At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one such child in my name received me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes! And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.” – Matthew 18:1-9

Shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Sting, former frontman of The Police, released the song, “Russians”. The premise behind this emotionally charged anthem is that the USSR would never turn the cold war into a hot war if Russians’ love for their children was on a par with that of the U.S.

Based on this utopian sentiment, one would imagine that the west’s celebrated love of children has had time to spill over to the godless commies since they have been freed from their oppressive state. Dare I say, I think we have been seeing an inversion of those principles and for the same reason that communism was, in an earlier day, seen as an imminent threat to life and freedoms.

The problem under the Soviet state was not simply their indifference to the welfare of children, but their devaluation of all human life. This could only happen once God was ejected from their institutions and their nation. Loyalty was to the state and they have adopted a rigidly and brutally imposed secular orthodoxy. That should be food for thought for all believers who have selectively cited Romans 13 as a duty to submit to the whims of government diktats.

The danger came not just from a fearful populace who had lost hope – in addition to basic freedoms and human rights – but from propaganda and indoctrination. Pravda ensured that news was confined to state approved stories and perspectives. Filmmakers and artists were restricted in what they could create for fear of arrest if they went against the controlling powers. Children were poisoned against their parents – especially those who did not conform – and they were even rewarded for reporting on their “wayward” progenitors.

A coordinated effort was made to blame the decadence and greed of the west for their own misery. They essentially owned western media by keeping out any negative coverage. Famously, New York Times reporter, Walter Duranty, reported glowingly on this communist paradise. He eliminated any reference to the mass starvation and imprisonment of Russian citizens and “dissidents” because honest coverage would have severed his access to Stalin. He even won a Pulitzer for his mendacious writings and this honorific has never been revoked. Keep in mind that socialism and communism were promoted among elitists who sought to adapt this utopian into the western milieu.

It was political prisoner, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn who most effectively exposed the starvation and the gulags in his writings. In 1978, Solzhenitsyn delivered a commencement address at Harvard. The purging of God was clearly in full sway when the Russian author of the Gulag Archipelago reflected on the Soviet atrocities and argued that the west was on a similarly dangerous course because we had forgotten God. For his earnest call to push against moral and social collapse, he was booed by graduates in attendance.

I have linked some highlights from this infamous speech and I ask you how his words and all the above conditions of that time are not true – only more so – in our present age. Reflect on the fact that those young people who looked with such contempt on the notion of a return to God are now grandparents and retired professors, judges, politicians, lawyers, have furthered the warp speed transformation to a not simply godless, but God hating culture.

Atheists and other heretics who want to either discredit or twist scripture to suit their preferences always do so by taking biblical teachings out of context. Similarly, we can’t simply go full-on Walter Duranty and whitewash the realities of our current circumstances to take away our responsibility to be informed and, as needed, to act. If one takes scripture out of context, they risk remaking their faith to comport with their personal peccadillos.

When it comes to holding people accountable for their actions, we know that ignorance of the law will not protect us. If you are not already disturbed and outraged by what I am about to raise regarding the corruption and flagrant assault on our children, you cannot slough it off by pleading ignorance. As I addressed regarding the censoring of those killed or injured by the Covid-1984 clot shots, ignoring the victims does not make you innocent, but redoubles your culpability. Similarly, Christians are duty-bound to pursue truth where it may be found and live out our faith accordingly.

  1. Our schools are intentionally eviscerating the innocence of our children.

     I guarantee your school has books in their library – if not part of their core curriculum – that openly presents debased and crude sexual content. Sex education is introduced in a way that is graphic and not appropriate to your child’s age. When former Premier, Kathleen Wynne first attempted to pervert our children’s curriculum, the effort was exposed and faced a parental backlash. She learned her lesson and reintroduced the content covertly and without fanfare at a later date. Parents are now being told not only that they don’t have a right to have their child excused from this degenerate and unbiblical instruction, but they don’t even have the right to know when the odious material will be injected.

In fact, high school teens will be given access to condoms and taught either directly or implicitly that sex outside of marriage is normal. Those who would hold to such antiquated views of fidelity are bound to be ridiculed and marginalised by peers and school administrators. Should a teen become pregnant and be afraid to tell their parents, teachers can counsel and take your teen to have an abortion without you even knowing.

Recently, some long overdue attention was given to the sexualization of our children when extremely disturbing advertisements from fashion company, Balenciaga. In one ad, they have a little girl posing with a teddy bear wearing bondage (BDSM) attire. The abuses did not stop there as there are images showing children with wine glasses prominently displayed a law book open on an opinion from a case over the legalization of child porn. Yet another showed a roll of tape where the company name is spelled “Baalenciaga,” in clear reference to the satanic god to whom children were sacrificed. Their mea culpa suggested that these were merely faux pas and in no way promoting demonic promotions intended to normalize the debasement of children. Oops.

