Even the CBC couldn’t put a lid on the indiscretion heard around the world. Let’s be sure we have an accurate account of what took place that fateful day. We must also address the response, fallout, contextual realities, and deeper significance of what it means that we could find ourselves in such an absurd place.

On September 22nd, the speaker of the Canadian Parliament stood up and memorialized the presence of a visitor to the chamber. A 98-year-old man was championed as a war hero who fought against the Russians in World War II for Ukrainian independence. Astute listeners, who were doubtless home-schooled, immediately did the historical math and recognized what apparently a roomful of Canadian politicians could not. Our national leaders had just given a standing ovation to a man who, not only fought against the allies, but was actually a member of the SS 14th Waffen Division (aka: literally a Nazi). Yuroslav Hunka was announced as a special guest and was celebrated by two standing ovations for gracing our august body with his presence.

Apparently, even in 2023 Canada, venerating a Nazi officer can still elicit international censure and Canadian politicians still had enough shame to feel the consternation over their actions – or at least have remorse over getting caught. If finger-pointing were an Olympic Sport, our Canadian political class would have taken the gold. After an abbreviated confab, House Speaker, Anthony Rota agreed to fall on the ceremonial scepter and resign. Trudeau was more than happy to allow Mr. Rota to bear the full weight of culpability; although he himself was merely a pawn of – you guessed it – Putin. That’s right, Putin made them clap through Russian disinformation. I’m actually not kidding.

Since I have a strenuous aversion to being lied to, there were several troubling aspects of this incident that I found unsettling. My issues are with the depth of hypocrisy and complete lack of integrity among our ruling technocrats. I want to assure you that I am not simply seeking to make political hay or engage in some measure of schadenfreude. Many will be quick to shrug this off as simply political posturing, but as I will argue, I’m as serious as a Pfizer-induced heart attack. I plan to draw parallels between the treatment of the Freedom Convoy protesters and the shameful lionization of a Nazi war criminal. Stick with me and I promise to make sense of it.

The way I see it, there are only three possibilities as to why this Waffen SS Officer received accolades from all sitting members of Parliament. It is highly likely that the reasons may well be different depending on the individual politician, but each carries a distinct indictment of those involved.

  1. There was genuine consternation over this turn of events because the political class are virulently anti-Nazi and were merely blindsided by the Speaker of the House who himself was tricked or acting as a foreign agent.
  2. They actually regard him as a hero because of their innate Nazi sympathies and any waffling and distancing was simply face saving based on the severe international backlash for having their dubious allegiances being exposed.
  3. Their commitment to the “Russia bad, Ukraine good” narrative is so entrenched that they are willing to support any entity that comports with their factory setting that anyone with Ukrainian ties is noble while Russians are evil by association.
  4. This was a living example of the Ashe Conformity Test with 100% compliance as our elected leaders went along like lemmings and jostled one another to be the first to jump off the cliff, possibly fueled by FOMO (the fear of missing out).

Let’s explore the evidence for and against each of these potential explanations.

  • The Canadian government does hate Nazis and were duped by the Speaker of the House and Russian propaganda.

There is substantial evidence that Trudeau and his government are virulently opposed to anything Nazi or white supremacist in nature.

Here we see Trudeau berate the few Conservative Party members who met with or otherwise expressed support for the Freedom Convoy as de facto Nazis sympathizers. Even in the state-run media under the banner of the CBC, they managed to muster up a more circumspect assessment of this claim.   His vitriolic remarks inspired Melissa Lantsman, a Conservative back bencher and daughter of Holocaust survivors, to call out the PM for his incendiary remarks, but he refused to issue an apology.

We must necessarily conclude that if Trudeau was not simply being provocative to malign Canadian citizens who opposed the mandates, that anyone remotely Nazi-adjacent deserves full-throated and unequivocal condemnation. The alternative cynical view is that he tried to parlay a couple of pseudo-swastika flags and a confederate flag (who was serendipitously spotted by Trudeau’s personal photographer) concealed among a sea of Canadian and “F… Trudeau” flags because of his disdain for those who dared to oppose his draconian Covid policies. It deserves mention that efforts were made during the Emergencies Act Inquiry to investigate if the flags were planted, but the judge refused to consider this.




