For those who have been paying attention, a pillow manufacturer held a Cyber Seminar to expose election fraud on November 3rd. The gathering took place on August 10th, 11th and 12th, 2021. The contention was that the voting machines were vulnerable to hacking – likely by design – and that China and other malefactors both foreign and domestic overrode the actual vote tally to hand the election to Joe Biden.
Mike Lindell, CEO of “MyPillow,” invited politicians, news media, hackers and other interested parties to attend his 72-hour extravaganza where 37 terabytes of data contained in what are known as “packet captures” proved beyond a doubt the extent of the electronic fraud carried out. For those not computer savvy like me, IT professionals refer to this as “lots of data.” The packet captures cannot be manipulated without leaving a trail. These captures were shown throughout the conference with computer experts and hackers specifically invited to inspect the veracity of the data. To sweeten the pot, Lindell offered 5 million dollars to any attendee who could falsify the claim that all the results in the packet captures were from the 2020 election. As I addressed in a previous post here, Lindell already faced efforts to destroy his company and his reputation and he was already marginalized by the press and the left.
For those who may be glossing over right now or wondering what any of this has to do with a Canadian whose objective is the defense of Christian principles, please stick with me and I promise to address your unspoken queries and you will not be bored.
A funny thing happened as the doors opened on this event. Before even coming on air, hackers successfully infiltrated the system and the backup, but fortunately they were prepared with a second backup. The tallies touted after the election claimed that Biden handily won with 81 million votes to Trump’s 74 million. Based on the data presented at the conference, Trump’s total was 80 million while Biden’s was less than 68 million. According to the figures presented, disputed battleground states of Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Michigan were all won by Trump. Note that this does not even include the reams of “dead voters,” those without I.D., who gave false addresses, and otherwise engaged in more run-of-the-mill fraud.
Experts established the use of algorithms that were used across the country with votes from tens of thousands to upwards of 1 million votes in states like Florida being flipped to achieve the steal. This was done even in deep Republican and deep Democrat states to shore up the perception of strong momentum for Biden. It would also provide cover whereby efforts to steal specific counties or states would be obvious and lead to calls for an investigation. Notably, news media and polling all suggested that Hillary was guaranteed to win in 2016 with oddsmakers placing her likelihood of victory at 99 and even 100%. Maybe its just the crazy voices in my head, but if all indications irrevocably pointed to a trouncing by Hillary Clinton, wouldn’t that be grounds to call for a full national audit? Could the reason be that the audit would demonstrate the fraud on behalf of Hillary that still failed to overcome Trump’s margin of victory? This would mean that of mainstream journalism and the polling process was irredeemably corrupt. Again, stick with me here.
Curiously, several Democrats (including Presidential contenders Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar) warned that the voting machines were susceptible to being hacked. In fact, a 2020 Democrat HBO documentary called “Kill Chain” was made to highlight how easily voting machines could be infiltrated and votes flipped. Instead, Democrats spent 1½ years in unsuccessfully making the case that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. Never was it claimed that Russia accessed voting machines, only that Russia did to Hillary what the mainstream “news” media did to Trump – put out negative information on the internet. Even this low bar wasn’t reached and it only showed extensive spying on the Trump team to find a crime, but this goes beyond the scope of this article.
After 2 devastating days, the final day of the Cyber conference began with some disturbing news. Hackers broke into the home of a whistleblower and took all the electronics in the home and some physically assaulted Mike Lindell. There was also a representative from Dominion, (who created many of the voting machines used) who accessed the office computer of an elections worker and deleted 3 years of file information. The specific content removed is yet to be ascertained at this time. Finally, the group learned that a poison pill had been inserted into the data that would corrupt the files if opened. There is more, but this is summarized in a brief video here.
To review, people who have mocked that the notion that the voting machines could be hacked, repeatedly hacked, infiltrated, manipulated and stole data that would demonstrate otherwise. To prove how absurd and baseless Lindell’s claims were, they physically attacked, threatened and stopped at nothing to shut down his Symposium. We are faced with a scenario whereby both sides know the election was illegitimate. One side wants to bring the evidence to light and the other wants to crush any attempt to expose the steal.
Meanwhile, north of the 49th parallel, we are living in our own version of the matrix. Similar to the response in the U.S., the federal government has put forth Bill C-10 which grants internet censorship based on the premise of promoting Canadian content. Bill C-36 is being pursued in tandem and is being promoted as securing protections against “hate speech.” As has been proven through our Human Rights Tribunals, these kangaroo courts are nothing but a way to block the speech and values of Christians and conservatives. But the problem for Canadians is worse yet.
