Recent events have prompted me to reevaluate my entire take on what I perceived to be machinations by those in authority to gaslight the public with regards to all things Covid. Having been told by an individual who announced they had proudly taken five doses of Fauci Juice (aka Gates-r-aid), I found myself rebuffed in my efforts to share content that ran counter to my comrade’s estimable certitude about the unassailable integrity of our earthly masters.

The refrain that came with every attempt to offer a counter-perspective to the one meted out by our compliance overlords was that he could not be enticed to go down that rabbit hole. Being dismissed out of hand based on pejoratives such as racist, misogynist, homophobe, and the repeated choruses from the left that every God-fearing man knows by heart is no new thing. This, however, let me know pre-emptively that what I have to say lacks any substance. The analogy derisively drawn from Alice in Wonderland is an allusion to a world of nonsense and unreality.

I pondered the implications of this characterization and promptly curled up into a foetal position. Once I regained my composure, I inwardly considered whether it was I who had been brainwashed into falling for some McCarthyesque conspiratorial propaganda where I saw conspiracies where none exist. Perhaps I had jumped to conclusions based on my dogmatic commitment to contrariness. What if my critics have been right all along?

Had I been too hasty to assess that what had taken place over the past 4 years was orchestrated by a group of pernicious and power-hungry, megalomaniacal, authoritarian despots. After all, if the Romans 13 absolutists with whom I had rubbed pre-Covid shoulders, (at least, once the right to worship had received royal assent), perhaps I had been too clever by half. As one driven by logic, perhaps I needed to shift my mind to cruise control and let Trudeau take the wheel for awhile.

For starters, since we were talking about medicine and usurping basic rights and freedoms, I am no expert as I am neither a doctor nor a politician. Maybe instead of focusing too heavily on what the God of heaven thinks, I should give consideration to what those who think they are God think. Perhaps I could follow the science out of the rabbit hole and on through the looking glass. Instead of denying science, I could allow logic to take a holiday.

Admittedly, I laughed derisively when Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci publicly proclaimed that he was science incarnate; but perhaps I had been too quick to dismiss his bold pronouncement as supercilious, vainglorious, hubristic, unmitigated arrogance when it may have been simply a masterful display of moxie. After all, I barely passed my high school biology course, so who was I to question Mr. Science? I not only lacked a PhD, but have never been remotely science adjacent.

For example, the experts blinded me to the science on gender. My dearth of intellectual acumen allowed my irrational and transphobic brain to conclude that biology was fixed and that sex and gender were the static. I failed to grasp that science was nuanced and that the laws of biology could not be unmoored from the laws of emotion. My hateful scientific mind somehow missed the 666 genders that this untapped knowledge was there all along. Xx and xy chromosomes were a ploy exploited by those seeking to assign the child a gender at birth without their permission. Such was the sad state of biology as late as 20 years BCT (Before Critical Theory).

You may laugh, but I did not know that cutting off the breasts of a young girl and adding some artificial genitalia could magically transform a her into a him (or zir, or whatever). I had the same problem with young men undergoing a lopidoffamy (hat tip to Rush Limbaugh). I was foolish enough to believe this to be medical malpractice of the highest order where healthy young people were being victimized with the complicity of medical professionals without a conscience; resulting in the horrifying disfigurement and irreversible infertility of healthy young people deluded by a transitory sense of body dysmorphia fueled by enlightened academicians. Imagine the damage I could have done by affirming their true God-designed reality over an irreversible game of magic and make believe. For that matter, I am such an intellectual lightweight that I don’t grasp how affirming one’s gender by denying reality is a virtue. Clearly, I don’t grasp the complexities of science.

It gets worse.

I also have the temerity to project value onto the preborn baby and consider them a child rather than a choice. I have been fixated on the notion that life begins at conception and that, since humans beget humans, the child in utero is a human life. Furthermore, I flaunt my white Christian privilege by maintaining that pro-aborts waxing philosophic over personhood is a self-serving attempt to deny the inherent worth of the unborn child to assuage guilt feelings when they request that said child be dismembered, crushed and suctioned.