Possibly, most telling of all was the reaction to Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. While condemning the dangers of allowing free speech and exposing the deliberate censorship of every “conspiracy theory” proven to be correct; the media somehow had nothing to say about Musk purging three major hashtags used to help child sex traffickers find one another. Apparently, removing Trump loyalists – and Trump himself – as well as doctors suggesting that injections that don’t work and kill or permanently maim vast swaths of people was a higher priority. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions about the rationale behind Twitter’s inaction and the media response.

  1. Our progeny are being manipulated to see everyone in terms of race and taught to judge others by superficial characteristics all to detract from our unique value as Christ’s image-bearers.

The classification of others based on prejudice is unhealthy for everyone. Blacks are being trained to see themselves as victims encouraged to harbour animus toward whites simply by existing. This poisons their outlook on the world and their fellow man – or woman; projecting motives on others, justifying negativity or even criminal activity as a condition of circumstance rather than personal choice, and nurturing a tribe mentality.

Teaching that all whites are privileged and racist generates guilt by association. The irony is that atheists love to take “judge not lest ye be judged” out of context to claim that Christians should not hold a negative opinion of any act – no matter how contrary or profane it is according to God. In this case, the left passes judgment collectively on all of humanity; even claiming to know the heart of every honky. Anyone challenging their assessment is told by these self-identified experts that this only proves that these individuals are in denial. How can children learn what’s true when they are inculcated to believe that they can’t be trusted to rightly know their own heart.

Many falsely identify this as reverse racism, but it is the textbook definition directed toward a new target. When one has the temerity to insist that one’s melanin content can reliably be used to know core attributes about them that they don’t have the right to call into question; this is the very definition of what it means to be prejudice.

At the root it is a denial of our individual and collective inherent worth. We know that there are no races – only ethnicities – and that we will be judged not for sins projected on us, but the ones for which we are guilty. Nor can we excuse our sinful actions based on how previous generations may have been treated. Like everything corrupted by secular humanism, this is intended to be an attack on Christ because it divides us and undermines what we know about who our neighbour is. Similarly, our sinfulness springs from our individual failings and cannot be projected or expunged based on some expert class who insert themselves as experts on our heart condition.

  1. Schools are turning the next generation into earth worshippers instead of worshippers of God.

     The hoax of “global warming” and “climate change” deserves a more fulsome take-down later. Suffice to say, the lies and commensurate guilt for destroying the planet is imbued into every crevice of every course your child is subjected to.

How do I know it’s a lie? Because it follows every bad ideology from the God-hating left. It speciously attributes causation to man for destroying the planet. They don’t care about how good a steward one is of the earth; only that they submit to their premise of catastrophic global warming. It relies on computer models that portend looming disaster that has already predicted the eradication of all of humanity several times over – much like a doomsday cult. This is helped by constantly moving the goalposts. Contrary views are censored and data is hidden. The enforcement of the remedies increases the control and theft from the public – taking our rights and freedoms for our “own good.” The elitists don’t adhere the to rules they set for the rest of us showing they know it to be a fraud. Finally, it is used to advance a depopulation agenda that makes man the plague and elevates the earth – an inversion of God’s command.

For any believer still not convinced, I challenge you to look up end times scripture and underline all the passages where God says the world will end because man did not reduce his use of fossil fuels. Contrast this with warnings about the profusion of sinful behaviour and warnings about false prophets and teachers.

  1. Your child is being actively encouraged to become confused about their true identity.

Not only is gender dysphoria being accepted in the classroom, but those who “come out” as adopting a false sexual identity or non-heterosexual feelings will be celebrated. Teachers and peers will affirm and praise such distorted views. This should not be new to anyone as this became the norm years ago.

Under the current iteration of elevating gender dysphoria, the government and the courts and thrown their weight into this arena. It is now possible for your child to claim a different sexual identity at school and you as a parent have no right to know about this double life. They can choose a new name and select pronouns from the growing smorgasbord of options. But wait! There’s more.

If a teacher or parent fails to abide by the newly adopted gender descriptor of choice, they can face charges or even have their child taken away from them. The crime is known as misgendering and it mandates that one must legally contradict biological reality and truth and be compelled to lie.

This minor course correction on Deception Highway, however, is so 2021. Since this came into effect, schools now have the right to take your child to a doctor in order to be placed on hormone treatments and even undergo “gender reassignment” surgery. This is where a doctor is legally permitted to pretend that they are making your boy into a girl or vice versa when, in actuality, they are only mutilating your child and robbing them of their ability to ever procreate. Any effort to interfere and, again, you must prepare yourself to lose custody of your child and/or go to jail.