Not only are the leftist parties (Liberal, NDP, Green) united in their anti-Christian and pro-social justice agenda, but the “Conservatives” are barely distinguishable. Having effectively purged the CPC of the one genuine and outspoken conservative, Derek Sloan, O’Toole has expressed that he is sanguine with virtually the entire leftist agenda. Much like the example of the U.S. where many of those fighting an audit of the election are Republicans, the issue is not a “right vs left” issue, but the ruling class vs the commoners. All view Christians and free-thinkers in general with disdain.
The greatest threat to such a power grab would be a strong opposition and, historically, the most substantial challenge to such authoritarianism is the Christian church. Conversely, evil has been allowed to flourish also with the cooperation of the compromised church. In Nazi Germany, you had the Christians willing to hide or risk smuggling out Jews like the ten Boom family while other churches flew the swastika. Not only did this damage the witness of those who claimed the name of Christ, but it has been exploited as evidence that the church was a tool of Hitler who self-identified as a Catholic while seeking to usher in a Darwinian, godless, socialist nation. The numbers of courageous believers who know how to live out the love of Christ while refusing to compromise on their principles are growing scarce. For the most part, they are swimming upstream from the leaders who should be leading the charge in opposition.
As it stands now, the long march through the institutions by the hard left has managed to first infiltrate, corrupt, then effectively indoctrinate not just secular organisations, but churches as well. The truth, like the teaching of Christian values in general, has been shunted outside the mainstream and, thus marginalized, has been treated as radical and not grounded in reality or compassion. Curiously, those who themselves deny absolute truths in favour of subjective bromides about “my truth” or “your truth” and have no moral lodestar have been bowed to as gatekeepers of truth and arbiters of virtue – including by the mainstream church.
In this article, I addressed the general indifference of vast numbers of professing Christ-followers about pastors being singled out for fines and imprisonment for the act of holding services and even “enticing people to come to church.” They justify their apathy based on the premise that such pastors are violating Romans 13 where their scripture apparently reads that we are to render to Caesar whatever aspects of our lives his minions whimsically claim dominion over for our safety. To such individuals, I can only assume this recent incident will not shake you out of complacency.
Alberta pastor, Arthur Pawlowski, who was notoriously arrested on a busy street by a squad of police cars has been speaking in the U.S. An open-air prayer gathering was held in Portland, Oregon, the home of CHAD and CHOP where Antifa and BLM took over portions of the state and wreaked havoc on businesses, police stations, courts, and caused the death of several mostly black residents. The police stood by while these communes were created and while businesses were burned and looted.
At the prayer event, the police initially sent attendees to an isolated section of the park where Antifa stormed in, releasing flash bombs, rotten eggs, pepper spray, and mace. The victims of these attacks included children, including one only 4 months old.
Several questions come to mind:
- How does the actions of antifa shutting down the event ensure health and safety?
- What is there in the behaviour of antifa that bears out their claim of being anti fascist?
- Wouldn’t real fascists do what both these thugs and police did?
- Since they are purportedly about protecting the marginalized of society from an oppressive police state, why did they target a simple prayer meeting and why were the police clearly complicit as allies against those engaging in a worship gathering?
- If the objective is health and safety, why does antifa again get left alone while churches are in the crosshairs for congregating together?
The media that didn’t bury this incident predictably blamed the church and insisted they did not have a permit for their gathering. If this is true, why did police offer them a space for their gathering. Furthermore, I’m pretty sure that assault, threats and vandalism might not only be illegal, but warrant intervention and charges. Why did they not call out antifa over an attack on a peaceful assembly?
In both Canada and the U.S., the efforts to purge any content that challenges the zeitgeist (namely Christian and conservative content and exposing bad actors like antifa, BLM, and rogue police, politicians and “journalists”) is in full force. Most of my fellow Canadians likely don’t know that both Trudeau and Biden have stated unequivocally that the greatest threat to their respective nations is not a tyrannical government, but “those who spread hate,” and, I hate to break the news, but if you adhere to biblical teaching, that includes you.
After making the charge about the threat posed by “right wingers”, Rebel News, virtually the only real threat to the leftist talking points in Canada – thus marginalized as extreme – pursued a request for freedom of information to discover how many death threats had been leveled against politicians by those on the right from 2016 to 2020. You’re ahead of me, aren’t you? The answer is zero. Despite this, Bills C-10 and C-36 should put the final nail in the coffin to the Christian’s rights to express our faith without censorship or punishment.
Ultimately, many professing Christians won’t need to worry because they have already subjugated themselves, their basic freedoms and even the core message of Christianity to their secular overlords long ago. They will watch their brothers and sisters in Christ being carted away into internment camps while framing Roman’s 13 as their inspiration; the last vestige of scripture not outlawed by their state masters.
Both the radical left and alert believers in the remnant church recognise they are seeking to eliminate Christianity altogether. The only ones not paying attention are the ones worshipping from home and holding out hope that one day they will be permitted to gather together again.