Sorry if my naïveté is upsetting, but you should know the harsh realities of my life before my transformational egress from the rabbit hole. This exercise might even disabuse me of the certitude and chutzpah whereby I feel qualified to define what a woman is despite “biologist” appearing nowhere on my CV. Please humour me as I make an earnest attempt to play the queen of hearts and test my capacity to believe as many as 6 impossible things before breakfast. If successful, I will have acquired the lack of critical thinking normally reserved for a grad from an ivy league university.

Please be patient with me as this is my first foray into abandoning logic and reason. I will forgo knowledge acquired from my time underground and blindly follow “the science” wherever he may lead me. I hereby suspend incredulity and invite the premise that there is no naked psy-op intended to bring about a campaign of democide and servitude. Alas, I have been unsuccessful at expediating the process by denying facts and evidence, so am left with reimagining them. I will permit myself to look through the lens of conformity and follow the principle of Fauci’s Razor whereby one abandons critical thought and whatever he tells you – no matter how absurd – must be the truth.

Here is my reimagining of all things Covid as I follow “the experts.”TM

Issue 1: The medicinal benefits of panic porn

     My rational mind was clouded by the belief that stoking fear in response to a crisis is reckless; just as the pandemonium generated by shouting “fire” in a crowded Walmart on black Friday can take more lives due to trampling and obstructing the exits. Instead, I have come to see the 4-dimensional chess game being played.

Those perpetuating the dire warnings about the spread of the Wuhan flu were doing so on our TV sets and iPhones. It is impossible to trample others virtually, so lockdowns, social distancing, and suspension of the right to freedom of movement precluded there would be no stampede. Also, while restricting healthcare in response to a public health emergency seems counter-intuitive, sometimes you need to stomp on a few fragile eggs to convince the chickens to stay in the coop – if they know what’s good for them. As godless communists remind us, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

It also kills 2 citizens with one stone as we venture further from the rabbit hole.

Issue 2: The wisdom of putting a depopulation advocate in charge of a global “vaccine” roll out

     Logic threw up a roadblock for me when I was told that a pioneer in computers with absolutely no medical experience was insisting that everyone on earth should receive his product into our bodies. This absurdity was compounded by the fact that not only was Bill Gates not a medical “expert,” but his father was a head at Planned Parenthood. Demonstrating the apple didn’t fall …whoops, wrong analogy; proving himself to be a microchip off the old eugenics block, Gates shared his heart by publicly advocating for new vaccines and reproductive healthcare (aka abortion) as a means to reduce the world’s population by 10-15%. By reducing carbon emitters (aka people) he could save humanity.

This innovating thinking brought back to my mind the words of that great philosopher, Pippin when he told treebeard, “the closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm.” Similarly, the reasoning eluded me temporarily, but Bill Gates is a very wide man.

I had not understood why one of the wealthiest men in the world was buying up farmland, not for crop and meat production, but to start cricket farms, develop lab grown meat, and GMO produce. Similarly, his audacious plan to emit chemicals to block out sunlight – BTW, is it just me, or is there an analogy there somewhere? – also invoked a certain Malthusian ethic. Then it hit me.

Then it hit me. When he shared that his vaccination scheme had netted him a tidy 20-fold ROI (return on investment), I projected the philanthropic method behind his seeming madness. Surely, he was amassing wealth at the expense of taxpayers worldwide to build water purification plants in poorer countries to genuinely save lives. I wonder when he will announce his real agenda. He could also marry his endeavours creatively and use the remains of the victims of his clot shots to produce Soylent Green.

Okay, I know it’s a little weak, but I’m doing the best I can.

