Jesus relates a series of parables likening heaven to farmer tending to his crops. The following example holds deep truths about these seasons of COVID:

“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, the weeds appeared also. And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.’”” – Matthew 13:24b-30

We are told that the weeds were planted while people slept. That suggests neglect and a lack of vigilance on the part of the farmer. The result poses a threat to the entire crop. Christians have allowed this condition to happen while we were in charge – just as Adam neglected the garden and consequently Satan had access to tempt Eve and draw a wedge between God and man based on deception.

Paul unleashes a series of truth bombs in this passage from Romans which tells us what motivates the enemy and what happens when God’s people fail to remain grounded.

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator – who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents, they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. – Romans 1:18-32

We are being told that the double conceit of the man who rejects God is that they become corrupt and delusional. They become unmoored from truth and virtue. I have become convinced that Christians who don’t see any malintent from those managing the response to the Coronavirus “pandemic” is due to a failure to grasp this reality. What we are watching is not an anomaly, but is the culmination of decades of infiltration and subversion to negate the spread and influence of Christian truth. This is the law of sowing and reaping.

So many of you are not yet convinced and that is precisely the purpose for this blog. There are two possibilities to explain what we are facing right now. Government has clearly not been hands-off, but has fully taken charge of our lives, interactions, freedoms, and bodily autonomy. This enforced and coercive restructuring of society is either what they claim – for the safety and protection of the citizenry, or, it is a usurpation of power to manage our lives for some unstated agenda.

The intent here is not to assign motives or project the endgame of adopting dictatorial controls, but only to demonstrate that evidence weighs heavily on the side of Machiavellian motivations toward nefarious ends.

Of course, there could be another explanation – this overreach is manifest in hubristic control, but is the result of a poorly executed endeavour based on guilelessness and good intentions. While there is little reassuring about this option, the notion that people could naively slide toward totalitarianism is a bridge to far for me. While I believe based on logic and experience that many lower-level participants in this farce blindly trust the wrong people based on their ideological bent, this could not possibly explain those pulling the strings.

In order to make my case, I will set out what I contend are reasonable standards for distinguishing between the competing explanations of health and safety vs a hegemonic power grab. This blog will summarize the journey we have been taken on since first hearing about a virus coming out of Wuhan. After forming the mosaic, I plan to address the logical incoherence of believing that those in charge are acting in our best interests – even if imperfectly. I will, in fact, demonstrate that malevolence is behind what is happening simply by applying the Socratic method to unearth the logical fallacies and inconsistencies. I welcome challenges to my rationale for assigning any attribution to each category. I’m also open to anyone questioning the veracity of my claims about what has taken place in real terms. Let’s get started:

If government enforcers and their allies were committed to public health, we should expect to see:

  • Detailed, ongoing and reliable data on how the virus is spread, who is most vulnerable, and in what circumstances
  • Strategies that prioritize those at greatest risk based on best medical information to ensure they are protected
  • Efforts to reduce fear and anxiety by dispelling and contextualizing information that would trigger anxiety and feed national or global panic.
  • PSAs would promote exercise, healthy eating, boosting intake of vitamins, advocating hygiene practises, and other factors that reduce susceptibility and increase natural immunity
  • Seek vast sources of medical recommendations to offer prophylactics shown to be efficacious in early treatment of infections
  • Offer recommendations regarding social contact that will serve to advise citizens on sensible health and safety practices for large and small gatherings
  • Clearly distinguish between levels of severity (asymptomatic cases, common symptoms, hospitalizations, deaths) and statistical information based on age, sex, and other relevant factors
  • Uniquely identify risks and health measures for pregnant women that consider the implications for the mother and child as a unit
  • Determine the efficacy of naturally acquired immunity and shape response to the virus accordingly
  • For those at low risk for experiencing major symptoms due to robust immune systems (common to children), permit controlled situations where such people might achieve natural immunity
  • Carry out antibody testing among those who have had the virus (including among populations where asymptomatic exposure is common) to determine level of herd immunity
  • If an untested vaccine becomes available, priority should be given to those most vulnerable and informed consent about the adverse events risks (short and long-term) as well as efficacy and allow the individual to decide based on a personal risk-benefit analysis
  • Allow private and public businesses to implement policies based on the level of risk they wish to take on and encourage them to set standards accordingly
  • Ensure that access to healthcare and essential public services are not cumbersome and set reasonable health and safety guidelines as needed
  • If untested approaches are introduced, they must be voluntary and evaluated by contrasting the efficacy in comparison with those not adopting these measures (i.e., mask wearing, vaccinations)
  • Where seasonality may be a factor, prepare the public to take additional precautions during those times to keep the spread under control
  • Take into account the emotional and psychological impact of any restrictions that may be needed to ensure that this is merely a trade-off between physical and mental health