After the Trucker Convoy when Trudeau went before the EU Parliament, he was denounced by two politicians for the treatment toward his citizens. One was the fiery Christine Anderson of Germany. Anderson was denounced in the Toronto (Red) Star newspaper for being on the “hard-right” – aka: Nazi adjacent. Trudeau chastised three Conservative members who met with Anderson due to her extremist views. To be clear, her condemnation of Trudeau has been that he was exercising hegemonic and dictatorial control over his citizens and directly violating the Nuremburg Code – instituted to ensure that the medical abuses carried out under Nazi Germany were never to be repeated. It is worthy of mention to dispel any partisan intent that Pierre Poilievre, leader of the “Conservative” party similarly denounced those who showed this disloyalty to the cause of technocratic control. It should also be noted that Anderson has called for Trudeau to resign in light of the plaudits for Hunka.



The decision to invoke the War Measures Act (since renamed as the Emergency Measures Act) for the first time ever against peaceful protestors in Ottawa was purportedly necessitated in a large part to thwart the radical neo-Nazi group, Diagalon. Jeremy McKenzie sits at the head of this organization known for the creation of an impromptu flag meme showing a diagonal black line on a white background – intended to illustrate that the provinces and states that opposed mask mandates cut diagonally across Canada and the US.

Diagalon is a “group” that consists of Jeremy McKenzie himself and the Vice President – “a time-travelling cocaine-addicted goat.” One can draw their own conclusions on how humorous or tasteless much of his content might be (he has a podcast titled “Plaid Army”), but one is not free to decide for themselves if Diagalon is a real white supremacist “group” or whether or not they pose a national threat. Looking at the specious email chain that came out in court, one might conclude that tyrants were trying to invent justification to shut down an objectively peaceful protest.

In a further irony of ironies, the newly minted House Speaker, Greg Fergus, elected (with bi-partisan support) also accused Canadians who participated in the Trucker Convoy of being Nazis. He also shares another distinction with Trudeau in that he has been charge over ethics violations, though in fairness, Fergus admittedly only has one charge to his name while Trudeau boasts four thus far.



Moving to the support players, this one just might be my personal favourite: When Liberal MP, Ya,ara Saks confidently stated during the Freedom Convoy that “Honk Honk” was an acronym for “Heil Hitler.” Apparently, Saks alone was able to pick up this German Shepherd-level dog whistle since never has anyone within or without the Freedom Convoy ever attempted to make such a specious and tortured comparison. One could also conclude that Ms Saks’ malapropism just might have been a tad disingenuous when one considers who more accurately aligned with Nazi ideology. More on that later.

Well, this certainly informs us that Liberals appear to have a major aversion to Nazism – even if their arguments may be a tad light on evidence. Sometimes, thoroughness demands extreme measures to rout an especially toxic blight on a nation. We have already seen the propensity for Trudeau and his acolytes on all sides of the aisle to judge others hypocritically – the very thing that scripture admonishes Christians to never do.

  • The Liberals (and members of Parliament in general) are actually Nazi sympathizers that got caught with their armbands exposed and the protestations are pro forma deflections.

To get fuller context, it should be noted that Trudeau levelled additional sweeping accusations against the collective characteristics shared by anyone with the temerity to participate in the Freedom Convoy.

Trudeau engaged in marginalization of those who he blamed for the woes of Canada, calling them – with no evidence – anti-science, misogynists, and racists. He went on to argue that such people take up space and should not be tolerated.

Stepping into our wayback machine, Trudeau notoriously wore blackface so many times he couldn’t keep count. Not only is this racist, but it’s rather suggestive of the behaviour of a white supremacist. Also of note,  Trudeau himself admits that taking a shine to dressing up in brown and blackface aside from being a lifestyle choice, is also racist. That’s bad, right?!

