“Aslan is a lion – the Lion – the great Lion.” “Ooh” said Susan. I thought he was a man. Is he-quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion.”…“Safe” said Mr. Beaver…” Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – C.S. Lewis

I will have you know that I have carried out an exhaustive study on the scriptural calls for believers to make their personal safety a priority in the pursuit of a godly life. I even delved into the abyss of Levitical laws and the enumeration of the various Jewish tribes. Prepare to be dazzled by the results of this comprehensive deep dive – all being made available to you at no cost. Here we go.


Did you catch that?  You read that right. Nowhere in scripture do I read that we have a duty to keep ourselves safe.

I hate to tell you, but Christianity is not a safe faith. Certainly, there are occasions where God promises to give us his protection. With this in mind, we are also told to brace ourselves to face God-sanctioned persecution for boldly defending our faith. Simply stated, we should expect to place ourselves in danger by living out our devotion to our Lord for the sake of a lost world and because Satan will use those around us to put us through tests, trials, and adversity. We are, in fact, duty-bound to sacrifice our personal safety for the purpose of fulfilling the twin duties of living out the greatest commandments and the great commission.

And before any of my readers is poised to defend compliance under the banner of safety as an act of compassion extended to their neighbour, I’ve anticipated your objection and will address it in due course. Off the top, however, be assured that this is not another anti-Covid tirade. The false flag of safety has long ago entered our lexicon and been adopted to justify an array of initiatives intended to neuter the church. In fact, the safety trope during Covid has been so effective because it is the bounty of a crop planted for decades if not longer.

Godless, if not outright demonic forces, have convinced society and huge swaths of the church that we are a blight on society. I have covered this ground many times before and, suffice to say, there is not one institution that does not impose restrictions on the free expression and defence of biblical principles. We know the terminology and the inherent assumptions. Christianity promotes intolerance. It advocates for antiquated views. Believers are misogynists, racists, fascists, transphobes, homophobes, Islamophobes, ignorant, anti-science, close-minded, Bible-thumping, hypocritical, busy-bodies who want to impose our values on others.

We have now moved well past the mere sweeping vilification of all Christendom and the horse we rode in on. I want you to now consider the rationale for painting us in such stark terms and how this has facilitated the condemnation, marginalization and outright purging of Christian standards. If you haven’t been paying attention, we are now labelled “domestic terrorists” for opposing abortion, social justice or critical theory, the GLBTQBECONTINUED agenda, and drag queen story hour, to name but a few. What then is the responsibility of our institutions when confronted with such extremists? Why, of course, their duty is to keep the general public safe from the threat posed by Bible-believing Christians.

The milquetoast response of going along to get along only serves to validate their premise and we are left with the impossible task of clearing our name from invented charges projected onto us. The mere act of standing athwart our God-hating, narrative-weaving, self-identified expert class is all that it takes to earn the reputation of a potential threat to humanity. If you don’t believe me, consider some of the following offenses that have been credibly instilled in minds full of mush that have been groomed to see malice in even the most reasonable and innocuous circumstance.

A microaggression is a recently minted term to describe “a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (such as a racial minority”). It is used to personify subjective feelings into an act of aggression.

“Silence is violence” is a slogan with a lot of traction that turns reality on its head. Silence, by definition, is not an act of aggression. Unless one is silently pummelling another person, (in which case, the physical assault and not the failure to speak is the source of the violence), then silence connotes restraint.

A “safe space” is “a place (as on a college campus) intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations”. These are reserved for the victim class which includes all who hold social power to cow dissenters into submission.

“Hate speech” is defined as “speech expressing hatred of a particular group of people”. This is problematic for several reasons. Aside from again being subjectively defined, the “particular group” that can be victims of hate speech presumes the make-up of the victim group and the potential perpetrator. I’ll give you a hint. The victims are the same ones that have reserved seating within the safe space and the antagonists are those who are excluded from these havens.

“Phantom honking” was the diagnoses applied to the residents of Ottawa “victimized” by the presence of the truckers. Take a moment to digest that, if you will. For there to be phantom honking, then by definition this means one is not being exposed to actual honking. This is a mere variation on “silence is violence.” Even “honk honk” as a slogan or meme was identified by one Liberal politician as invoking “Heil Hitler.”

Venturing even deeper into the realm of thought crime, charges of “dog whistles” are leveled against Christians and conservatives. This is exactly what it appears. A dog whistle can only be heard by leftists who see fit to project their contempt on those they already hold in scorn.

Each of these transgressions have one or more aspects in common.

  • Christians can only be victimizers and never victims
  • There is no evidentiary foundation required to authenticate their accusations
  • Subjective measures are granted the weight of objective authority
  • There is no way to disprove the allegations or de-legitimize the alligater
  • Institutions reinforce these core assumptions; offering mandatory trainings, creating policies, and legislating penalties against dissent
  • They come from a starting premise that Christianity is harmful and their secular worldview assumptions are laudable and to be venerated
  • The more seriously one takes their Christian faith, the greater peril they pose to society

Journey with me into the minefield of circular logic that turned Christianity into a threat to the safety of a society.