If those in power are seeking to control and manage the population you will likely see:

  • Efforts are made to provoke fear and anxiety as this makes people more malleable and able to be manipulated
  • Isolate people from one another as it becomes much easier to prevent organized resistance to your schemes
  • Rely on talking points and fear-mongering through narratives divorced from facts and statistics; creating an environment where your assumptions are taken as true and that any dissent is “anti-science”
  • Gradually introduce increasingly draconian and punitive compliance requirements that teach people to submit either out of fear of their health or because the cost of defying a mandate can lead to fines and/or jail time
  • Control the message and censor any information that might undermine the propaganda you seek to brainwash the public with
  • Threaten, punish, mock, isolate and vilify those who might awaken those who have been influenced into blind obedience
  • Create divisions to engender social unrest and ensure that people are too divided to stand together against the common threat to their rights and freedoms
  • Selectively use the law to punish dissent from those who most threaten your monopoly on power – notably pastors of biblical churches who fear God more than man
  • Reward compliance and encourage people to see others as a threat rather than those pulling the strings
  • If possible, use those who buy into the fear and pressure campaign to become tools to further your agenda (through blaming, shaming, outing, dehumanizing, and otherwise turning these “enemies” into scapegoats and objects of scorn)
  • Turn the police into government enforcers rather than protectors of the public to weaponize them against lawful citizens so that they can be exploited to entrench top-down control
  • Incrementally construct a society that is dependent on the state for their needs and to direct what they are and are not allowed to do because the public has now turned over their will to a power structure that now manages their lives
  • Establish an infrastructure where your minions are in control of each sector of society and continue to squeeze the public; robbing them of the capacity or courage to oppose those on whom they depend for the morsels they need to survive

And now, a review of the facts that brought us from two years ago to our current status.


The world was being shaken by news of a novel coronavirus originating from a wet market in Wuhan China. Reports of deaths from this mystery virus were coming from around the world – hitting especially hard in Italy. There was palpable fear of the unknown threat and what should be done to contain the outbreak. There was a call to participate in a lockdown to “flatten the curve;” ensuring that hospitals would not be overwhelmed by a huge influx of cases.

At the end of this experimental shutdown, the plan shifted to “slowing the spread” with continuation of restrictions. Over time this resulted in more lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing, hyper sanitization habits, and restricting any large gatherings. A colour code system was adopted which dictated whether stores, gyms, boutique shops, counselling services, schools, churches, cottages, weddings, funerals, and even religious and family celebrations could take place and, if so, under what confines. Box stores, abortion services, cannabis, and liquor stores did not close. As the colour codes moved up, even box stores limited purchases to what were deemed essential items. In fact, government took up the task of determining what businesses – and consequently, what people – were or were not essential.

Increasingly, police were called out to enforce mask wearing, social distancing rules, and any violations of lockdown measures, social gatherings or even public protests against mandates. In Alberta – and now extending to other provinces – pastors were not only fined but arrested for holding services. Small business owners were heavily fined or also went to jail for opening without approval. Exceptions were made for protests in the U.S. and Canada for BLM, antifa, George Floyd vigils, and pro-Palestinian rallies.

There was also a notable shift in the reporting. We stopped hearing about deaths and hospitalizations from COVID, but were given case numbers which fueled the lockdown mandates. People with no symptoms were tested using a process known to guarantee high rates of false positives. Two or more cases in a setting with highly restrictive numbers of people permitted to attend (i.e., church services) were referred to as experiencing an “outbreak,” and this allowed for targeted lockdowns. Whenever there was a spike in the cases, people were admonished for not properly masking and social distancing; extending the high-level lockdowns until the public proved worthy of being granted an uptick in their freedoms.

In less than a year, several companies announced they had come up with a vaccine to stave off this pandemic. There was insufficient time to undergo proper testing and, we were assured, time was of the essence, so the “vaccines” were rolled out under emergency authorization; in essence, making all that took the inoculation into test subjects. Since these injections did not have FDA approval, the companies were under no obligation to provide a full list of the ingredients.