Issue 3: Censorship as a means of building public trust

Governments and related agencies (the FBI, CIA, DOD., FDA, CDC, Big Pharma, etc.) took on the cumbersome task of fact checking and telling legacy and social media platforms what they could report. This spared the public from the triple threat of mis, dis, and malinformation.

The old me feels compelled to point out to those who were born sometime BCT that these terms do not mean what you think they mean. Ultimately, everything falls into the last basket of malinformation: a sage choice since it is not a real word. This encapsulates information that runs counter to the approved narrative and might cause “vaccine hesitancy. “This, after all, is a more palatable descriptor than state run media which has a slightly fascistic timbre to it.

In their efforts to cut undesirable content off at the pass, projects such as the “Trusted News Initiative” and the paternalistic “Disinformation Governance Board,” (appropriately derided as the Biden administration’s “Ministry of Truth”) worked hand and iron fist with these agencies with an assist from putative “fact checkers.”

Admittedly I was troubled by the fact that every one of these entities is dominated by dogmatic leftists which, as it turns out, managed to miss every scandal linked with Democrats and found many that didn’t exist among staunch conservatives. As my public-school education taught me, Christians can’t be trusted to tell the truth.

I’ve come up with two benign reasons for censoring data on the harms from the mRNA shots.

First, it helps to bolster trust in media which has fallen to an all-time low. After all, when you don’t allow the innuendo of unfavourable data from reaching the public, these organisations suddenly become unimpeachable. Ultimately, the truth is a journalistic lie that hasn’t been found out yet. Instead of inciting “vaccine” hesitancy, by punishing those attempting to sound the alarms about danger signs from the inoculations, this successfully causes whistleblower hesitancy and generates confidence in “safe and effective” messaging.

Secondly, there is a very good reason that those who produced and unabashedly forced these injections on an unsuspecting public would want this kept on the DL. Imagine the additional loss of life that might come to the ruling class and their allies are exposed for deliberately harming or killing vast swaths of the globe. This also gives clarity to the initiative to track and restrict the movement of the public that they rule over.

Issue 4: The benefits of withholding informed choice

I was admittedly troubled by the lack of informed choice, but upon further consideration, recognised this was not strictly true. The citizenry was fully informed of the consequences of refusing to take the injections. While they were admittedly not brought up to speed on the ingredients or side effects from the mRNA products, people were well versed on the restrictions on entering businesses, ability to travel, access to medical care, ability to undergo an organ transplant, or keep their job if they refused. I simply needed to look at the needle as half empty instead of half full.

Furthermore, as the example of military surgeon, Dr. Peter Chambers demonstrates, when people receive informed choice, they want nothing to do with the shots. Being informed of the profound side effects, injuries, and deaths from the Fauci formula is disinformation as such news causes vaccine hesitancy. See how clear it becomes with the right context? After his presentation, Dr. Chambers was summarily fired, thus restoring faith in the jabs.

Issue 5: Closing up churches, businesses, and arresting pastors and freedom protestors for our own good

When I first learned that the government was closing “non-essential” places, I thought it was a troll. This was exacerbated by the fact that box stores, liquor and cannabis stores, and abortion clinics carried on unabated. This feeling was compounded when I learned that strip clubs and casinos remained open in some states and that those setting the rules made exceptions for their parties and George Floyd rioters.

On further consideration, I saw this unorthodox act in a different light. I had it backwards. They weren’t trying to usher in economic devastation, amass wealth and power, keep people from venues where they could have their physical and spiritual needs met, nor endeavouring to keep people from organizing to fight back. While misguided, they were trying to spare the lives of Christians and the hard-working middle class that are the backbone of a healthy society while eliminating the riff raff and troublemakers. The violence visited on the truckers was simply a determined effort to shove them out of harm’s way. After all, large swaths of citizens were hugging and chatting with one another with no regards for their personal safety. The politicians threw parties unmasked while demanding the wait staff be masked because they were offering themselves up as sacrificial lambs to test when it would be safe to come out. What a selfless display of magnanimity! I regret that I so misjudged them. We can only breathe a sigh of relief that there was no extinction level event.