Incidentally, if you are married to someone delusional enough to decide that they want to turn little Johnny into Joannie or Carla into Carl, you will lose custody of the child to the parent willing to castrate and permanently neuter and disfigure their God-given bodies.

  1. Not only are our children being groomed, but pedophilia is being mainstreamed.

     In the heady decadence of the early “gay pride” parades where there was only public nudity, mocking re-enactments of the Last Supper, and other depravities, NAMBLA participated in the festivities and marched in the parades. For those who aren’t aware, NAMBLA is the “North American Man-Boy Love Association”. Yes, it is precisely as reprobate as it sounds. This group has fought to make pedophilia respectable and mainstream. When this error got the attention of conservative media, organisers of the run-of-the-mill gay pride parade claimed this was an oversight and NAMBLA were reluctantly disinvited.

Imagine if you will, several neo-Nazis marching at a pro-life or pro-family event (or even a single swastika mysteriously and briefly shows up at a freedom convoy). We don’t need to imagine the outcry or the hollow ring of those claiming to stand for biblical values somehow failing to pre-emptively purge such malcontents. Christians ought to know that this is merely a natural progression of defying God’s perfect sexual standards.

Fast forward to the last 5 or so years and the momentum to normalize sex between adults and children is growing exponentially. Some “therapists” and “journalists” have been trying to split the baby (incidentally, a favourite pastime of those who deny or hate God) by trying to parse some nuance between the desire and the action. Many are jumping to the tearful defence of MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons – euphemism for those carrying an unnatural sexual desire for children).

Sorry, but I was experiencing déjà vu and trying to recall who was saying that acceptance of homosexuality and adoption of “same sex marriage” would result in a slippery slope toward embracing other manifestations of sexual licence such as incest and pedophilia? I’m sure it will come back to me. Where was I?

Reams of videos are showing up online of disturbing drag queen story times and even children being taken to drag shows. In many cases, the children are getting up close and personal and even putting money in the underwear of drag performers. If this is news to you, just try to imagine the worst you could imagine from a pedophile being given direct public access to your child and you have just scratched the surface.

We know that a cross or any form of Christian symbol would never be permitted in a public school, but schools hoist the flag to celebrate distortions of children’s sexual and God-ordained identity.

How many of you reading this know there is a flag for pedophiles? Do you know what it looks like and that it is becoming increasingly public. Fact checkers claimed this was a myth as it was only an online troll from conservatives, but not so. I myself have seen it on school flagpoles, in the window of a public library and in the window and cash desk at businesses.

Let me know when any of this starts to make you uncomfortable.

  1. Your child can be legally euthanized without your permission by your teacher or other similarly trusted authority. This one is still a gleam in the eye of our godless and feckless federal politicians (whom, I have it on good authority are to be obeyed at all times) and is not slated to become official until March of 2023. So, who is a suitable candidate for the procedure whimsically named as MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying – aka: Murder Administered by Immoral Doctors)? To clear the bar, one need only have some form of mental illness. To me, a sterling example of mental illness involves people who believe that chopping the penis off of a boy can turn them into a girl. In practice, the penis choppers and baby dismemberers that will be selling children on killing themselves.

Are you still with me? To confirm, I’ve just said that a stranger can legally kill your child and you don’t even have a right to know.

We got here because the church sat by dutifully as this practice was rolled out and even promoted to adults. Some therapists and doctors are now becoming salespersons for killing over comfort. Canada is becoming the hot spot globally for medical suicide and is facing justifiable criticism by prominent Christian and conservative voices in different countries. They have been peddling euthanasia heavily to our vets for a long time and the church has been immersed in banal teachings promoting our godly duty to ensure we do not ruffle feathers. Sometimes the services are even in person; that is if the government is feeling generous.

  1. Parents are now unwittingly and/or apathetically killing or maiming their children.

     Yes, we can’t avoid talking about the toxic Coronavirus jabs. You might argue that it is tough to know what is true, but I have just laid out an array of outrageous realities where the expert class has been promoting lies and perversions with little to no opposition. Given the above, how on earth is killing our children through injections and oppressive mandates an extreme claim or an evil beyond comprehension. All of this is and should be knowable and determining to stay “neutral” or “non-political” is a response. As the famous Bonhoffer quote goes, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

I have hit a solid wall of opposition from friends, family and fellow believers outraged that I am not shutting up about what I know to be the dangers from the injections, masking, lockdowns, social distancing, etc. and the primary victims are our children. I’d love for someone to explain to me how I am in the wrong. Instead, I am treated with apathy, dismissal, or irritation.

It’s not just that the mandates are ineffectual, but they are causing irreversible damage. The mounting numbers of late term miscarriages, stillbirths and babies dying shortly after birth are astronomically high. Just remember that those pushing the mandates are staunchly pro-abortion and have directly called for depopulation (Bill Gates even specifically suggested that injections could serve that agenda).

