I am not a keen professional football fan and never knew the name Damar Hamlin before he notoriously collapsed on the field during a game; twice needing medical intervention to restore his heart function. He was taken to hospital and at last report was in critical condition.

I sincerely planned to not focus directly on the Covid vaccines and mandates as a central topic since I felt everyone is largely securely in their camp. Either they are following the data and tracking the concerning trends or don’t want to discuss details that might harsh their mellow regarding the “yeah vaccine” messaging. This will be a mini-post (especially for me), but I do believe there are important takeaways that I’m not seeing specifically addressed.

This story has garnered an uncharacteristically high amount of attention. I know because I’m one of countless others who have been attempting to alert those willing to listen that there have been an unprecedented level of athletes and the young and physically fit individuals collapsing. I would have thought that since this pattern has ballooned since 2021, a concerned media ought to be regularly pointing this out and, you know, do investigative research (seeking out what is true rather than spouting talking points). This might cause a cynic to question whether they actually do care about Hamlin and his similarly wounded cohort.

Furthermore, we have been treated to breathless headlines assuring us that, whatever might have been responsible, this is definitely a case of ABJ (anything but the jab). Even the omnipresent Dr. Fauci emerged from his 2-day retirement to make clear that this anomaly is completely unrelated to any safe and effectiveTM   pharmaceutical.

In fact, anyone jumping to conclusions that the clot shots played any role is going on pure speculation since his injection status is being kept secret. It’s not like he is planning on entering a coffee shop or something where the survival of humanity requires divulging your health status to your local barista. We might find out if he tests positive for Covid, but there is no reason to entertain conspiracy theories. Of course, the likely culprit is the player who delivered the blow. We know this because players hit hard. That is why collapsing from cardiac events have become mundane ever since the first competition held on Mount Olympus.

We have learned that the best approach to this incident is to make lemonade out of Hamlin’s lemon of a heart. Media played up the anecdotal account of Hamlin uttering the question upon first becoming sensible to his surroundings “Who won the game”? Isn’t that sweet? Maybe he wasn’t actually aware of how intimate he almost became with the grim reaper. I can almost guarantee there was no speculation regarding what could have brought on this near-death experience discussed with Hamlin or his family. I know that would be my question – for all that’s worth given our current medical environment.

So, to my question of whether this incident is the canary in the coalmine, he clearly is not. To meet the requirement, this would need to be an inauspicious event auguring dangers yet to come. Hamlin is hardly among the first casualties or even, sadly, the most tragic.

The reality is that there is already a substantial body count and there have been several opportunities to highlight an emerging trend. What we have instead seen is that a growing number of innocent canaries have been sacrificed and outright ignored. This birdie only landed in the spotlight because of happenstance.

Previously, the media has reported with no sense of concern or curiosity that there have been anecdotal instances of athletes (and many others) who “died suddenly.” Just like their doctors, they are completely perplexed as to what might be responsible for such a chance event. If there was only some technique that could be carried out on those who have mysteriously shuffled off this mortal coil. I feel like we were onto something prior to 2021.

In fact, it is extremely rare for the media to report on a mere cardiac event unless the victim has some level of celebrity. What’s worse is when reporters actually engage in misdirection in order to prevent us from reaching an unwelcome conclusion. Here’s a “for instance” of the type of coiffing that so-called reporters engaged in.

While looking up this story, I came across a morass of fact checkers dispelling any association with the jab related to Hamlin’s situation. I was nonplussed to read a headline where CBS acknowledged that there have been a spate of athletes collapsing on the field. Once you get to the details, the psyop becomes evident. They site an incident from June of 2021, but then dig into their archives to select stories that eventually take us all the way to 1968. Instead of validating the disturbing trend of the last 2 years, they were running a bait and switch to get people to see that athletes have been collapsing for a long time, so this is perfectly normal.

I ask you – do they not know that there has been an average of 29 cases of athletes collapsing for the 38 years leading up to 2020 (a total of 1,001) and since 2021, that has spikes (see what I did there) to over 1,500 in 2 years? This means that 29 cases would be a slow month since the jab rollout. Somehow, I don’t think they needed to go so far into the wayback machine unless it was to distract readers with a shiny squirrel.

The fact is that we absolutely know that Hamlin has been injected. Not only was the product pushed on players harder than a Mexican drug lord, but the few holdouts were victims of vicious attacks for their recalcitrance. Far more telling is the fact that they are not telling. We have been bombarded with pro-injection narratives because the standard for censorship is that anything that might result in “vaccine hesitancy” must be eradicated. What better way to saw the branch under the “vax deniers” than to announce with great fanfare that Hamlin was a pureblood. They could even blame the player for his own plight at the same time. They would be able to make “safe and effective” great again. In fact, if the player who tackled Hamlin was injected, he could be celebrated as a hero for exposing a ticking time-bomb that might have gone otherwise unnoticed. Just imagine if he’d only trusted the science. The propaganda writes itself.

Hamlin’s plight only got the attention it did because his story – unlike many other younger and lower profile collapses – could not be hidden. This is all we need to know about the apathy and malevolence of the media and all the demon-led co-conspirators with whom they are colluding. Just look at the silence over 2 sportscasters covering the FIFA World Cup who died suddenly within hours of each other. CBC never even went to the highlight reel to demonstrate how yawningly common this occurrence is.

Hamlin survived, not because the medical profession is so efficient or are imbued with angelic levels of compassion. My scepticism has nothing to do specifically with the medical team that saved Hamlin’s life, but we have witnessed 3 years of medical neglect, coercion, and ham-fisted efforts to withhold prophylaxis and force killing protocols in their place. We also know from those injured by the jab not only having their disabilities ignored, but not even having the cause be recognised. The only reason they can still gaslight with such a clear example of jab-caused cardiac arrest is because of the silence and complicity of doctors and hospital administrators.

Hamlin only survived because his collapse was very public and, being the NFL, they have a medical team on standby ready to respond. Amateur athletes don’t have a crew of crack paramedics on hand to revive a teen who clutches his chest and drops on the court during basketball practice. As we’ve seen, the plebes are collateral damage in a greater cause. This proves Joseph Stalin’s observation that, “A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic”.

Hamlin mattered not because of or despite the fact he was black. He didn’t even matter because he was an NFL player. He is actually an inconvenience because he managed to bring attention to a phenomenon that many have invested a great deal of time and energy into keeping from public scrutiny. If his death would put an end to questions, I have no doubt that they would have managed to surreptitiously end Hamlin’s life. They are getting out in front of the story only so they can control the spin.

There are still two more considerations I believe are worthy of our attention.

First, those pushing the inoculations have had to concede that some regrettably die or become injured by the jab in the service of the greater good. As such, they could have affirmed the “vaccine” injury while still claiming it to be an anomaly. In fact, why not glom onto the claim that Hamlin could have died if he didn’t get injected. All that they’d need is to have a false positive Covid test. I think they knew a cover up was necessary because it causes people to start asking questions. This highlights an even more disturbing thought.

Many who have blithely dismissed friends and family members who have either warned about or suffered jab injury (or actually died) may finally be red-pilled by what happened to a stranger on TV. This may open the floodgates where some finally question the assumptions they’ve unquestioningly clung to for two (or three) years.

If I’m right, this means that their scepticism has probably been festering, but was pushed aside. The elites believe this is possible, or they wouldn’t be so committed to managing the narrative as much as they have. Either way, it is an indictment of a people that has lost sight of the fact that all people are God’s image bearers and have value.

Should Damar Hamlin’s plight be a wake-up call, let’s hope that citizens become fully awake and focus on what matters most – and to do so with courage and compassion.


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