The following post comes with a trigger warning. Please note that I plan to present an argument in defence of a thesis and will do so without reliance of emotional manipulation, ideological presuppositions, approved narrative assumptions, censorship, or gaslighting. Such impertinence may prove to be overwhelming for many so please proceed advisedly. This is not for the faint of heart or narrow of mind.
George Orwell famously stated, “If you want to know who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.” Irony warning: George Orwell’s “1984” has been slapped with its own trigger warning, purportedly over sexual depictions that are too graphic for the delicate sensibilities of college students at Northampton University. In a related story, “1984” is also banned from primary and elementary schools because it fails to meet the exacting standards of explicitly lewd and licentious content.
Cynic that I am, I suspect that the rationale for this decision might be that it is a tad offensive to the Ministry of Truth enforcers in charge of the college curriculum. After all, this is not the nuanced approach of countries like the USSR, UAE, Cuba and North Korea as they don’t feel compelled to justify the banning of dystopian books that served as the blueprints for their tyrannical socialist dictatorships. These nations also ban “Animal Farm” and even the relations between the pigs and humans does not cross such lines into indecency.
That said, presenting my speculation as fact would violate the principles set out in my opening thesis. I will leave you, dear reader, to ponder what the true reasons may be – provided you are prepared to contemplate that a despot (or school administrator) would be so brazen as to not offer an honest rationale for their decision.
With the above in mind, I will return us to the beaten path and look at privilege through the lens of real-world application. The points I will address will go well beyond vapid hypothesis with no foundation and will be self-evident even to members of the privileged class while clinging desperately to their victimhood. This is because I will not permit evasions based on emotions but will give my critics enough rope to hang themselves. Disclaimer: this is not an endorsement of lynching.
As you will soon see, white male privilege does actually exist, but there is a much deeper context that must not be ignored. Furthermore, this is not a situation where the fact that so many white men dominate that others are excluded from the sphere of control. It is important that you not rush willy-nilly to conclusions before giving this missive a full hearing.
I present a series of candidates for your consideration and invite you to decide who are the most privileged people on the planet. I will then make my case for who I would argue is at the top of the entitlement pyramid. I suspect that my conclusions will challenge the thinking of many readers.
In order to make a determination of who actually enjoys optimal privilege, we must first clearly delineate the meaning of the word. According to Merriam-Webster, privilege is “a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favour: prerogative especially: such a right or immunity attached specifically to a position or an office. Now, let us proceed.
They have the right to not only determine what may or may not be taught, but hold a monopoly on the worldview framework students must adopt. Submission to their bias is a requirement for any student to pass and/or receive the requisite accreditation to operate in almost any field of endeavour. They are funded through forcibly prying money from the taxpayer and making endless demands based on their monopoly and hand in fist relationship with government authorities.
Their success or failure in actually educating those in their charge is largely irrelevant. Most are judged based on how well they parrot the ideology of their teachers and/or how committed the students are at social activism in the furtherance of their standards. They get money from taxes even for those who home school, don’t have children, or additionally bear the costs of a Christian or private school education. They can impose sexual and social values in contravention of those held by parents. Teachers can impose gender confusion, promote promiscuous and homosexual sex, or take teens to get abortions without the parents’ knowledge or permission. The presumption of expertise is derived from the same rigged system that rolls out the cookie cutter graduates who learn to pander to authority in order to successfully graduate.
Advancement and tenure is restricted to conformists that are most willing to kiss the feet of their privileged masters. This also weeds out free-thinkers and those committed to the pursuit of truth and the practise of teaching students how rather than what to think. From pre-school to the end of the indoctrination process is one seamless Asch conformity test.
Ever since abortion became legal, 1973 in the U.S. and 1988 in Canada, this powerful entity has managed to convince most of humanity that murdering the child in the womb is the highest good. In Canada especially, opposing abortion is one of an endless number of third rail issues that no mainstream political party will renounce. Former PM, Stephen Harper, was effectively called out as an extremist for claiming to personally oppose abortion while committing to do absolutely nothing to interfere with the status quo – meaning, no restriction on abortion at any stage or for any reason.
