While my blog was initiated to separate the reasonable wheat from the leftist chaff, there is a question that has dogged me from the outset. While I was convinced of the merit in creating a space where consequential ideas can be respectfully laid out and debated, I have questioned whether there is an appetite for unity or even a willingness to listen even among those who should be open to persuasion. For the most part, I have felt a great deal like Diogenes; only mine is a dystopian John Woo version where I’m attempting to evade adversaries determined to snuff out my lantern before anyone else sees the light.
This should in no way be construed as my planning to throw in the towel. Blogging is, cathartic to me – much like journaling or venting to a counsellor – thus I am determined to continue even if I’m only speaking to the choir. The affirmation I receive from others who find solace and kinship from another voice affirming the times we’re leaving in and the burgeoning threats we face of is invaluable. The deception warned of in scripture has ballooned ever since our culture has eliminated God from the public sphere and many churches have followed suit. The dystopian levels reached in the year of COVID 1984 is far beyond any nightmare Orwell could have concocted during his worse nightmares after eating a dozen burritos. This present darkness has convinced me what full-out spiritual warfare looks like.
There is a passage that I believe perfectly illustrates what is responsible for the profound divide we are facing.
“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible quality – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator – who is forever praised. Amen…Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” Romans 1:18-25; 28-32
To be very clear, I am not merely trying to take malicious shots at those who happen to disagree with me as that would be rank pettiness. My concern is over how blatant the lies of the enemy are and the commensurate level of delusion within the population over what is taking place. I believe that the video of the CNN anchor standing before a conflagration while identifying what we’re seeing as a “mostly peaceful protest” is a perfect encapsulation and tableau of what I’m talking about. The pandemonium surrounding the U.S. election is illustrative of what true spiritual warfare looks like.
This is not political posturing as this isn’t even about Trump specifically. Trump is a proxy that serves as a vivid contrast to the dark deeds and agendas of those opposed to him. The fact that Trump used to be one of “them” only makes the irony that much richer and shows the mysterious workings of God.
In the aftermath of this hotly contested election, we have had a front row seat to how the sausage factory works. The hubris of Democrats claiming victory for an election with a myriad of legal challenges and that is not yet certified became even more surreal with their call that we all come together and heal. Considering they have spent the entirety of Trump’s first term attempting to delegitimize him and the layers of alleged corruption that have caused fully 50% of the population to feel they have been disenfranchised and played, the Democrats and media (but I repeat myself) are actually commanding their adversaries (aka voters) to “HEEL!”
I understand if this sounds like mere partisanship, but I my charges are uniquely for those rushing to legitimize the election without scrutiny. This excludes numerous Democrats who want a fair election, but indicts a large number of anti-Trump and establishment Republicans who have joined the chorus of “moveon.org.” I want to lay out for you why there is more than enough reason to let this process play out – especially if the objective is to unify the nation and not try to simply crown a Democrat successor. The voting “irregularities” I’m laying out are based on cases – including many with accompanying footage – to suspect the process was corrupted. No one I have heard is proclaiming victory for Trump; they are only seeking to ensure the integrity of the process. Below is a list of challenges I have personally seen online:
- Democrat poll watchers either excluding Republicans from the building, keeping them so distant they are not able to observe, blocking windows with poll watchers outside, sending Republicans home claiming they were shutting down for the night while Democrats continued to count for hours, and having vastly more Democrat than Republicans watching the polls.
- Poll workers filling out new ballots, signing as witnesses, or otherwise completing or redoing ballots that were submitted.
- Workers in Republican districts being given Sharpies to complete ballots even though they are specifically forbidden because they bleed through and invalidate the ballot.
- Countless ballots completed for those who are deceased and even some ballots under the names of pets.
- Reports of trucks full of ballots being dropped off at voting centres – reportedly all or almost all for Joe Biden. Some trucks reportedly had empty ballots being filled in on site while several poll watchers blocked the view of any onlookers.
- Voting machines flipping hundreds of thousands of votes from Republican to Democrat during live election coverage.
- A moratorium on counting in battleground states that showed President Trump with a decisive lead only to restart several hours later with the margin either vastly tightened or showing Biden in the lead.
- Numbers of voters in certain districts reported to be in the range of statistical impossibility including more voters than those on the voter rolls.
- Poll workers handing out additional lists to add to the voter rolls during the voting process.
- Undercover videos reporting that postal workers were to backdate ballots that arrived after the deadline.
- Boxes of ballots in landfills, ditches or found destroyed in the garbage at polling stations despite the fact that even spoiled ballots are to be kept for several years by law.