Stage 1: Criticize the Christian faith as too dogmatic and unsuitable for a diverse citizenry consisting of unbelievers and those of various faiths. Relying on a mutually beneficial standard of a separation of church and state, promise a new system that will allow for religious freedoms without the imposition of an ideological theocracy.

Stage 2: Present an alternative that is “values-neutral” and embraces everyone regardless of their particular worldview assumptions.

Stage 3: Use the “values-neutral” mantra to supplant any residual influence or accommodation for believers in Christianity; gradually moving from making prayer and Bible reading optional to removing it as more fitting for churches and families to do on their own. Public schools are re-framed as strictly for unbiased education detached from religious components that exclude those who don’t hold such beliefs.

Stage 4: Make Christianity a scapegoat for any real or perceived wrongdoings or evils of the past; promoting a more inclusive, tolerant, fairer, and restorative set of standards tote that people are taught will repair those victimized by the earlier system.

Stage 5: Inculcate an entirely new dogmatic worldview with inherent assumptions that negate and directly contradict the teachings and foundations of Christianity. This transitions us from the separation of church and state narrative to a national stance that people have the right to freedom from religion.

Stage 6: Using emotional arguments of historical disenfranchisement of certain groups and individuals, remake society under a more progressive way of thinking that we are assured will respect and provide a restorative philosophy where equality requires temporary measures to favour those marginalized by the imagined tyrannical patriarchal theocracy of the past.

Stage 7: Engage in a slow march through the institutions; establishing standards and curricula that create and stoke divisions based on identity politics and marginalizing those holding Christian values. This includes claiming authority to “rescue” children from the hateful ideologies of their parents with teachers assuming ultimate moral authority of the shaping the child’s worldview assumptions. Indoctrinate new hires in the new way of thinking while adopting hiring practises guaranteed to exclude those who embrace a Christian mindset.

Stage 8: Purge and criminalize those who hold to Christian virtues by creating a justice system based on social (unequal) justice based on showing preference for some over others. We now have a system that is structured to desacralize a nation. One might call it the antichrist system.

Don’t believe me? How is a black man or woman treated if they espouse Christian values and eschew affirmative action, critical race theory, and BLM? What is said of this demographic if they don’t believe prisons should be based on quota systems or that black criminals should get deferential treatment over whites who do the same thing? They are considered sell-outs and are labelled Uncle Toms or Oreos.

What if a woman rejects the lawful murder of children in the womb as immoral and a direct violation of their worth as God’s creation? Maybe they think that marriage is not a comfortable concentration camp – a term coined by feminist, Betty Friedan. Some may even prefer staying home to raise their own children rather than being paid to raise other women’s children or leaving their children in daycare to pursue their career ambitions. Such women are deemed to be traitors to the cause and not true women because they fail to live up to their potential. It couldn’t possibly be that they are embracing their honourable God ordained role of raising children up in the instruction of the Lord and protecting them from predators and false teachings. It is deemed irresponsible to deny kids their place on the hamster wheel of public education compliance.

This is the environment where Trinity Western University – a Christian institution – is forced to drop their code of conduct because it doesn’t contradict biblical teaching by favouring mandated secularism. This is soil in which a cake decorator, florist and photographer can be legally required to violate their core Christian convictions. This explains how those who claimed to defend the cause of women can insist that biological males can strip young ladies of the fruits of their years of disciplined athletic training and sacrifice.

Under this dystopian concoction, we can understand why there is a purity test for what constitutes news solely based on how well it comports with the narrative imposed by authoritarian leaders. This is what gave us a country where someone sharing their devastating story of vaccine injury or the loss of a loved one because of a forced injection is censored while “children’s books” that promote sexual perversions and drag show debauchery that would make Caligula blush and cause the Marquis de Sade to grumble: “You’re going to far” are not only offered in schools, but are mandated as part of the curriculum.

Only when God is ejected can a society deny women access to their own washrooms if they are not willing to be exposed to a mentally ill biological male or be ogled or assaulted by a male predator and the argument is that this is needed to keep “trans-females” (aka men) safe. Such deluded societies can legally compel citizens to contradict reality and biology by failing to use made up words like zir because zie feels pretty and is offended if you don’t play make-believe with zhem.

In such a post-Christian scenario, we see agitators taking over neighbourhoods, looting and burning down local businesses as celebrated social justice warriors. Conversely, the largest, most peaceful and diverse gathering in our nation’s history is labelled an occupation and government is excused for invoking war measures to punish these pacifists defending their basic freedoms and human rights; beating and trampling them into submission because they are allergic to tyranny.

If you want to know where such a reality is addressed in scripture, it is found in Isaiah 5:20 where it reads, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

Credit has been given to the twin pillars of the enlightenment and Christianity for moving society from the dark ages. Many atheists have insisted that, on the contrary, Christianity has been the last obstacle to be removed to allow true enlightenment to be fully realized. All the evidence I have provided demonstrates that one cannot be enlightened without being rooted in the reality of God. Sans such grounding, societies pervert reality to the point where rights, freedoms, and reason itself is sacrificed on the altar of absurdity and self-destruction.