Abortion advocates have successfully put into law protections to impose bubble zones around the baby killing factories, get reams of tax funding and are exempt from the two-tiered healthcare standard as private clinics, like hospitals, are fully reimbursed for their efforts. They are given such a wide berth that criminals like Kermit Gosnell carried on open infanticide in his abortuary that didn’t remotely meet public health standards. Here is a summary of some of the unconscionable details about Gosnell and his clinic that was not deemed newsworthy by legacy media sources. Here we learned that abortion is such a sacrosanct right that one must not malign acts of blatant infanticide to protect the right to kill the buggers before they exit the womb.
Attacks on crisis pregnancy centres that offer alternatives to abortion are ignored or excused. Maternity homes that provide care and offer material, academic, employment, emotional, medical, and other supports to pregnant women who want to keep their babies are maligned. These programs as well as prolife organizations (that educate about the life issues) and free ultrasound services that accurately show women the growing child in their womb, are labelled as anti-choice while those who impede these options are called pro-choice.
While such demographics fall under the larger spectrum of identity groups, the trajectory of these categories closely align – moving progressively closer together over time. Hiring practises for most occupations are almost certain to discriminate against anyone not fitting one or both of these categories. Whether it be affirmative action or other arbitrary hiring quota, there is open discrimination applied to occupational or academic candidates that place some at the head of the line based on these seemingly immutable characteristics.
This does not, however, appertain to an individual’s acumen or qualifications and, in fact, it is antithetical to these principles. Essentially, such stipulations intentionally guarantee that the one being hired is less qualified. An employer who does not engage in such a winnowing process is choosing from a pool of essentially 100% of potential hires while those relying on quotas restrict themselves to a much smaller segment of the population. Of course, one may end up with the best and brightest, but will be despite rather than because of their discriminatory selection practices.
This does not apply broadly across all spheres, however, since no one worries about a surfeit of blacks in professional basketball or a paucity of women working in coal mines. This method is relegated to prestige positions. Of course, it also doesn’t cut across all minority classifications since the only ones facing greater academic discrimination than white males are Asians of either sex who are cursed with a strong work ethic.
When the balance reversed and females supplanted males as post-secondary graduates, the universities and activists simply lost interest in classroom demographic statistics. Instead, they focused on prison quotas and determined that blacks, through no fault of their own, were victims of a criminal system that selectively imposes criminal activity upon them. Those pontificating about the disparity of whites in prison never argue that innocent blacks are being railroaded (at least not since the Jim Crow era), but they assume prejudice or outright insist that blacks are victims that lack personal agency.
One might imagine that appeals like this and the argument that photo IDs to vote are racist because blacks are uniquely incapable of acquiring such essentials could be itself be deemed a tad condescending. I’m struck by the fact that those making these allegations are in charge of the education system and require ID to access to their social programs might be more invested in fixing that apparent institutional failure.
It is clear that any faith system – including new age and Satanism – but I repeat myself – will receive full-throated support for their risible and destructive practices. I didn’t read any news stories of mosques or temples being inundated with fines for violating mandates and no Iman or guru was arrested for holding worship services.
Institutions, businesses and governments will go out of their way to accommodate and acknowledge even the most insignificant “holy days” for these faiths, but they will prevent any hint of deference toward the person of Christ. Valedictorians will have their commencement speeches purged of any affirmative invocation of God, but a Hindu would doubtless be able to offer officious plaudits regarding several of their 330 million gods and face no rebuke.
When a self-identified Christian violates multiple scriptural injunctions by committing some vile and reprehensible act, they are held up as representative of all of Christendom. When an Islamist carries out a terrorist attack based on chapter and surah of their holy writings, we are cautioned that such individuals are not true Muslims. When Hindus and atheist nations across the globe commit brutal acts of persecution and genocide against Christians, this is deemed as unnewsworthy as Gosnell’s infanticidal crimes – and for the same reason.
The Bible clearly defines human relationships for sex and procreation as confined to the union of a man and a woman. Every alternative to this institutional structure is incentivized, promoted and rewarded. The promotion of indiscriminate and casual sex in contravention of Christian teaching has been elevated through mandatory sex ed programs to solicit licentiousness in our children and youths. Standard forms of sexual sin such as adultery, prostitution, BDSM, fetishism, and other perversions, however, lack the clout, prestige and lionization reserved for those with homosexual proclivities.