Despite all of the above – and I have only presented the highlight reel – Christians have morphed into Charlie Brown, trusting that this time Lucy Van Pelt can be trusted to hold the football. After all, she sounds so sincere. We simply don’t take seriously the admonition that alerts us:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. – Ephesians 6:12

     I must confess that I often lose sight of the fact that in this life, as Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 13:12, we presently only see through a glass darkly. The prince of darkness is arranging pieces on the chessboard with God’s permission. Anger is the natural and human reaction to seeing such malevolence and deception; but several things help to keep me grounded:

  1. My sin is a stench to my Lord and the attitude of “at least I’m not corrupting and killing children” won’t win me any heavenly helmet stickers. It is precisely the attitude of justifying our own bad actions (or inactions) that explains how evil can corrupt and spread.
  2. It is God who gifts us with the ability to pursue, discern and know what is true, so it is inevitable that those without God can achieve a level of wickedness that a Christ-follower ought to be protected against.
  3. They will be eventually judged for their actions by the perfect magistrate who holds ultimate power to carry out righteousness.
  4. The children are never alone and none of their suffering can possibly escape God’s notice.
  5. We must not fear those who can only kill the body, but the one who can destroy body and soul in hell. Our life here is fleeting and our eternal home awaits us.

Admittedly, what I will now say is highly speculative, but I am not simply weaving a conspiracy theory out of whole cloth. It is important because I believe it helps to explain why the powerful are so willing to participate in staggering evil and remain so resolute in the face of being exposed. All evidence points to the fact that huge numbers of those involved in these nefarious deeds are guilty of child exploitation and similar offences for which they are being blackmailed.

For now, I will focus solely on the scandal surrounding Jeffrey Epstein. For the somehow uninitiated, Epstein was super rich and influential, hobnobbing with the elite of the elites and jetting them to his private island. Epstein was an avowed pedophile and his island consisted of underaged girls for their pleasure. This should have led to the immediate arrest of this pervert before it even came into being. Instead, hundreds of celebrities and the global movers and shakers were frequent flyers.

When Epstein was finally exposed, the FBI apparently retrieved an abundance of recordings of the debaucheries. We were absurdly led to believe that Epstein hung himself in jail with the knowledge that a public trial would air dirty laundry on the most powerful that would result in a massive revolt and, if there is justice, hangings in the public square. The absurdity of the suicide explanation gave us #epsteindidn’tkillhimself. Strangely, the FBI that managed Hunter Biden’s laptop couldn’t find the evidence to expose a single Epstein islander. The only reprobate to gain attention was Prince Andrew who was humiliated and turned out of Windsor Castle, having been stripped of his standing as Duke of York. None of these rich and famous, however, has ever been charged.

I promise you that those not blackmailed are holding the leashes that guarantee that their subjects do whatever they say. Decadence, pride, licentiousness, greed, and likely every other deadly sin is at work here. Others are clearly being bribed given the vast wealth that has accrued for those in public office and managing the injection and Covid response. I am convinced those who took part will sacrifice anyone and anything to not be exposed. This also explains the depth of the corruption that has started to come to light regarding the actions of the FBI and their managing of the media over what can and cannot be reported. The FBI is clearly a criminal organisation and yet they only increase in power as they corrupt justice.

I have a word for those who have railed against those standing against authorities (notably in response to Covid mandates) by insisting that defiant Christians are not facing true persecution. Admittedly, I cannot dispute this fact and neither do those of us who have faced what can be more accurately be called inconveniences or varying degrees for most. I do, however, have a few questions.

  • If this is only minor persecution, then why have so many caved to the mandates and become participants by discriminating against those seeking to not cower in fear to the state or a virus?
  • Since you are not standing up when it is comparatively safe, how likely are you to strengthen your resolve to face the real thing if minor inconveniences are too high a price to pay?
  • With what I have laid out, and this is an incomplete outline of the abuses against our children, why has all of this been adopted and you are not facing true persecution? We should all be shamed into action for failing to fulfill our obligation to the children God has entrusted to us.

We are essentially offering up our children to Moloch day by day and ignore the evil and the stench by simply allowing others to walk them to their destruction. In a nation where such abominations are mainstream, I can’t help but wonder what evidence there is that Christians love our children – and our God – too.


  1. Don Tyers says:

    Wow Tom,
    Just another “spot on” description of the EVIL in our World today.

    For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. – Ephesians 6:12

    We must speak up and clearly abhor the SIN that is rampant. And, direct our efforts to the TRUTH of Scripture and pointing those to the Lord.

    Thanks Again Tom, my Brother in Christ !

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