As for misogyny, I present to the members of the jury, Judy Wilson-Raybould who was kicked out of the Liberal caucus for standing up to Trudeau’s high-pressure campaign to broker a deal with a corrupt business interest known as SNC Lavalin. Wilson-Raybould paid the price for standing on principle in opposition to her powerful boss. Oh, and getting back to his racist tendencies, Wilson-Raybould is also an aboriginal.

You will also be forgiven if you are a regular CBC listener (for your ignorance, not your shameful lack of discernment), but Trudeau paid to silence one of his underaged students with whom he had an affair. Maybe it’s just me, but I believe that misogyny and statutory rape is worse than simply nebulous and unfounded accusations of misogyny alone.

We have yet to see the evidence supporting his claims of racism and misogyny against any of the Ottawa Freedom protestors, but maybe it will come out in the trial of one of the organizers, Tamara Lich – a Metis grandmother.

For the record, here are thousands of photos from the racist, misogynist, anti-science, Nazi insurgency in Ottawa.

In denouncing this populist power play, the CBC also offered an assist by inventing a claim that the entire protest was a staged propaganda piece orchestrated by the devious Vladmir Putin. This comports seamlessly with Trudeau’s secret knowledge that the Parliament was somehow infiltrated through the machinations of the Speaker of the house to fall for a Russian disinformation campaign. Oh, those inscrutable Russians. Even the shameless CBC was forced to retract their claim and admit that the funding and leadership behind the convoy originated almost entirely from within Canada.

Moving to the charge of being anti-science, this I will address in detail in my next post since the protest was specifically in opposition to the mandates. In fact, this is the only acknowledgment – disingenuous as it may be – that the convoy was in protest to the mandates. Suffice to say for now, the claims that the injections would stop infection and/or transmission, that the injections were safe and effective, that masks work were all proven to be as fraudulent as forest fires being the product of global warming rather than arson.


Based on his rhetorical flourishes, one would imagine that the Freedom protesters would have been delighted to see one of their own receiving accolades from our devoted leaders. So why did that not happen and why was there a seeming inversion of loyalties? When did advocates of medical choice and bodily autonomy switch sides and become fascists, where corporatists and statists partner by imposing their interests over the general public.  Let us also not forget that the Nazis were socialists where the good of the many outweighs the needs of the few. Why do these ideas sound so familiar?

Unless we are to assume that racist, misogynist, and Nazi are identities that we ought to affirm as perfectly acceptable (oops, I forgot – our views were unacceptable) then one would think they would not be welcome in the ranks of the Liberal cabinet.

But, you may say, that’s pretty scant evidence to attack the Liberal party on since we are exclusively talking about Trudeau and, while he may be a liar, there is little to show his Nazi tendencies.

Next to Justin Trudeau, the most powerful and influential member of the Liberal government would be Chrystia Freeland, serving as the Deputy Prime Minister. Freeland, who has been joined at the hip with Trudeau far more than his newly estranged wife, has a rather substantial link to Nazism. Despite efforts to black out the fact, Freeland’s grandfather, Michael Chomiak, served as chief editor of Krakivski Visti, a Nazi propaganda newspaper. In addition to covering up for the genocidal actions of the Nazis, it notoriously venerated the 14th Waffen SS Division. That’s right, the very unit that Yurokov Hunka served in enjoyed plaudits from the very paper that the maternal grandfather of Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister served as chief editor.


Here we see Chrystia Freeland holding a pro-Nazi banner during a Ukrainian protest. Also, I offer a photo of Justin Trudeau signing a neo-Nazi flag. I will extend Trudeau a courtesy he consistently fails to offer to his detractors. The man had the flag tucked in his shirt so there was no reason to suspect he knew what he was signing; however, based on his own standards of evidence, this would have been copious evidence condemn one of his detractors for harbouring pro-Nazi sympathies.