- Mail-in ballots mailed out en masse to entire districts despite not being requested.
- Use of ballot harvesting where third-party private organizations that are partisan pick up and relay ballots.
- A man shown on camera proudly showing off a car filled with ballots
- People directed to drop off ballots to the back of trucks or to a remote address that is not a designated location.
- Reports of ballots being entered numerous times.
- Voters being directed to push a button after they vote which nullifies their vote.
- People discovering after voting that there is no record that their vote was received.
- Last minute illegal changes of election law in battleground states which made election fraud easier to carry out.
- Prematurely calling states for Biden while states where Trump shows insurmountable leads are not being called for Trump.
- Polling prior to the election almost all skewed heavily in favour of Biden and was completely inaccurate based on the actual results which is known to result in voter suppression.
- Computer “glitches” that solely favoured Biden.
- Memos given out to Democrat poll watchers coaching on how to distract Republican overseers.
- Notoriously corruptible “Dominion” ballot machines used in 28 states including battleground states.
It should be noted that those responsible for election oversight would be both the most aware of the complaints being leveled and the inherent unreliability of the voting machines and are primary sources the media is relying on to deem the claims of election tampering fraudulent. We are then left to consider whether we are looking at the equivalent of the media asking “Dear Leader” for affirmation that his win with 117% of the vote was legitimate or are covering Neville Chamberlain waving a proclamation and announcing, “We have a new President. Let there be peace in our time.”
Notably, there have been hundreds of affidavits submitted where questionable to outright fraudulent actions were seen and heard by various individuals. The most effusive challenges have been leveled in battleground states – almost as if someone knew which areas might need a little more massaging. Considering the vast array of incidents that are showing up on the internet and the fact that numerous court challenges are already in process, it would seem to be premature to call the election in favour of either candidate. Despite all of the above, the mainstream media has deigned to call the election for Harris and Biden.
I openly confess that I am persuaded not only that there has been election fraud, but that it has been substantial, systemic and orchestrated. I also know I am not alone and stipulate that my impressions will not and should not dictate what takes place. Alternatively, it is just as true that rushing to judgment without allowing the reviewing the charges and affidavits is no less reckless. The difference is that the Democrats and media are insisting that their version of reality must be accepted by the entire country or we are the divisive ones.
Some years ago, in Canada, a member of the Conservative Party put forth a motion to review the definition of “personhood” since the definition was 500 years old. This is no small thing in that such distinctions determine human rights and have been manipulated to allow for egregious practices such as slavery. This was criticized, voted down, and attacked as an effort to make abortion illegal. Anyone not committed to an agenda would rightly view this as a confession that they are committed to denying rights inherent to the unborn to justify an act that otherwise is untenable. The opposition to a recount strikes me as the electoral version of this same scenario. Their opposition is an acknowledgment that not only was the process corrupt, but it was so entrenched that it would almost certainly flip the election in Trump’s favour. This is therefore not Democrat vs Republican; this is grasping autocrats vs the electorate. There is no other good explanation for what we are seeing.
With this in mind, I would like to pose a number of questions and make several observations in light of these challenges:
- What foreknowledge does the media and others proclaiming there is no evidence of election fraud? The charges have yet to be adjudicated and those making this assertion are not privy to the specifics of either the charges or the evidence for or against the claims. From this, we already know that these prejudicial determinations are guided by ideology and not an accurate assessment of the facts on the ground. There already is a tacit admission that cheating happens, so the denials already run hollow. This alone exposes them not as journalists, but enablers who are seeking to squelch any challenge to the reported results. If the recount doesn’t change the results, so be it. You have a fair election process. If the presumptive belief is that everything was sufficiently on the up and up to render a recount unnecessary; imagine having one of these “journalists” or Democratic apologist as your judge or on your jury where your political and religious views are being prosecuted.
- Why would citizens risk signing an affidavit in the face of pressures and with the foreknowledge that they could end up being sent to prison for lying under oath? Adding to justifiable incredulity is the fact that several of those making charges of voter fraud are Democrats accusing their own party.
- Why is it that all the allegations of voter fraud are happening in Democrat districts and there have been no commensurate charges leveled at any Republican location? There should be no partisan reason to oppose recounts with oversight of both parties unless the objective was to ensure a victory regardless of the facts. To not care about the actual will of the people based on an accurate accounting of the ballots means not only do you not care about a constitutional Republic (reflecting the will of the people), but you don’t even care about a democracy. This, of course, is the irony of those claiming that they want democratic socialism. They can have a front row seat to an active effort to undermine the electoral process to force in a socialist agenda and still insist that this meets the standards of a democratic or democratic socialist form of government. Based on real life experience, this is how these systems work which is why they are profoundly dangerous.