For those who fear I’ve lost my place, know that safety has been at the vanguard of all the insanity that was to follow. Whether it be leftist women, minorities, those existing on the pride spectrum, unbelievers, anyone not part of the Judeo-Christian faith, or even pedophiles (as I addressed in my article here), the elevation of these identity groups has been promoted under the guise of safety. These groups and individuals need protection from Christ-followers and this justifies egregious attacks against our right to remain true to our faith.

Sure, we can lay the blame at the feet of those who pushed this anti-God agenda on our nation, but that would be way to simple. Never forget that government cannot force believers to abandon their humanity and live in fear based on submission to government diktats. As I am fond of pointing out, demons are gonna demonize. It’s what they do. This is why we are called to be in but not of the world. Our job is to stand against such efforts. Those who have spiritually fallen asleep have largely been implicitly or explicitly complicit in the decline of our western civilization.

We are essentially pioneers that helped usher in a new society. It is an inversion of the societal structure encapsulated by our neighbours to the north, based on the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. We have committed ourselves to abandon God in deference to of statists and authoritarians. We have been active or passive participants responsible for ushering in a civilizational reality where our persecution and/or martyrdom is guaranteed. That’s fine as long as we are up for the challenge; but this is highly unlikely when the church sees compliance and safety as the pinnacle of Christian virtue.

Currently, the suppression of Christian influence is touted as for the safety of minorities (under the woke and nouveau-woke labels of POC – People of Colour, and BiPOCs – Black indigenous People of Colour), men who demand access to women’s change rooms and the right to athletic dominance, women who want to kill their babies, thugs and murderers of antifa and BLM, etc. all need protection from the looming threat posed by those embracing the one and only God of grace and mercy. Christianity (God) is a threat, not because of what we do, but what we believe. Safety is the Rosetta stone that opens every door to their ideology while closing the doors of progressive churches and mouths of professing, but passive believers.

Since I have already covered much of the proven lies about the formulaic claim that state compliance = love thy neighbour, I will simply mention a couple of obvious aspects to kick out the last vestiges of that 2-legged stool.

First, a Pfizer representative admitted under oath that the drug was never tested to determine if it stops transmission. You can check out my breakdown of this testimony in my linked article, “Moving at the Speed of Corruption”, here. This means that no one’s personal choice on whether to follow any of the mandates (masking, social distancing, lockdowns, injections, closing churches, businesses, schools, gyms, etc.) was necessary and needlessly kept people isolated, fearful, despairing, and suicidal. It also means big pharma, governments, the media, and the heads of lettered health agencies all lied, not to keep people safe, but to stoke division, discord, and animus. As always, they set the trap and those claiming to be Christians took the bait.

Secondly, a meta-analysis of masks that encompassed 78 studies carried out by the Cochrane Review (the gold standard both of research and data collection) determined no mask (cloth, surgical, or N95) ever could stop the spread of the virus. Note that there were dozens of studies that were drawn from and 72 were done prior to Covid. This does not mean that there is insufficient data on whether or not masks stop Covid. It means that the “experts” who told us to mask up had all the data prior to their mandate proving these do not stop a virus, yet imposed the mandate anyway.

As a bonus, there has finally been an admission about a fact that has been known since man first learned about viruses – that natural immunity is superior. The actual concession was that natural immunity is at least as effective or more effective than injections. We know it is far more effective for several reasons:

  • It has always been known to be true, since genuine vaccines were created to mimic a natural infection through injecting an attenuated version. You don’t try to copy something not known to be effective and an imitation is never as good as the real thing.
  • The role of natural immunity was mocked and censored as a conspiracy theory despite it being known throughout the history of modern medicine. It should never have been dismissed given this fact and their belated admission shows how corrupt they were in hiding this fact. The evidence could no longer be blocked, so it was done with great reluctance.
  • Those pushing the needles have been silent as the data reveals that their product actually increases the likelihood of catching or dying from Covid. To be as good as the mRNA injections would impossibly mean you are more likely to catch Covid with natural immunity as well as the injections. This is clearly nonsense.
  • Jab propagandists have done their level best always to venerate the supremacy of injections for promoting health while marginalizing those not inoculated. Since their range for natural immunity effectiveness starts at comparing favourably with the ineffective jabs, they are trying to boost their reputation by comparing themselves favourably with the natural immunity they previously maligned. This prevents them from the similarly awkward scenario of defending an injection that ensures greater risk by taking it. Their range does not include the possibility that natural immunity could be less effective than the injections, only that they can be better. We can be fully assured this means natural immunity is vastly superior based on their clear bias and deception.

Dire as it is that Christians have fallen for the banana in the tailpipe of safety taking pre-eminence over bodily autonomy, the right to worship, and any number of God-given rights and responsibilities; the situation is even worse. We don’t even demand that the state prove their allegation. They need only shout “safety” in an increasingly less crowded church and the masses run for the exits.

Most of the Christian church should be forced to participate in a march of shame donning “I sacrificed the rights, freedoms, and bodily autonomy of myself and others while abandoning common sense, reason, friendships, family relations, health, and many lives by submitting to the state rather than God, and all I got was this lousy hairshirt”.


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