This places Chrystia Freeland at one degree of separation, not just from Nazism, but the actual battalion of the “war hero” that was venerated. This places Justin Trudeau in the inner circle of Nazi-adjacent, with a mere 2 degrees of separation. That’s also quite a coincidence, especially given the narrative that House Speaker, Rota alone was assigned culpability for the disgrace that led to Hunka’s attendance receiving the star treatment in Parliament. But there is yet another specious component that casts doubt on the prevailing talking point we have been spoon-fed. Oh, plus the fact that Chrystia Freeland has close ties with and also conducted a fawning interview with Jewish turncoat and unrepentant Nazi collaborator, George Soros.


It turns out that Theresa Hunka, daughter-in-law of Yaroslav, was actually an agent of Russian propaganda as she boasted on social media that prior to the House of Commons event, her father-in-law was slated to meet with Trudeau and Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky… (additional y’s and i’s optional).

Similarly, both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are proud members of the Global Youth Leaders as touted by head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, who has his own direct ties with Nazism. We have also learned that the WEF has penetrated over half of the Liberal cabinet. unrepentant Nazi collaborator, George Soros.

  • The binary premise that Russia is evil and Ukraine is on the side of the secular angels is so entrenched that anything affirming the narrative sells.

This is an easy buy considering the willingness to plunge us into World War III by poking the Russian bear and insinuating ourselves into a proxy war between these two nations. We are incurring massive national debt while citizens are facing unprecedented economic disaster to feed this narrative. This is certainly reflected among the number of Canadians sporting Ukraine flags and Russians are reporting increasing persecution. The rhetoric from the House of Commons certainly reflects their bigoted animus toward Russia in general, not distinguishing between the leader and the people.

How pathetic is it that a takeover of our governmental inner sanctum came about by a simple introduction rather than an “Olympus Has Fallen” level event to bring down our infrastructure?

Did I mention that the 14th Waffen SS Division was a regiment consisting of Ukrainian volunteers or that Ukraine, not Russia, currently has a Nazi battalion fighting for them?

  • Our governments are so entrenched in groupthink that they no longer think for themselves and unthinkingly play follow the leader.

This is not only the most likely explanation, but is also arguably the most troubling. After all, if we had genuine Nazi sympathizers invoking their hateful ideology, this would result in a huge national and international backlash. The lessons of history are that those who do implement dictatorial and dystopian nightmares on their society conceal their true intensions while carefully managing the messaging, information flow, and institutions. It also involves stoking divisions and marginalizing some as scapegoats for their own actions.

This is not to preclude that there are no latent Nazi sympathies among those who participated in this celebration of evil. Since we can’t look into their hearts, we cannot discount the prospect that these sentiments carry no weight among our political class. The presumption of good intentions is a one-way street and they demand grace and the most favourable explanation while smashing their enemies who just happen to be everyday citizens.

Our Ottawa overlords had instituted policies that criminalized basic actions such as traveling without the approved documentation, without receiving an experimental injection, without donning face coverings in obedience to state diktats, and where one faced discrimination, threats and possibly job lost for failing to accede to the whims of political leaders. On the other side were citizens who felt that they should have the liberty to decide for themselves what health measures they were comfortable to choose for themselves and not have those rights negated or trampled by state controllers. This, and not the fear of insurgent violence from white nationalists, racists and woman-hating Neanderthals.

Those protesting in Ottawa were the only ones who were transparent about their intensions and wishes. We were not participating in a “so-called Freedom Convoy,” but genuinely championing basic rights and freedoms. Our actions were defined by non-violence – and every person sitting in our House of Commons knew this to be true.

Particularly concerning was that an earnest effort was made to scrub the evidence of their ode to a Nazi war hero from the government record. If it weren’t for a handful of voices in opposition, this attempt to erase history would have succeeded. Imagine the implications if this blight took place out of the public eye and international media. If those who already control the news that can be disseminated could have prevented this from getting out, does anyone doubt they would have done just that?

