he gave us immune systems.

Those who advocate for abortion do so, not because they believe in choice and bodily autonomy, but because they claim the right to have their desires supersede the rights and interests of others. Abortion is a selfish act that is almost always based on convenience. This is not to deny the hardship of the hard cases, but we are talking here about those wearing their “Ask Me About My Abortions” t-shirts. We are not dealing with principle and nuance, but a desire to control.

Similarly, the messaging about why everyone must follow the mandates is consistently about selfishness. People comply under the belief the mandates are “safe and effective.” When they demand everyone else sacrifice their principles, it is because they too have a duty to keep you safe. If they actually respected the individual, they would not pressure them into getting jabbed. You don’t need to sever ties with those who you think are risking their own lives, but out of fear that being in their presence might kill you. Those refusing the mandates don’t fear others regardless of their status and they don’t demand you adopt their anti-mandate view.

Another particularly telling example of what a godless culture that is given over to the spirit of the age looks like, consider the newest member of the Supremes, Ketanji Brown Jackson. When Republican Senator, Marsha Blackburn asked Jackson, “Can you provide a definition for the word, woman?” the startling response was, “No I can’t. Not in this context. I’m not a biologist.” There are a few troubling considerations behind this brief yet perplexing response.

First, the assertion that she could not provide an answer was not a truth claim, but a sacrifice to the trans-embracing left. Ketanji Brown Jackson is proof that she is disingenuous. Joe Biden stated that he would nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court. I can state with almost complete certainty that no one asked Brown Jackson if she was a woman before putting forth her name. If someone did ask, what do you think her response would have been? Would zhe have insisted upon a consultation with a biologist before giving zer answer?

Secondly, what is meant by “Not in this context.” What is the context to which she was referring? Might it have been that she was interviewing for a position on the Supreme court and didn’t want her words to be used against her as she engages in judicial activism from the bench by rendering decisions on trans rights that contradict truth and reality? This is no different from Winston Smith in Orwell’s book, “1984” where he is tortured to give the government mandated response that 2+2 =5. She does not believe what she said, but knows her role as an agent of social change in the furtherance of an agenda. Everyone involved in this circus knew the right answer, but pretended they didn’t.

Finally, the fact is that biology is precisely what tells us there are only two genders – because there are only two sexes. People are binary and biology sheds light on what is true regardless of one’s subjective feelings. Hormone blockers and surgeries don’t make gender malleable, but only prove that one is attempting to subvert biological reality. If someone is born with male and female genitalia, then this is simply the acknowledgement that these are the two available options and the individual has the genitalia of both sexes. Just look at some of the other letters in the gender confused alphabet. Gay and lesbian labels tell us of how one prefers to have sex with someone of their own sex – male with male and female with female. To be bi or pan-sexual isn’t even a gender, but a pronouncement of your sexual feelings for both sexes. Transgender means you are a male who feels they are in a female’s body or vice versa. Their own language is self-contradictory, but they want to lead us along to agreeing that 1+1=lampstand.

Anyone finding this intolerant or insulting is not claiming I am contradicting reality, but only hurting feelings. The issue is not whether some may feel gender dysphoria for different reasons, but we don’t affirm untruths to assuage emotions or surrender logic to pretend that they are making a truth claim and call that “science.” This is precisely how science gets corrupted and, with it, truth itself.

DeSantis has further distinguished himself by being the only Governor in the U.S. to not recommend injections for infants and toddlers up to 5 years old. Again, he is following science and seeking to protect the young which is precisely what governments – and Christians – should be doing. I say that if any believer wants to submit to a government authority, it ought to be someone like Governor DeSantis. We should be pressing our leaders to carry out their God-given duty. This frees us up by influencing the culture and following the kind of leaders that are doing what God called them to do.

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