A massive “vax” campaign was initiated, starting with some of those in the highest priority situations (i.e., hospitals and nursing homes). This was quickly expanded to the general public. Due to challenges with acquiring many of the “vaccines” in a timely manner, timelines for jabs that required second injections often did not keep to the timelines recommended. Based on availability, different products were mixed and matched with no approval to do so by the producers of the inoculations. One of the “vaccines” was discovered to originate from an unsafe lab and due to health issues, was stopped – even though prior to the discontinuation, the public was encouraged to get the first available option.

Pressure to inoculate the entire country spread rapidly, even while an increasing number of stories were emerging about “vax” related injuries and deaths. We quickly blew past the adverse events that led to ending previous vaccines as these often-severe consequences far outpaced the number of adverse events from all vaccines combined over the past 30 years. Social media – with the complicity and encouragement of government – began to censor anyone speaking negatively against the inoculations or even those sharing their stories of vaccine injuries and deaths.

Early on, news was spreading about drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. These drugs, in combination with vitamins C, D, and zinc were reported to be highly effective in various parts of the world. Reporting on these prophylaxes was censored and doctors were warned or even lost their jobs or licenses for mentioning these early treatments. The hospitals instead adopted a protocol whereby those found to have COVID symptoms were sent home and were only seen when they were ill enough to be admitted into the hospital. Remdesivir was the drug provided for those in hospital despite its track record of causing kidney damage. The health of these patients declined quickly and they were often placed on ventilators which were almost a guarantee that they would not make it out of the hospital alive. Even when doctors attempted to administer the prophylactics, the hospitals did not permit them to be used and many pharmacies would not fill orders for these drugs that were known to be cheap, effective and safe. I myself have ordered Ivermectin from the U.S. almost 2 months ago and it has not arrived – doubtless being stopped at the border.

Meanwhile, pressure for the injections increased with penalties for those who refused to submit. Consequently, across North America, millions have been forced out of their jobs for refusing to comply. Anyone without proof of “vaccination” are restricted from travel, eating out, and going to large gatherings, and the list is growing. Some concessions have been made for those who took the jab, but even they are not fully participating members of society. For the most part, only the “vaxxed” have limited scenarios where they can go without a mask.

The reason for this bifurcated society is that the “unvaxxed” are viewed as disease-laden cauldrons of viral infection. They are ostracised and blamed solely for the spread of the virus – notably among the “vaccinated.” They are also pilloried for keeping society from being open since, if everyone did their part, society could be open again. Those who complied and those managing our lives and freedoms are working in tandem to pressure and ostracize the “others.” Meanwhile, it is now known that the efficacy of the “vaccines” is waning so severely that countries that were first to take the injection are now routinely more likely to catch the virus and be hospitalized. It is being discovered that huge numbers of those who get COVID after the injections are immunocompromised – meaning their natural immune systems are weak and ill-equipped to fight off infection. Booster shots are being rolled out and, in Canada, Justin Trudeau has already ordered 3 years’ worth of boosters. This is on top of those who are being injured (often with lifelong debilitating conditions) from the injections. This will become a game of Russian roulette with each new injection.

Worst of all is what is being done to children and young people. Mask wearing and social isolation is causing rates of depression, suicide and substance abuse to skyrocket. They are falling behind academically and children have become anxious about dying from a condition that they are most likely to barely even experience symptoms from. As of this writing, the few children who have died have been those with comorbidities. The risk of serious injury (notably myocarditis in male teens) is far greater from the injection than from catching COVID. In short, those who are the healthiest and who have the most robust immune systems are being pressured to get injections that increase the likelihood of health problems besides the emotional damage. Despite this, government is going full bore to lower the age for injections to 5 and by coaxing “vax” compliance with pro-vax propaganda at schools, bribes of food and candy, and without parental consent.

We have further learned that, while vaccines are supposed to remain at the site of the injections, these spike proteins travel through the body, (into the liver, kidney, heart, brain, etc.) most commonly concentrating in the ovaries and testes. Miscarriages and birth anomalies are increasing in number. We further know that the spike proteins are, of themselves, toxins and do not leave the body. This is the least troubling concerns about what these injections really contain.

My next article will raise questions based on these facts and others to delve into the implications of what is happening; what it means for individuals, society and our collective futures.


  1. Don Tyers says:

    Just an excellent summary Tom, of where we are today and, the Truth of what it means to those that Love the Lord Jesus Christ with all our hearts … it could not be more concise.

    Let us all be reminded to put on the whole Armour of God.

    Thanks for all you do!

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