While they may be seen as a tad over zealous in their denial of basic rights, freedoms, and bodily autonomy, this can be considered a small price to pay in the big picture of ensuring public safety. As for the jailing of freedom protestors and pastors and freezing bank accounts, I am still looking for the health benefits of such actions.            

Issue 6: Ending medical choice

Canada prides itself on the virtues of socialized healthcare where everyone has an equal right to restricted and cookie cutter medical treatments that cost absolutely nothing because of the generosity of our government overlords digging into their own deep pockets. With this in mind – remembering to grant a dispensation to our political class to enjoy a second-tier access from the public “option,” (since they need to be healthy to pay for the services for the rest of us) the one fly in the ointment of healthcare equity is that some doctors are more competent than others.

I heard this beautifully addressed several years ago by a scholar who expressed concern that some children had a leg up when it came to education because their parents would read to them. Their counterintuitive modest proposal was that such “readers” should abandon their efforts or at least feel shame for so advantaging their children. The unexpressed bonus is that it equips children to be an empty vessel that the erudite and beneficent indoctrinators (my bad – I mean educators) can fill them up.

It is only when all doctors are given their marching orders via medical bureaucrats conversant with medical authoritarianism and generously compensated by big pharma that we can attain true medical equality. Covid allowed a unique opportunity to purge the industry of so-called “free thinkers” who had the temerity to recommend early treatments, repurposed drugs, write medical exemptions, provide informed consent, and offer possible cures once the one-size-fits-all approach injures their patients. There was also the added benefit that most doctors speaking out and having their licenses revoked were Christians, so this allowed the chance to nudge society closer to coveted diversity goals. The dissidents also were also so captured that not one has ever rendered a diagnosis of climate change. Surely, such ideologues cannot be trusted.

It is true that when two people (or doctors) agree on everything, the second individual is unnecessary. It is also clear that when people seek out a second opinion, it makes healthcare more expensive for our altruistic governments and only serves to confuse the public by giving options. This is the kind of thinking that threatens the unity that public education promises. Allowing some to stray from the plantation diminishes the efficacy of indoctrination leaving many in danger of not being awokened. Such outside of the pharmacy thinking will only result in the perpetuation of more disinformation spreaders.

Issue 7: Denying the existence and access to safe and effective early treatments

This brings us to the matter of withholding early treatments – including those like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that were pre-determined decades in advance to be the best options in the event of a coronavirus outbreak. Such dissident doctors drove a spike protein into the heart of socialized medicine by permitting competent doctors to slip through the cracks. Clearly these low cost safe and effective drugs needed to be destroyed and withheld through the courts if necessary since they could not find the data that verified that they worked. Cynical me thought that the objective was to eliminate these products because then the “vaccines” could not have been imposed by force through an EUA. While true, surely a benign agenda was afoot. For example, it would have killed the community spirit captured in the catchy slogan: We’re all in this together, at least if you do what you’re told and, if not, I am literally dead to you.”

Actually, even I can’t make myself believe this one. It is pure satanic evil to deny safe and effective meds to make us into lab rats in the world’s largest human experiment. They are not done as our government now seeks to eliminate natural medications. It is not whether this fulfilled a globalist wet dream of mass depopulation, but the specifics of who was in on the scam and who was just a dupe is TBD.

Issue 8: Ignoring natural immunity

Even though natural immunity has always provided the most robust antibody response in every other viral threat in all of human history, there was no reason to jump to conclusions by assuming Covid-19 would not supersede virological reality since antediluvian history. It is only experimental injections with new technology and drugs like remdesivir (removed from the Ebola trials because the surge in renal failure made it more dangerous than Ebola itself) that could be trusted as safe and effective treatments. By taking 3 years to admit on the QT that naturally acquired immunity offers the most robust protection indicated long overdue circumspection given the damage from their hasty implementation of Covid mandates.