In former times, the innocence of children was seen as something to be protected and even venerated. This was a societal value that only a the most dangerous sexual predator would seek to violate. There was certainly no consideration or presumption that a child’s nascent feelings toward friends were the product of simmering erotic desires. Not only do you not bypass the training wheel stage when teaching your child how to ride a bike, but you certainly don’t hand them the car keys and wish them luck. Our godless society has decided it is so important to have children circumvent the biblical view of sex and marriage that all children must be corrupted and defiled if they can win over even one convert to homosexuality.
Homosexuals received priority consideration – along with the aforementioned and yet to be named populations – to be hired, promoted, and be otherwise festooned with accolades for the unique qualification of being attracted to those with similar genitalia. Organizations up to and including churches were celebrated based on how much they endorsed a lifestyle strictly condemned by God. The vaunted separation of church and state was gleefully breached when Trinity Western University asked that those choosing to attend their Christian school actually affirm to live by Christian standards of sex and marriage. In this circumstance, the rights of church to distinguish itself from the state was something to be trampled underfoot – like peaceful protestors in Ottawa that dared to be too proximate to RCMP officers who disdain notions of personal rights and freedoms.
Homosexuals are so celebrated that all the cool schools, businesses, and woke citizens hoist flags to celebrate their pridefulness in what transitioned from a single month to a season to sexual sin and fetishism. They even hijacked the rainbow – a sign of God’s promise to his people – as a tribute to their devotion to one of the seven deadly sins. Canada even scrubbed the celebration of our nation’s founding and drop indecency laws so that sexual deviancy can parade through our streets. If you oppose such practices, you will be labelled a homophobe. If you actively protest for Christian values, you will likely be arrested and/or be slapped with a heavy fine.
While the benefits afforded this demographic are captured in those extended to all the above groups, this consortium has privileges that far outstrip any granted to the competing subcategories. In fact, the one aspect that all the aforementioned privileged group members share in common with Christians is that when their interests run afoul of the whims of the so-called trans community, the latter is guaranteed to dominate every time.
For instance, misogyny is a virtue when the considerations of female athletes or even privacy for our young girls or women is at stake. The targets of the early new age feminists were, in the language of the day, male chauvinist pigs. In those days, this descriptor captured men who devalued women by their crudeness, lewdness, arrogance, and sense of entitlement. With representatives from the anti-Christian left taking over the culture, feminists championed the right of women to adopt the same licentious and selfish attitudes and behaviours of their former nemeses. With many women succumbing to the same foibles that used to cause them consternation, modern day feminists have volunteered to be the impersonal playthings that the worst men wanted dames to be.
While directing their energies to complaining about fabricated wage gaps and microaggressions such as mansplaining and manspreading, feminists have ushered the wolves into the henhouse. Much like feminist men and women alike have made the womb the most dangerous place for a child, they have similarly ensured that the least safe place for a woman is in their own changerooms.
Stick with me as I am not engaging in the ideological equivalent of telling women that they were asking to be sexually assaulted by dressing too provocatively. After all, aren’t I simply engaging in manipulation by faulting women for events that are the result of male privilege? I’m glad you asked.
There is no acid test to prove or disprove a gender claim – and it is not men who make the rules, but the leftist academics I already called out for exercising undue privilege. There is no way to invalidate anyone who claims to redefine science, biology and reality based on the deference given to those vowing fealty to the trans-agender. The enemies of this fallacious nomenclature are not men or women, but those embracing Christian orthodoxy. Once you kick the chair out from under immutable standards that show our true God-ordained identity and worth based on his design and biology and replace it with feelings and subjective truth claims, then one zir’s intolerance is another man or woman’s affirmation of reality.
Curiously we moved from fringe fetishes like transvestism to the point where a man doesn’t even need to walk a mile in the uncomfortable shoes of the fair sex to a place where the dude with the Adam’s apple and 5 o’clock shadow can gain access to what should be restricted zones without even dressing the part. Now even female criminals are victimized in their cells and being raped by biological men who claim to feel pretty.
But wait…there’s more!