To be entirely fair, Trudeau did, in fact, express regret over his sweeping indictment of those who participated in the Freedom Convoy after the Citizen’s Inquiry into his invocation of the War Measures Act. His remarks suggested that the real deplorables were merely a small subset of those Canadians who were hurting – presumably due to the restrictions he imposed. This about blackface stirs up some questions that I feel deserve an answer in light of his actions from the start of the mandates until he issued his statement.

  1. If he simply misspoke, why did he not clear up the obvious insult at the time instead of waiting for a year?
  2. Who falls under that subset of people with unacceptable views, what distinguishes them, and where is the evidence?
  3. If he merely expressed himself poorly and he knew that most of those in Ottawa were hurting people wanting the mandates ended, why did he refuse to meet with them instead of invoking the Emergencies Act and sending in the cavalry?
  4. Why did he condone the freezing of bank accounts for supporters merely trying to see an end to the draconian restrictions?
  5. Did he allow the situation to fester while refusing to meet because he hoped that violence would erupt to justify his defamatory claims about the protestors and did he ultimately choose the confrontational path as a final attempt to poke the teddy bear and intimidate reasonable citizens to submit to his despotic ways?
  6. What does one call a political leader who engages in such tactics against his own citizens for not acquiescing to his technocratic and repressive policies and enforcement?
  7. If Rota’s introduction came about because of Russian misinformation, doesn’t this mean that the entire Canadian government are stooges of the Russian government and therefore should be purged in toto? Since Klaus Schwab maintains that more than half of the Canadian government has been penetrated, who is actually serving on behalf of the citizens of Canada?
  8. If they are wrong on this matter and deflect to blame others for their own failures, what else are they lying about and trying to hide? How much worse is this threat if they are able to hide their malfeasance instead of being caught out for attempting an Orwellian attempt to memory hole what happened?
  9. Can we trust their judgment on anything if they can be so easily duped by a narrative? How often have they used false narratives intentionally or because they are useful idiots for corrupt influencers?
  10. What are the larger implications of a government who will invent or extrapolate on tenuous ties to vilify their own people while whitewashing their own genuine failures, missteps, or criminalities as honest mistakes?

I take this as an admission that everything about the response to the Trucker protest was done out of spite and a desire to maintain authoritarian control. He knew that agreeing to meet would have exposed his tyrannical ways. He was fully aware that it was certainly the most peaceful mass protest in history and that the bad actors had nothing to do with the protest and were possibly even injected into the mix by him. He knew that in his maligning of the citizens and stoking division, he was further dividing our nation and causing strife within families and relationships. He intentionally engaged in character assassination of reasonable citizens by fabricated false projections because it suited his agenda. Ultimately, he wanted to eliminate those who stood against his controlling efforts.

The most significant divide between the spurious and risible charges against the Freedom Convoy and the conduct of our Parliamentarians is that they invited the man into their midst and gave him a standing ovation of their own volition. No mass protest, especially one lasting several weeks, can possibly hope to stave off infiltrators. The willful blindness or self-deception required to make such an assertion in earnest reveals a nation that is in it’s death throes.


  1. Tom says:

    Thank you, Ed. I’m not sure that this was so much about getting it off my chest, but connecting dots for those who see these events in isolation and thus fail to see the trajectory and implications behind it. In fact, it was a lot of work to locate and attach all the links and I wouldn’t have bothered if it was just for a cathartic experience.

    Yes, I have thought often of that passage and am struck by the fact that God was warning that a ruler would demand 10% of all they had. Oh, to be blessed with such a benevolent fiefdom. The promise of my eternal home is a daily inspiration. If I don’t see you in Mexico…

  2. Ed says:

    Great dissertation AGAIN, Tom. Here’s hoping it is now “off your chest” and you feel better!
    Either re-read 1 Samuel 8, or choose this link…
    IMO, we are all paying the price of this Israeli decision. Let’s be pragmatic, and finally act and talk like we are “citizens of another country”, if your catch the drift.
    That having said, your latest submission is solid intellectual reasoning.

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