We must also not forget that promoting natural immunity before everyone caught Covid would have caused “vaccine hesitancy;” thereby generating malinformation. It would also impede the profits from big pharma needed to create the next toxic bioweapon.

Issue 9: Burying statistics

Like informed consent, such an irresponsible failure to prevent public access to Pfizer and Moderna’s data for 75 years would cause mass misinformation. Also, by then, those who created and mandated the shots would have died a peaceful death, those who took the shots would be long dead, and those who didn’t comply would have also died in prison.

Issue 10: Locking up the healthy, social distancing, masking, and testing those with no symptoms to see if they are sick

These measures collectively, while admittedly a mite dictatorial, were necessary for promoting community cohesion – even if from a distance. People who have not yet had the opportunity to peek behind the iron curtain or get beyond the Great Wall of China, got a small foretaste of living under a communist or socialist system. Christians were also able to bolster their scriptural acumen by learning Romans 13 (vs 1&2 only) by rote, expanding their Bible literacy beyond such standards as John 3:16 or “Jesus wept.” Also, those who lacked the courage to share the gospel could brush up on their confrontation skills by virtuously demanding that others mask up.

Those cursed with a delayed or meagre response to Covid could garner bragging rights by a positive Covid test. They also could call in sick with a clear conscience – and be celebrated for such a benevolent act.

Issue 11: Closing schools, small businesses, churches, gyms, parks, and eliminating or severely restricting all interpersonal interaction (including children’s birthday parties, grads, weddings, funerals, and holiday gatherings at home or abroad)

     I also can’t pretend that this was anything but an authoritarian power and money grab, a way to incite fear – especially in children – and is thus too unconscionable to joke about. Everyone culpable in imposing such criminal malevolence on our children should undergo the biblical injunction to have a millstone tied around their necks and be hurled into the ocean.

Issue 12: Ignoring deaths unrelated to viruses

After well over a year of non-stop reporting on Covid deaths and hospitalizations, then transitioning to cases due to the “pandemic of the unvaxxed” had grown stale. Sure, everyone ultimately caught the cold-level omicron variant and “Covid fatigue” magically hit when the jabbed were experiencing negative efficacy – meaning, they were more likely to catch Covid than purebloods. Maintaining data is hard and, quite frankly, unnecessary; especially if the data is then censored as misinformation for the greater good.

There is no need to get our eyes off the ball by distractions over a massive inexplicable soaring in excess deaths that started in 2021 and is still extant. We all remember athletes dropping dead mid-play, reporters collapsing while giving a news update, and the scourge of SIDS – oops, I mean the completely unrelated spate of SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome).

It is completely understandable that they stopped doing most autopsies since 2020 because the Wuhan flu is so deadly that we could not subject coroners to posthumous transmission. If only there was something they could wear that we were reliably assured would stop one from catching a virus.

Actually, since they are admitting these cases are no longer related to Covid, they no longer need to know why they died and, just like with the residential schools, a true investigation of deaths just might muddy up the waters. People are more than happy to know that their relative, family member, child, etc. died of “cause unknown” since, at least we can have certitude that the one thing they didn’t die from an mRNA injection.

BTW, Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia and 2+2=5.     

Issue 13: The prospect of a totalitarian one world government is a myth

A curiosity rarely mentioned is the vast number of people who have left countries run by oligarchic dictatorial regimes and claim that what they left behind was happening in the west under Covid restrictions. I know, crazy right?!

While this doesn’t directly have to do with Covid, it should help us to be aware that there is a real disinformation campaign that must be squelched. Just because some backwards countries starved their citizens, locked up political and religious dissidents, imposed compelled speech laws and censorship, and created state-run media where everything in the mainstream is simply propaganda and contrary views are verboten; we know we are too enlightened in the west (make that North America) to fall for such tyrannical machinations. Alarmists like Vera Sharav, (who survived the Holocaust and directed a 5-part documentary drawing the comparisons) is clearly a perpetuating a mythical fear-mongering Holocaust-specific claim to victimhood in the fashion of reductio ad Hitlerum.