We are now in a time, as I covered in detail in a former article, where one can be arrested for misgendering (telling the truth about someone’s identity), parents can lose their child for not denying their true gender, a parent can lose custody for not having their son wear a dress, a student can be arrested and suspended from their Catholic school for stating boys should not be permitted in girl’s washrooms, counsellors can be charged or lose their licenses for helping a gender dysphoric person break free of their delusion. Teachers can and do take children to transgender strip clubs (aka: drag shows) and have predatory “drag queens” read to children for purposes of grooming. Unremarkable male athletes can make an unfalsifiable claim (based on gender ideology) to be a woman and strip women of their hard-earned awards and accolades. Lying or mentally ill men can even win beauty competitions and be celebrated as woman of the year while satire sites can be deplatformed for mocking this charade.
One of the starkest examples of the elevated status of transgenders is found in the recent school shooting in Tennessee. After a 28-year-old so-called “trans-man” (aka: woman) shot 3 teachers and 3 nine-year-old children at Covenant Christian School, the outrage and protests were over gun violence and sympathy skewed in favour of the shooter. In footage found here, protestors held up 7 fingers to indicate there were 7 victims – the seventh being the shooter. Furthermore, we are always treated to detailed accounts of manifestos from mass shooters that make even tenuous associations with conservatives or Christians. In this case, the police have not released the manifesto and the media has not demanded that it be disclosed.
An eerie detail that emerged was that Cenk Uygur (a commentator from the radical leftists named the “Young Turks”) had insisted just days before the shooting that despite his opposition to firearms, he believed “transgenders” should be armed for their protection. This becomes even more sinister when carefully considered. The argument from the left against gun ownership is that people will use it to kill and they brush off anyone claiming it is vital for personal safety. Here, Uygur’s gun advocacy is based on claims of personal protection. If he knows guns are essential for personal protection, why should only those he agrees with be armed and those he opposes be left vulnerable to be murdered? If he is convinced of the narrative from the left that guns are dangerous because they kill innocent people, doesn’t this mean he wants his ideological opponents to be murdered? There is no innocent or benign explanation for this double standard.
In fairness, I must admit that there is one rainbow member that is disadvantaged – namely, “trans men.” After all, we don’t see biological women being named “Man of the Year” or see “trans men” going into men’s washrooms and competing against men in wrestling, weightlifting and sports events. Clearly, they are not enjoying the same privileges afforded “trans women” – thus again proving that women are truly the privileged ones after all.
I hope you followed that. I struggled myself to fully grasp what I was saying.
If you have been waiting to learn who the most privileged people on the planet are, I must inform you that you will have to wait. This is what is commonly referred to as a cliff-hanger. My blogs are already prohibitively long and I could not do justice to the subject in one post. I promise to wrap things up and divulge the shocking conclusion in my next article.
Hi Dean. Just to be clear, I am not a cosmologist, astrophysicist, or any variation. If you’d like, just think of it like referring to the sun rising or setting – mere shorthand. No souls are at risk for failing to distinguish between the minutia of whether or not Earth is a planet. Similarly, I do not wish to step outside of my limited sphere of presumed expertise.
If you can’t get beyond the title to consider my refutation of the strawman claims regarding the presumption of white privilege that is used to corrupt civil justice and bring about widespread persecution and indoctrination in logical fallacies, perhaps another blog might be of interest. like “Atheists Affirm the Christian Ethic,” “Acceptable Losses,” or “The Penumbra of Science.”
My certainty about God as creator comes not from getting into the weeds over whether or not Earth is a planet, but all the logical inconsistencies and unanswered questions that consistently mock the notion of an uncaused universe. Someday, I expect to do a post on that subject.
At the moment, I simply cannot go beyond the title of the article, ‘THE MOST PRIVILEGED PEOPLE ON THE PLANET’ since it contains a strawman reference to Earth as a ‘planet’ – a scientifically impossible open gas system (atmos) of air, wind, etc next to the alleged powerful 10 -17torr vacuum of ‘space’. The absolute necessary antecedent for gas pressure/atmos is a physical container, and ‘planets’ under the current heliocentric model display no physical container/barrier in the ‘images’ we are shown of earth from space – somewhere you and I have never been to and must ‘trust the science’ to ‘believe’ that you can have gas pressure without a container. In reality, no demonstration exists of gas pressure without a container. Therefore earth not a planet, but rather a closed system realm, and what we see above us from our position on earth are at best unverified lights in the firmamanrt. Until then, in our own experience, there is no ‘outer space’ as presented to us on TV and Nasa images. God placed lights IN the firmament, not beyond it.