- What is the innocent explanation for why Democrat poll watchers would seek to exclude scrutiny by Republicans – let alone go to such lengths to that end? The undeniable reality is that vote tallies would have been far more accurate if Republicans were solely responsible for the counting. This is NOT a recommendation I am making, nor would well-intentioned Republicans seek to exclude Democrats from the process. This is because we know that accountability is essential because our inclination is to cheat in a way that benefits us. C.S. Lewis commented that “Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” Those on the left know this to be true. When Democrats are conducting their process under cover of darkness, they know they aren’t trustworthy and so do their apologists. This time around especially, voter fraud was not an unfortunate biproduct of a flawed system, but was baked into the cake. This was coordinated and targeted as the red flags and troubling ballot counting trends all happened in battleground states. There has also been speculation that not calling certain states that Trump clearly won was done solely to give some flexibility to allow options to ensure the socialist duo is dragged over the finish line. The fact that so many leftists would so blatantly undermine election integrity for their interests exposes the depth of their corruption and the political environment where they can act with such hubris.
- Considering mainstream leftists have warned of violent retaliation from Trump supporters if things didn’t go our way, why are things so peaceful (at least at the time of this writing). If there was ever a scenario that would stoke voter discontent, this is it. The vast majority of Republican voters are plausibly convinced the election was stolen. Legal challenges to results take time and patience, yet there is no violence. The media has proclaimed the Democrats as victorious – calling Biden “President Elect” – while the challenges are yet to be litigated and before the vote is certified. The Democrats are already behaving as though they have won the office and a large crowd gathered to celebrate their victory and there was not a single violent episode. In contrast, there was a massive Trump rally held, but antifa also showed up and became violent. This exposes what was always a self-evident truth: The boarding up of businesses was strictly as a safeguard against the prospect of Trump winning re-election. There is every reason to believe – especially in light of their actions through the election – that the mobs will hit a bloody crescendo if the legitimate ballot recounts nullify the presumptive decision for Biden. In fact, many “Republicans” are willing to concede defeat strictly to avoid the potential fallout. To do so would only make the activist left the new mafia and allow “will to power” to be the guiding principle for America and put a bullet through any hope of retaining or returning to a representative Republic.
Whatever the radical left may claim to justify their blinding contempt toward Trump and his supporters, it really comes down to the fact that he is an impediment to their mendacious power grab. They want to dictate every aspect of our society and social relations. Only a complete lack of introspection, empathy, logic, intellectual consistency and moral grounding could explain such delusional thinking. We have seen how a public can be manipulated into imagining that limited government is fascistic and freedom is found through voluntary (or involuntary) submission to the state. This could only be achieved once the infrastructure is built through educational indoctrination, the deconstruction or language, reality and morality as well as the deliberate stoking of emotion over reason. This could only be possible once God is jettisoned from society because, once God is lost, so is reason. It requires no great skill for intellectual elitists to dupe useful idiots propagated under this regimen of intellectual malpractice or use coercive pressure to impose conformity in a nation that has lost God. What is especially disturbing is to see the Obi-wan Kenobi level of mind control that not even Orwell could have imagined during a nightmare after an “all you can eat” burrito-fest.
Beyond the strength I draw from my faith, there have been two major sources that have done much to provide comfort. The first is in knowing that this has galvanized many of us and spurred us into action. There is a vast network of fellow believers who have united and prompted each other to not lose hope or focus. We have no illusions that all will go well and we do not regard Trump as our “Cheeto Jesus.” We aren’t bitter and angry and actually can even find humour while being realistic about what the future portends. Of course, our confidence is grounded in faith and discernment, but there is a courage in standing athwart the spirit of the age and proclaim, “No More!” We don’t expect to change the world or that there will be no cost, but we draw strength from the one true God who promised to never abandon us. We are willing to face persecution and do so for those who ostensibly hate us.
All of the animus and division is solely the product of the activist left. They have driven a wedge between people who otherwise could compromise and stoked hatred and division in all our major institutions. They have turned decent God-loving people into enemies through propagating lies. They have ejected the foundation for truth from the public square and promoted libelous scandals while burying genuine abuses of power. They have papered over layers of institutional corruption and granted government extensive extra-constitutional powers that mean basic rights and freedoms something to be won or lost based on an election. If and when the fraud is exposed, it will be evident to all that the media and Democrat party are corrupt to an irredeemable level. I currently don’t see a path back to sanity. We need to cling to our God and all we know to be true and seek to be a light in the “dark winter” headed our way and praise our Lord!