We live in democratic societies, unburdened by superstitions like belief in God. We are an enlightened people with nothing in common with nations – including some that are so ignorant that they don’t know that a male can become a female through hormones, surgery, or merely by declaration. We would never accept a government who would lock up people for protesting for their basic rights and freedoms, freeze accounts or de-bank political or religious dissidents, or sink to compelled speech or censorship.

There is no chance of 24-7 surveillance and, even if it did happen, we have nothing to hide so go ahead. There is no chance one would be scapegoated and marginalized from the gen-pop for simply wanting to exercise bodily autonomy. Besides, the Nuremburg Code guaranteed we would never again be compelled to take part in a medical experiment. That is not what happened here. Some of these approved injections sacrificed up to 8 mice to ensure product safety, so they would never cut corners to force society into a medical and social experiment.

To be effective, this would require handing over authority to unelected bureaucrats like the U.N., World Health Organization (W.H.O.), World Economic Forum (W.E.F.), as well as intelligence, military, and health bureaucracies to enslave us through unlawful restrictions on our freedoms.

We would never stand for having our farmlands reduced by 20% or seeing a gradual transition from unadulterated fruits, vegetables, pork, beef, and fish, to crickets, mealy worms and cockroaches. Hell would freeze over before we would go along with a mark of the beast adjacent system where our ability to buy and sell – say, based on a forcefully imposed Central Bank Digital Currency system tied to one’s social credit status. Never would we fall for the notion of 15-minute cities where everyone would be crowded into SMART cities that surveil our every movement while oligarchs roam about as they please and plan for the next method for mass enslavement. They would never gut the economy and force everyone into a Guaranteed Basic Income scheme where “we will own nothing and be happy.”

We would need to see coordinated messages like “Build Back Better” and “never let a crisis go to waste” as a feint to lead us into a dystopian scenario where they can frivolously grant or withhold God-given rights (whatever they are) as a means of controlling the population (i.e. through vaccine passports, contact tracing, 5G towers, and digital IDs). We would need to sleep through them telling us the planet is overpopulated and we need fewer people.Initiatives such as Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, transhumanism, etc. would have to sprout from DAVI gatherings of global leaders and be actively promoted fueled by large amounts of tax dollars (say from Canadians). We might hear a clone of Ernst Blofeld bragging that they have penetrated more than half of the cabinets (for example, of Canada).

Prior to my de-epiphany, I might have been duped into questioning authorities and having an aversion to those seeking to control my thoughts and movements to have ill-intent. Instead, I am learning the bliss of ignorance and, boy is it a load off my mind.


  1. Tom Bartlett says:

    Ed, I know. I feel like a brand new simulation of a man after that exercise. To quote the philosopher David St. Hubbins of “Spinal Tap” – it’s a fine line between clever and stupid.

    The more I thought about the allusion to Alice in Wonderland, the more fitting it seemed – but not in the way originally intended. It becomes so clear once you reject God, the plumbline for truth, reality, and even critical thinking can be forfeit. To your point, anyone looking for a political hero telling you what you want to hear will be exposed or fall if it is not clear that they start with a commitment to a belief in God. Even if they are sincere, they will be led astray and/or be pressured to renounce their promises through various methods.

  2. Ed says:

    Tom, So good to see you come around and accept your failures, and the wisdom of our elites. They will surely allow you to live a little longer, until of course, you too become a “useless eater”.
    Even before Babylon, there was Gravity, and humans believing they could defy God, or natural law have experienced a life lesson. It will happen again. Back to a former home…As I watch some CDN politics, enamoured with Pollieve as the new saviour, I watch the new Argentinian appointee reneging on his pre-election rhetoric. God really must love us, despite our naïveté.

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